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About Achhandrian

  • Birthday 07/31/1989

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  1. hmm i finally was able to start browedit but got the problem that the windows stays empty even if i load a new map any ideas ? there is no error message at all. just have a grey background.
  2. I need to modify the exe and stuff to translate this stuff? Oo thought there would maybe some txt files in the grf for it.....
  3. Ok, found it and was able to make my own waypoint now. thanks really much. two things that im now looking for is, how do i create the navigation path for the custom waypoints, the red line of arrow leading to the waypoint. and where can i translate the text that appears when i start a navigation? the screenshot attache shows the text i mean. i already looked through the grf file where i normaly find that stuff but its not there or im blind not sure.
  4. Thanks for your answer but it seems we are speaking from different waypoints. But i guess it was my mistake not making clear enough which waypoints. Meaning the ones leading to the stores and guards and stuff that came with renewal i think, made a screenshot to make clear what sort of waypoints i mean.
  5. After either google nor the the forum search could help me im hoping you guys can. Im looking for a way to create my own Custom waypoints on the minimap and remove some standard ones. In which god dam file can i find them? Hope im right in the scripting support area with that question. regards achhandrian
  6. can you maybe give me the line ?
  7. ok guys, i really need your help, im searching like crazy and cant find it. Where the hell can i find the formula of atk and matk in the src code to change it ?
  8. im really grateful it works now, finally.
  9. my charprefs table is empty if no one set his options to hide them, i tried inserting all chars manually but i doenst work. do you knwo where the cp asks the sql table for the data ? i thought about changing it to return null evrytime or something like this..... still searching the error......
  10. With giving you a rep ive looked into the cp_charprefs table. the default value is null. So you think my problem is that the table give the wrong value to the cp and then the cp thing the user char prefs are hidden if i get it right, sounds like a good idea, but the default value null should be the the option where it is shown right?
  11. Ok next, problem, as Admin i can see whos online but not as normal player. i think its one of these this time but i dont get what i missed this time. <?php // This file should control all access to specified modules and actions. return array( // Module/action permissions. // These are handled during runtime by Flux. // '*' is a default that is checked for any action that has not been // specified an access level. 'modules' => array( 'main' => array( '*' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'donate' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'notify' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'update' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'complete' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'history' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'trusted' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'purchase' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'clear' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'cart' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'checkout' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'remove' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'pending' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'itemshop' => array( 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'delete' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'imagedel' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'account' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'view' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'create' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'login' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'logout' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'transfer' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'xferlog' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'cart' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'changepass' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'changesex' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'confirm' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'resend' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'resetpass' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'resetpw' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'changemail' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'confirmemail' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'prune' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'character' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'view' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'online' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'prefs' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'changeslot' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'resetlook' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'resetpos' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'mapstats' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'divorce' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'guild' => array( 