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Everything posted by EvilPuncker

  1. update to latest revision
  2. I can't say anything better than this.
  3. yeah, my bad, I was still stuck in the past xD btw I've just found a Thor_Patcher[] version somewhere in my pc, got any idea of what it is?
  4. Sacrament here is working fine, but I have the same problem with howling of mandragora
  5. You gonna be accepted anyway, everyone is busy lately xD
  6. your client date doesn't matches the lua files date
  7. that was just an idea =D they can make it secure btw
  8. close map,login and char hope it is clear enough?
  9. I would like to suggest an in-game safe method to shutdown the server, my ideas for the command follows: @shutdown <time in minutes> so an admin would use for example @shutdown 5 then there will start a broadcast every 1 minute telling "Server is going down in X minutes, we will come back soon." and then it would kick all players then save them and finally close map,login and char servers. don't flame telling that it is possible to make it manually via X or Y way, my suggestion is that, if you don't like just leave since i'm not going to argue with anyone xd
  10. but 95% of the players are dumb enough to whine about it
  11. Sad then xd your patcher was the best to use before this
  12. lol, I was just about to post about removing some of them xd
  13. AFAIK fluxcp doesn't use #CASHPOINTS variable, that is why it comes with a NPC called DonationNPC.txt
  14. --------------------------------------- *escape_sql(<value>) Converts the value to a string and escapes special characters so that it is safe to use in query_sql(). Returns the escaped form of the given value. Example 1: set .@str$, "John's Laptop"; set .@esc_str$, escape_sql(.@name$); // Escaped string: John\'s Laptop ---------------------------------------
  15. just go to battle.c and change 99 to 150 then recompile to get rid off of that warning
  16. I suggest you to make another release beside it, with the aura system based on character variables or itemid if you accept ofcourse would be great!
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