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Everything posted by Pneuma

  1. Lua Files 514 and the rathena url to diff a client Please and thank you Can anyone help? I need the LUA files for 2-12-2012b and the link to diff a client for that date
  2. So since i'm using a new SVN; It should be okay?
  3. brasilis,258,60,0 script School of Fish#01::fishing 844,{ setarray .EquipID,2764,23005,23006,23007; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .EquipID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) { if( (isequipped(.EquipID[.@i])) && (isequipped(2775)) ) specialeffect2 EF_BUBBLE; set .@fcast,15; if (isequipped(2764)) { //Small_Fishing_Rod set .@fcast,.@fcast - 3; } if (isequipped(23005)) { //Medium_Fishing_Rod set .@fcast,.@fcast - 5; } if (isequipped(23006)) { //Large_Fishing_Rod set .@fcast,.@fcast - 7; } if (isequipped(23007)) { //Master_Fishing_Rod set .@fcast,.@fcast - 10; } if (isequipped(2775)) { //Lure set .@fcast,.@fcast - 1; } progressbar "ffffff",.@fcast; if (rand(1,30) == 2) { getitem 6096,1; //Blue Fish specialeffect EF_BUBBLE; mapannounce "brasilis","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught a Blue Fish!",bc_map,"0x0033FF"; end; } if (rand(1,50) == 3) { getitem 23002,1; //Green Fish specialeffect EF_BUBBLE; mapannounce "brasilis","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught a Green Fish!",bc_map,"0x006600"; end; } if (rand(1,150) == 4) { getitem 23003,1; //Red Fish specialeffect EF_BUBBLE; mapannounce "brasilis","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught a Red Fish!",bc_map,"0x990000"; end; } if (rand(1,200) == 5) { getitem 23004,1; //Gold Fish specialeffect EF_BUBBLE; mapannounce "brasilis","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught a Gold Fish!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; end; } set .@rhea_ran,rand(1,70); if (.@rhea_ran < 20) { getitem 579,1; //Fresh Fish } else if (.@rhea_ran == 20) { getitem 908,1; //Spawn } else if (.@rhea_ran == 21) { getitem 909,1; //Jellopy } else if (.@rhea_ran == 22) { getitem 963,1; //Sharp_Scale } else if (.@rhea_ran == 23) { getitem 956,1; //Gill } else if (.@rhea_ran == 24) { getitem 6049,1; //Marlin } else if (.@rhea_ran == 25) { getitem 918,1; //Sticky_Webfoot } else if (.@rhea_ran == 26) { getitem 960,1; //Nipper } else if (.@rhea_ran == 27) { getitem 910,1; //Garlet } else if (.@rhea_ran == 28) { getitem 938,1; //Sticky_Mucus } else if ((.@rhea_ran > 28) && (.@rhea_ran < 40)) { getitem 624,1; //Rotten Fish } else { mes "Nothing was caught."; close; } if (rand(1,200) == 3) { getitem 12103,1; //Bloody Branch mapannounce "brasilis","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught a Bloody Branch!",bc_map,"0xCC0000"; } end;} } else { mes "Fish are swimming in the water."; close; } } [/codeBOX] I need help proofing this from abuse with WPE/RPE .-.; Apparently the progressbar command is bugged...
  4. Basically...you use if(countitem()); delitem getitem in seperate sections
  5. Thanks; I suck at call function xD
  6. I'd like to have a call function version of the stylist NPC so when they use an item it calls up the Stylist NPC; Just using the basic Stylist NPC that comes with rAthena
  7. Thats done with scripting within the item script... using commands such as if();
  8. Well...I dont know about except town...but you can use a simple OnPcLogin; and have it use @return
  9. Pneuma


    make a basic armor and for the OnEquip script; make it "disguise ID;" then on OnUnequip "undisguise;"
  10. Why would you want to decrease the delay? If anything Acid Demonstration should have atleast a 1-2 second delay because on Renewal that skill is OP. To reduce the EDP you need to find the formula in the source files for skills and change the multiplier/base damage increase
  11. Very Nice, wish I could test it Why not put a video up for it?
  12. Thats the one he has Emistry; but he's having problems with the colors; it wont let him rent one
  13. Your client must not support the dragon colors or your server files...so try doing this; Not tested but it should work
  14. Byakuran...Don't I know you from Elysium RO? anyways I dont think Custom Jobs are fully supported by the clients just yet
  15. Open as Administrator everytime or it wont save.
  16. Zola, that script doesnt need to be fixed. Just make a shop Wolf Flute
  17. Use the Shin Diff patcher and patch your client to support above 2000view ID. and max mob up to 4000
  18. Your view ID is too high. Change it to like 1500
  19. The picture that shows in your inventory is the .bmp but the image that shows when you move it is the .spr/.act
  20. -points to Topic Title- Wrong date guys.
  21. Thats a ripped class sprite from Ragnarok Online DS(Nintendo DS)
  22. I can somewhat decode this Layer = sprite name group = which group of npcs type = which type of npc textcnt = texture count( how many textures are in the file) texname = Texture file name anikeynum = Animation Key Number(dont know ;o) frame = which fram of the sprite to use aniframe = I'm guessing Animated Frame? anitype = animation type delay = delay of time between switching frames? EDIT:// Lol..my bad I didnt realize that it was already decoded into understandable english xD
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