'emblem' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'export' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'view' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'castle' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'economy' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'auction' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM ), 'ranking' => array( 'character' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'guild' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'zeny' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'death' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'item' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'view' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'copy' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'monster' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'view' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'server' => array( 'status' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'status-xml' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'info' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'logdata' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'txnview' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'char' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'inter' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'command' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'branch' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'chat' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'login' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'mvp' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'npc' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'pick' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'zeny' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'cplog' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'paypal' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'login' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'resetpass' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'changepass' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'changemail' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'ban' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'ipban' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'ipban' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'unban' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'remove' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'service' => array( 'tos' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'captcha' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'install' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'reinstall' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'test' => array( '*' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'reload' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'mobskill' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'woe' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'mail' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'history' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'cplogin' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'gamelogin' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'emailchange' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'passchange' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'passreset' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ) ), // General feature permissions, handled by the modules themselves. 'features' => array( 'ViewAccount' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // View another person's account details. 'ViewAccountBanLog' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // View another person's account ban log. 'DeleteAccount' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // (not yet implemented) 'DeleteCharacter' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // (not yet implemented) 'SeeAccountPassword' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // If not using MD5, view another person's password in list. 'TempBanAccount' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Has ability to temporarily ban an account. 'TempUnbanAccount' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Has ability to remove a temporary ban on an account. 'PermBanAccount' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // Has ability to permanently ban an account. 'PermUnbanAccount' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // Has ability to remove a permanent ban on an account. 'SearchMD5Passwords' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Ability to search MD5'd passwords in list. 'ViewCharacter' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // View another person's character details. 'DivorceCharacter' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Divorce another character. 