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Everything posted by Pneuma

  1. it means you didnt diff it right
  2. Why does the data folder stuff come with that weird skin now?
  3. The 2011 clients have that issue; its a missing hexcode in the client~ I think its fixed in the 2012 ones
  4. Holy shi~~~~~~~ Dude, I love the new navi system! Paths show up!
  5. You got the iRO name for it x3 You need a different msgstring table thing I'll upload a good one for you
  6. Why not just make a new box? Its not that hard :/ I have made 3 custom boxes that do not use this method
  7. I dont think clients will support to 6000...I think the most they will support is 4000 at most
  8. I thought it was Mojo Jojo?
  9. Um...The out of client mouse thing isn't with the client >.> its a .dll file; unless they changed that
  10. Why are you trying to make that wing a custom? Its already an official item
  11. eAthena is dead and the eAthena Project is dead. rAthena is the new project
  12. The client/server reads it as a script starter and if you have it in your inventory when you die, a new option will appear on your esc menu asking "Ressurection" and when you click it, it'll ress you on the spot.
  13. Hmm...Seems all good but the whole stat thing might mess some people up.
  14. Mmm...I wanna try to make a new headgear. I'll need some help from Adel and Unmei~

  15. The script for the item is actually located in the source code
  16. Thats a shared file :/ you need to stop sharing it and have it show no lock and then delete it. Also, please dont ask how to delete non-RO files >.>
  17. Hm...Why not just use getgmlvl? instead of using query? if(getgmlvl == 1){ set .qty,2;} else { set .qty,0;} getitem getarg(2), getarg(3)+.qty, getd(getarg(0) + "[" + .@i + "]"); As for why the item cant be given is because in this script you've pasted; the Item ID is no where to be found so "getarg(2)" becomes 0. In terms; You must define the itemID and the quantity inorder for the "getitem" to beable to fully work
  18. datatexturescr_logo.bmp Doesnt matter what size but must be .bmp; treat it like any other
  19. set mapflags for noteleport/nowarp and others and have any account level 99 saved to that map and um...I think you can set the level to beable to warp out
  20. Yeah, Its called /aura /effect and /aura is a client modification so its client side so no matter what you cant force a player to keep /aura on/off or even /effect
  21. Pneuma

    Item effects

    Use this program; It has ALOT of scripts and tells you how to use them; its a very easy program to use and I've used it for years http://www.mediafire.com/?3t5jdmmddno Credits go to the correct creator of the program
  22. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>sakray</servertype> <connection> <display>Nebula RO</display> <balloon>HOVER BALLOON</balloon> <desc>DESCRIPTION</desc> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>26</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <registrationweb></registrationweb> <aid> <admin></admin> <yellow></yellow> </aid> </connection> </clientinfo> ' Try this clientinfo.xml Also, dont forget to remove _M after the 2nd time logging in; ALSO~ Make sure you have _M/_F Registry enabled
  23. I think you should release them~ Or atleast choose who you would like to use your work I know I would~ even give you credit in the screens x3
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