'AddShopItem' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Ability to add an item to the shop. 'EditShopItem' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Ability to modify a shop item's details. 'DeleteShopItem' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Ability to remove an item for sale on the shop. 'ViewGuild' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to view another guild's details. 'SearchWhosOnline' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, // Ability to search the "Who's Online" page. 'ViewOnlinePosition' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to see a character's current map on "Who's Online" page. 'EditAccountLevel' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to edit another person's account level. 'EditAccountBalance' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to edit another person's account balance. 'ModifyAccountPrefs' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to modify another person's account preferences. 'ModifyCharPrefs' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to modify another person's character preferences. 'IgnoreHiddenPref' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to see users on "Who's Online" page, hidden or not. 'IgnoreHiddenPref2' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to see users on "Who's Online" page, hidden by app config or not. 'SeeHiddenMapStats' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to see hidden map statistics. 'ChangeSlot' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Level required to change another character's slot. 'ModifyIpBan' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Level required to modify an existing IP ban. 'RemoveIpBan' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Level required to remove an existing IP ban. 'HideFromZenyRank' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to set "Hide from zeny ranking" pref. 'SeeItemDbScripts' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to see item_db scripts in view page. 'SeeItemDb2Scripts' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to see item_db2 scripts in view page. 'ViewRawTxnLogData' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Level required to view Raw Transaction Log in txnview page. 'ResetLook' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Level required to reset another character's look. 'ResetPosition' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Level required to reset another character's position. 'ViewWoeDisallowed' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Level required to bypass WoE-disabled page security check. 'SeeCpLoginLogPass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Level required to see password in CP login log (also requires CpLoginLogShowPassword in application.php) 'SearchCpLoginLogPw' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Level required to search through passwords in the CP login log. 'SeeCpResetPass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Level required to see passwords in CP log's "password resets" page. 'SearchCpResetPass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Level required to search passwords in CP log's "password resets" page. 'SeeCpChangePass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Level required to see passwords in CP log's "password changes" page. 'SearchCpChangePass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Level required to search passwords in CP log's "password changes" page. 'SeeAccountID' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Level required to see Account ID on account view and character view pages. 'SeeUnknownItems' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Level required to see unidentified items as identified. 'EditHigherPower' => AccountLevel::NOONE, 'BanHigherPower' => AccountLevel::NOONE ) ); ?> <?php // This is the application configuration file. All values have been set to // the default, and should be changed as needed. return array( 'ServerAddress' => 'http://new-legends-ro.de', // This value is the hostname:port under which Flux runs. (e.g., example.com or example.com:80) 'BaseURI' => '/cp', // The base URI is the base web root on which your application lies. 'InstallerPassword' => 'XXXXXXX', // Installer/updater password. 'RequireOwnership' => true, // Require the executing user to be owner of the FLUX_ROOT/data/ directory tree? (Better for security) // WARNING: This will be mostly IGNORED on non-POSIX-compliant OSes (e.g. Windows). 'DefaultLoginGroup' => null, 'DefaultCharMapServer' => null, 'DefaultLanguage' => 'en_us', // Specify the default control panel language (see FLUX_ROOT/lang/ directory for available languages.) 'SiteTitle' => 'New Legenda Ragnarok Online Control Panel', // This value is only used if the theme decides to use it. 'ThemeName' => 'default', // The theme name of the theme you would like to use. Themes are in FLUX_ROOT/themes. 'ScriptTimeLimit' => 0, // Script execution time limit. Specifies (in seconds) how long a page should run before timing out. (0 means forever) 'MissingEmblemBMP' => 'empty.bmp', // 'ItemIconNameFormat' => '%d.gif', // The filename format for item icons (defaults to {itemid}.gif). 'ItemImageNameFormat' => '%d.png', // The filename format for item images (defaults to {itemid}.png). 'ForceEmptyEmblem' => false, // Forcefully display empty guild emblems, helpful when you don't have GD2 installed. 'EmblemCacheInterval' => 12, // Hourly interval to re-cache guild emblems (set to 0 to disable emblem cache). 'SessionCookieExpire' => 48, // Duration in hours. 'AdminMenuLevel' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // The starting level for which module actions are moved into the admin menu for display. 'DateDefaultTimezone' => 'Europe/Berlin', // The default timezone, consult the PHP manual for valid timezones: http://php.net/timezones (null for defaut system TZ) 'DateFormat' => 'Y-m-d', // Default DATE format to be displayed in pages. 'DateTimeFormat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', // Default DATETIME format to be displayed in pages. 'ShowSinglePage' => true, // Whether or not to show the page numbers even if there's only one page. 'ResultsPerPage' => 20, // The number of results to display in a paged set, per page. 'PagesToShow' => 10, // The number of page numbers to display at once. 'PageJumpMinimumPages' => 1, // Minimum number of required pages before page jump box is shown. (0 to always show!) 'ShowPageJump' => true, // Whether or not to show the "Page Jump" box. 'SingleMatchRedirect' => true, // Whether or not to redirect to view action from index page if only one match is returned (and action is allowed). 'SingleMatchRedirectItem' => false, // Same as above, for item module. 'SingleMatchRedirectMobs' => false, // Same as above, for monster module. 'UsernameAllowedChars' => 'a-zA-Z0-9_', // PCRE Format Pattern. default: 'a-zA-Z0-9_' (alphanumeric and underscore) // WARNING: This string isn't escaped so be careful which chars you use! // PCRE Pattern Ref: http://php.net/manual/en/pcre.pattern.php 'MinUsernameLength' => 4, // Minimum username length. 'MaxUsernameLength' => 23, // Maximum username length. 'MinPasswordLength' => 8, // Minimum password length. 'MaxPasswordLength' => 31, // Maximum password length. 'RandomPasswordLength' => 16, // This is the length of the random password generated by the "Reset Password" feature. 'AllowDuplicateEmails' => false, // Whether or not to allow duplicate e-mails to be used in registration. (See Mailer config options) 'RequireEmailConfirm' => false, // Require e-mail confirmation during registration. 'RequireChangeConfirm' => false, // Require confirmation when changing e-mail addresses. 'EmailConfirmExpire' => 48, // E-mail confirmations expire hours. Unconfirmed accounts will expire after this period of time. 'MailerFromAddress' => '[email protected]', // The e-mail address displayed in the From field. 'MailerFromName' => 'NoReply', // The name displayed with the From e-mail address. 'MailerUseSMTP' => false, // Whether or not to use a separate SMTP server for sending mail. 'MailerSMTPUseSSL' => false, // Whether or not mailer should connect using SSL (yes for GMail). 'MailerSMTPUseTLS' => false, // Same as above SSL setting, but for TLS. This setting will override the SSL setting. 'MailerSMTPPort' => null, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: SMTP server port (mailer will default to 25). 'MailerSMTPHosts' => null, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: A string host or array of hosts (e.g., 'host1' or array('host1', 'backuphost')). 'MailerSMTPUsername' => null, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized username for SMTP server. 'MailerSMTPPassword' => null, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized password for SMTP server (for above user). 'ServerStatusCache' => 2, // Store a cached server status and refresh every X minutes. Default: 2 minutes (value is measured in minutes). 'ServerStatusTimeout' => 2, // For each server, spend X amount of seconds to determine whether it's up or not. 'SessionKey' => 'fluxSessionData', // Shouldn't be changed, just specifies the session key to be used for session data. 'DefaultModule' => 'main', // This is the module to execute when none has been specified. 'DefaultAction' => 'index', // This is the default action for any module, probably should leave this alone. (Deprecated) 'GzipCompressOutput' => false, // Whether or not to compress output using zlib. 'GzipCompressionLevel' => 9, // zlib compression level. (1~9) 'OutputCleanHTML' => true, // Use this if you have Tidy installed to clean your HTML output when serving pages. 'ShowCopyright' => true, // Whether or not to show the copyright footer. 'ShowRenderDetails' => true, // Shows the "page rendered in X seconds" and "number of queries executed: X" in the default theme. 'UseCleanUrls' => false, // Set to true if you're running Apache and it supports mod_rewrite and .htaccess files. 'DebugMode' => false, // Set to false to minimize technical details from being output by Flux. WARNING: DO NOT USE THIS OPTION ON A PUBLICALLY-ACCESSIBLE CP. 'UseCaptcha' => true, // Use CAPTCHA image for account registration to prevent automated account creations. (Requires GD2/FreeType2) 'UseLoginCaptcha' => false, // Use CAPTCHA image for account logins. (Requires GD2/FreeType2) 'EnableReCaptcha' => false, // Enables the use of reCAPTCHA instead of Flux's native GD2 library (http://www.google.com/recaptcha) 'ReCaptchaPublicKey' => '...', // This is your reCAPTCHA public key [REQUIRED FOR RECAPTCHA] (sign up at http://www.google.com/recaptcha) 'ReCaptchaPrivateKey' => '...', // This is your reCAPTCHA private key [REQUIRED FOR RECAPTCHA] (sign up at http://www.google.com/recaptcha) 'ReCaptchaTheme' => 'white', // ReCaptcha theme to use (see: http://code.google.com/apis/recaptcha/docs/customization.html#Standard_Themes) 'DisplaySinglePages' => true, // Whether or not to display paging for single page results. 'ForwardYears' => 15, // (Visual) The number of years to display ahead of the current year in date inputs. 'BackwardYears' => 30, // (Visual) The number of years to display behind the current year in date inputs. 'ColumnSortAscending' => ' â–²', // (Visual) Text displayed for ascending sorted column names. 'ColumnSortDescending' => ' â–¼', // (Visual) Text displayed for descending sorted column names. 'CreditExchangeRate' => 1.0, // The rate at which credits are exchanged for dollars. 'MinDonationAmount' => 2.0, // Minimum donation amount. (NOTE: Actual donations made that are less than this account won't be exchanged) 'DonationCurrency' => 'USD', // Preferred donation currency. Only donations made in this currency will be processed for credit deposits. 'MoneyDecimalPlaces' => 2, // (Visual) Number of decimal places to display in amount. 'MoneyThousandsSymbol' => ',', // (Visual) Thousandths place separator (a period in European currencies). 'MoneyDecimalSymbol' => '.', // (Visual) Decimal separator (a comma in European currencies). 'AcceptDonations' => true, // Whether or not to accept donations. 'PayPalIpnUrl' => 'www.sandbox.paypal.com', // The URL for PayPal's IPN responses (www.paypal.com for live and www.sandbox.paypal.com for testing) 'PayPalBusinessEmail' => 'admin@localhost', // Enter the e-mail under which you have registered your business account. 'PayPalReceiverEmails' => array( // These are the receiver e-mail addresses who are allowed to receive payment. //'admin2@localhost', // -- This array may be empty if you only use one e-mail //'admin3@localhost' // -- because your Business Email is also checked. ), 'GStorageLeaderOnly' => false, // Only allow guild leader to view guild storage rather than all members? 'DivorceKeepChild' => false, // Keep child after divorce? 'DivorceKeepRings' => false, // Keep wedding rings after divorce? 'IpWhitelistPattern' => // PCRE Format Pattern. It's recommended you add your gameserver, webserver and server owner's IPs here. '(127\.0\.0\.1|0(\.[0\*]){3})', // WARNING: This string isn't escaped so be careful which chars you use! // By default, whitelists (localhost) and (all interfaces; whitelists all wildcard bans that can achive this too) 'AllowIpBanLogin' => false, // Allow logging into account from banned IP. 'AllowTempBanLogin' => false, // Allow logging in of temporarily banned accounts. 'AllowPermBanLogin' => false, // Allow logging in of permanently banned accounts. 'AutoRemoveTempBans' => true, // Automatically remove expired temporary bans on certain pages. 'ItemShopMaxCost' => 99, // Max price an item can be sold for. 'ItemShopMaxQuantity' => 99, // Max quantity the item may be sold at once for. 'HideFromWhosOnline' => 65, // Levels greater than or equal to this will be hidden from the "Who's Online" page. 'HideFromMapStats' => 65, // Levels greater than or equal to this will be hidden from the "Map Stats" page. 'ChargeGenderChange' => 999, // You can specify this as the number of credits to charge for gender change. Can be 0 for free change. 'BanPaymentStatuses' => array( // Payment statuses that will automatically ban the account owner if received. 'Cancelled_Reversal', // -- 'Cancelled_Reversal' 'Reversed', // -- 'Reversed' ), 'HoldUntrustedAccount' => 0, // This is the time in hours to hold a donation crediting process for, if the account // isn't a trusted account. Specify 0 or false to disable this feature. 'AutoUnholdAccount' => false, // Enable this to auto-unhold an account and credit it if the transaction is still // valid. This only applies if you are using the HoldUnstrustedAccount feature. // If you want to run a cron job instead, you can make a request to the '/donate/update' // module/action with the InstallerPassword as the password to run the update task. // With clean URLs: http://<server>/<baseURI>/donate/update?password=<InstallerPassword> // Without clean URLs: http://<server>/<baseURI>?module=donate&action=update&password=<InstallerPassword> // NOTE: This option is HIGHLY inefficient, it's recommended to run a cron job instead. 'AutoPruneAccounts' => false, // Enable this to automatically prune expired accounts. Enabling this is a performance // performance killer. See 'AutoUnholdAccount' for running this task as a cron job, // the module is 'account' and the action is 'prune'. // With clean URLs: http://<server>/<baseURI>/account/prune?password=<InstallerPassword> // Without clean URLs: http://<server>/<baseURI>?module=account&action=prune&password=<InstallerPassword> 'ShopImageExtensions' => array( // These are the image extensions allowed for uploading in the item shop. 'png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'bmp', 'jpeg' ), 'NoResetPassLevel' => AccountLevel::HELPER, // Level of account to prevent password reset using control panel. 'CharRankingLimit' => 20, // 'GuildRankingLimit' => 20, // 'ZenyRankingLimit' => 20, // 'DeathRankingLimit' => 20, // 'RankingHideLevel' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // 'InfoHideZenyLevel' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Level of account to hide zeny from in server information page. 'CharRankingThreshold' => 0, // Number of days the character must have logged in within to be listed in character ranking. (0 = disabled) 'ZenyRankingThreshold' => 0, // Number of days the character must have logged in within to be listed in zeny ranking. (0 = disabled) 'DeathRankingThreshold' => 0, // Number of days the character must have logged in within to be listed in death ranking. (0 = disabled) 'HideTempBannedCharRank' => false, // Hide temporarily banned characters from ranking. 'HidePermBannedCharRank' => true, // Hide permanently banned characters from ranking. 'HideTempBannedZenyRank' => false, // Hide temporarily banned characters from ranking. 'HidePermBannedZenyRank' => true, // Hide permanently banned characters from ranking. 'HideTempBannedDeathRank' => false, // Hide temporarily banned characters from ranking. 'HidePermBannedDeathRank' => true, // Hide permanently banned characters from ranking. 'HideTempBannedStats' => false, // Hide temporarily banned accounts from statistics. 'HidePermBannedStats' => true, // Hide permanently banned accounts from statistics. 'SortJobsByAmount' => false, // Sort job class information on statistics page by descending quantity (false = Sort by Job ID). 'CpLoginLogShowPassword' => false, // Show password in CP login log (also see access.php's SeeCpLoginLogPass). 'CpResetLogShowPassword' => false, // Show password in CP "password resets" log (also see access.php's SeeCpResetPass). 'CpChangeLogShowPassword' => false, // Show password in CP "password changes" log (also see access.php's SeeCpChangePass). 'AdminMenuNewStyle' => false, // Use new-style admin menu; Applies to 'default' theme. // These are the main menu items that should be displayed by themes. // They route to modules and actions. Whether they are displayed or // not at any given time depends on the user's account level and/or // their login status. 'MenuItems' => array( 'Main Menu' => array( 'Home' => array('module' => 'main'), 'Forums' => array('exturl' => 'http://www.new-legends-ro.de/phpBB3/'), ), 'Account' => array( 'Register' => array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'create'), 'Login' => array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'login'), 'Logout' => array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'logout'), //'History' => array('module' => 'history'), 'My Account' => array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'view'), ), 'Donations' => array( //'Purchase' => array('module' => 'purchase'), //'Donate' => array('module' => 'donate'), ), 'Information' => array( 'Server Info.' => array('module' => 'server', 'action' => 'info'), 'Server Status' => array('module' => 'server', 'action' => 'status'), 'WoE Hours' => array('module' => 'woe'), 'Castles' => array('module' => 'castle'), "Who's Online" => array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'online'), //'Map Statistics'=> array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'mapstats'), 'Ranking Info.' => array('module' => 'ranking', 'action' => 'character'), ), 'Database' => array( //'Item Database' => array('module' => 'item'), //'Mob Database' => array('module' => 'monster'), ), 'Misc. Stuff' => array( 'eA Logs' => array('module' => 'logdata'), 'CP Logs' => array('module' => 'cplog'), 'IP Ban List' => array('module' => 'ipban'), 'Accounts' => array('module' => 'account'), 'Characters' => array('module' => 'character'), 'Guilds' => array('module' => 'guild'), //'Reload' => array('module' => 'reload'), 'Send Mail' => array('module' => 'mail'), 'Re-Install' => array('module' => 'install', 'action' => 'reinstall'), //'Auction' => array('module' => 'auction'), //'Economy' => array('module' => 'economy'), ) ), // Sub-menu items that are displayed for any action belonging to a // particular module. The format it simple. 'SubMenuItems' => array( 'history' => array( 'gamelogin' => 'Game Logins', 'cplogin' => 'CP Logins', 'emailchange'=> 'E-Mail Changes', 'passchange' => 'Password Changes', 'passreset' => 'Password Resets' ), 'account' => array( 'index' => 'List Accounts', 'view' => 'View Account', 'changepass' => 'Change Password', 'changemail' => 'Change E-mail', //'changesex' => 'Change Gender', //'transfer' => 'Transfer Credits', //'xferlog' => 'Credit Transfer History', //'cart' => 'Go to Shopping Cart', 'login' => 'Login', 'create' => 'Register', 'resetpass' => 'Reset Password', 'resend' => 'Resend E-mail Confirmation' ), 'guild' => array( 'index' => 'List Guilds', 'export' => 'Export Guild Emblems' ), 'server' => array( //'status' => 'View Status', //'status-xml' => 'View Status as XML' ), 'logdata' => array( //'char' => 'Characters', //'inter' => 'Interactions', 'command' => 'Commands', //'branch' => 'Branches', //'chat' => 'Chat Messages', 'login' => 'Logins', //'mvp' => 'MVP', //'npc' => 'NPC', //'pick' => 'Item Picks', //'zeny' => 'Zeny' ), 'cplog' => array( 'paypal' => 'PayPal Transactions', 'login' => 'Logins', 'resetpass' => 'Password Resets', 'changepass' => 'Password Changes', 'changemail' => 'E-mail Changes', 'ban' => 'Account Bans', 'ipban' => 'IP Bans' ), 'reload' => array( 'mobskill' => 'Mob Skills' ), 'purchase' => array( 'index' => 'Shop', 'cart' => 'Go to Cart', 'checkout' => 'Checkout', 'clear' => 'Empty Cart', 'pending' => 'Pending Redemption' ), 'donate' => array( 'index' => 'Make a Donation', 'history' => 'Donation History', 'trusted' => 'Trusted PayPal E-mails' ), 'ipban' => array( 'index' => 'IP Ban List', 'add' => 'Add IP Ban' ), 'ranking' => array( 'character' => 'Character Ranking', 'guild' => 'Guild Ranking', 'zeny' => 'Zeny Ranking', //'death' => 'Death Ranking' ), 'item' => array( 'index' => 'List Items', 'add' => 'Add Item' ) ), 'AllowMD5PasswordSearch' => false, 'ReallyAllowMD5PasswordSearch' => false, // Are you POSITIVELY sure? // Specifies which modules and actions should be ignored by Tidy // (enabled/disabled by the OutputCleanHTML option). 'TidyIgnore' => array( array('module' => 'captcha'), array('module' => 'guild', 'action' => 'emblem') ), // Job classes, loaded from another file to avoid cluttering this one. // There isn't normally a need to modify this file, unless it's been // modified in an update. (In English: DON'T TOUCH THIS.) 'JobClasses' => include('jobs.php'), 'JobClassIndex' => array_flip(include('jobs.php')), // Homunculus class IDs and their corresponding names. // Best not to mess with this either. 'HomunClasses' => include('homunculus.php'), // Item Types with their corresponding names. // Shouldn't touch this either. 'ItemTypes' => include('itemtypes.php'), // Specil Item Types with their corresponding names (For Weapons & Ammo by default). // Shouldn't touch this either. 'ItemTypes2' => include('itemtypes2.php'), // Common Equip Location Combinations with their corresponding names. // Shouldn't touch this unless you've added custom combinations. 'EquipLocationCombinations' => include('equip_location_combinations.php'), // Error Code -> Error Type mapping. // Shouldn't need touching, however modifying loginerrors.php should be relatively safe. 'LoginErrors' => include('loginerrors.php'), // eA equip jobs mapping. 'EquipJobs' => include('equip_jobs.php'), // eA equip locations mapping. 'EquipLocations' => include('equip_locations.php'), // eA equip upper mapping. 'EquipUpper' => include('equip_upper.php'), // eA monster races mapping. 'MonsterRaces' => include('races.php'), // eA elements mapping. 'Elements' => include('elements.php'), // eA attributes mapping. 'Attributes' => include('attributes.php'), // eA monster modes mapping. 'MonsterModes' => include('monstermode.php'), // Item shop categories. 'ShopCategories' => include('shopcategories.php'), // Item pick types. 'PickTypes' => include('picktypes.php'), // Castle names. 'CastleNames' => include('castlenames.php'), // DON'T TOUCH. THIS IS FOR DEVELOPERS. 'FluxTables' => array( 'CreditsTable' => 'cp_credits', 'CreditTransferTable' => 'cp_xferlog', 'ItemShopTable' => 'cp_itemshop', 'TransactionTable' => 'cp_txnlog', 'RedemptionTable' => 'cp_redeemlog', 'AccountCreateTable' => 'cp_createlog', 'AccountBanTable' => 'cp_banlog', 'IpBanTable' => 'cp_ipbanlog', 'DonationTrustTable' => 'cp_trusted', 'AccountPrefsTable' => 'cp_loginprefs', 'CharacterPrefsTable' => 'cp_charprefs', 'ResetPasswordTable' => 'cp_resetpass', 'ChangeEmailTable' => 'cp_emailchange', 'LoginLogTable' => 'cp_loginlog', 'ChangePasswordTable' => 'cp_pwchange' ), // Do not change these unless you also rename the files in FLUX_ROOT/lib/eA/ 'MobSkillDb1' => FLUX_ROOT.'/lib/eA/mob_skill_db.txt', 'MobSkillDb2' => FLUX_ROOT.'/lib/eA/mob_skill_db2.txt', // This is the combined file of the Mob Skill DBs minus the comments and clutter. 'MobSkillDb' => FLUX_ROOT.'/lib/eA/mob_skills.txt' ); ?>
  12. thanks, was looking for the table structure right now, works now. but still a riddle why it hasnt be installed automatically..... works now
  13. i dont have this table( cp_charprefs) i only got this tables: there is cp_loginprefs but as you can see its empty... but i see i should have this table hmmm, this could be my mistaker i will search it.... edit: reinstalled cp still missing this table, but at reinstalling it says it is already installed Oo
  14. at the moment there are three players online, me as admin and two normal lvl 0 players. cp/config/acess.php 'prefs' => AccountLevel::NOONE, the prefs are disabled for everyone an the sql table for the prefs is empty.as far as i can see. i think its saved in cp_loginprefs and this table is empty... 'HideFromWhosOnline' => 55, // Levels greater than or equal to this will be hidden from the "Who's Online" page. 'HideFromMapStats' => 1, // Levels greater than or equal to this will be hidden from the "Map Stats" page. if i would have an error i could work with it, i know php, but it seems to me i simply missing some option.
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