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Everything posted by Emistry

  1. Well, if you dont know what you have changed in your custom svn.. try use software to compare both svn files.. i think tortoiseSVN have this function.. or Notepad++ ( Check 1 by 1 )
  2. == ? i guess....the showevent command should be triggered by a players... by.....enter certain area ? loaded the map ? clicked the NPC ? just a simple command usage on this, showevent 1,0; // Exclamation Emotiom showevent 2,0; // Interrorgation Emotion how come will link to such "Quest" System ?? ?? you can use those Label to trigger it OnPCLoadMapEvent OnTouch Etc
  3. add this line under the OnPCDieEvent Label set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS - 1; dispbottom "Lost 1 Cash Point.";
  4. manabeast has answered your problem in his post#4 =='' you didnt replace the HEADER SPACING with TAB after you just copy and paste the script into your server and load it
  5. Emistry

    @go command

    for Random Spot.... i not sure will this be the correct way... x = y = 0; pc_setpos(sd, sd->mapindex, x, y, CLR_TELEPORT); sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(5), sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y);
  6. hmm ? i cant get what you mean here ? based on the picture...it shown that you have successfully added it ? == ?? then what else problem ? please be specify ~
  7. try this prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 718,{ setarray .CoinID, 677, 671, 675, 674; setarray .Zeny, 500000000, 100000000, 50000000, 1000000; while( 1 ){ mes "What service you want ?"; next; switch( select("Zeny to Coin:Coin to Zeny") ){ Case 1: mes "What Coin you want ?"; set .@CoinMenu$,""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+" : ^FF0000"+.Zeny[.@i]+"^000000 Zeny"; set .@CoinMenu$,.@CoinMenu$ + getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+":"; } set .@Coin,select( .@CoinMenu$ ) - 1; next; mes "Selected : ^00FF00"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000"; if( Zeny < .Zeny[.@Coin] ){ mes "It seem like you didnt have Enough Zeny for this."; next; break; } mes "You can exchange to ^FF0000"+( Zeny / .Zeny[.@Coin] )+" ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 ."; mes "How many ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 do you want ?"; input @Amount,0,( Zeny / .Zeny[.@Coin] ); if( !@Amount ) close; mes "You gained "+@Amount+" ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000."; set Zeny,Zeny - ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] ); getitem .CoinID[.@Coin],@Amount; next; break; Case 2: mes "Which Coin ?"; set .@CoinMenu$,""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+" : ^FF0000"+countitem( .CoinID[.@i] )+"^000000 Available"; set .@CoinMenu$,.@CoinMenu$ + getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+":"; } do{ set .@Coin,select( .@CoinMenu$ ) - 1; }while( !countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] ) ); next; mes "Selected : ^00FF00"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000"; mes "You can exchange ^0000FF"+countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+" "+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 to ^FF0000"+( countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] ) * .Zeny[.@Coin] )+"^000000 Zeny."; mes "How many ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 do you want to change into Zeny ?"; input @Amount,0,( ( 1000000000 - Zeny ) / .Zeny[.@Coin] ); if( !@Amount ) close; mes "You gained "+( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] )+" Zeny."; delitem .CoinID[.@Coin],@Amount; set Zeny,Zeny + ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] ); next; break; } } }
  8. this will keep override the current time counting upon the same monster in killed in other map..... still...the best way is using the normal Permanent Monster Spawn way.... mapnam,0,0,0,0 monster Poring 1963,50,0,0,0
  9. try this.... prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 718,{ mes "Which you wanna exchange ?"; next; if( select("Silver Coin to Gold Coin:close") == 2 ) close; mes "Exchange Rate :"; mes "^FF00001 Silver Coin = 1,000,000 Zeny^000000"; if( !countitem(675) ) close; mes "You have ^0000FF"+countitem(675)+"^000000 Silver Coin, can exchange for ^0000FF"+( 1000000*countitem(675) )+"^000000 Zeny."; mes "How many ^0000FFSilver Coin^000000 you want to exchange to Zeny. ??"; input @Amount,0,countitem(675); next; mes "Thank you, you have exchanged ^0000FF"+( @Amount )+"^000000 Silver Coin into ^0000FF"+( @Amount * 1000000 )+"^000000 Zeny."; delitem 675,@Amount; set Zeny,Zeny + ( 1000000 * countitem(675) ); close; } next time, please provide more detail on this....nvr request a script by mention just few lines of words.....
  10. i guess,..the problem is here that is Permanent Spawn Monster script...but i dont think it will works in a "NPC Script" or "Function" However, based on this script....it will Work.... but it wont summon upon it died....and why use ( Global Variable "$i" ) ?? so, based on your script, i have made another one... - script Sample -1,{ OnInit: OnMinute00: setarray .Maps$, "prontera", "veins", "xmas", "yuno"; for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Maps$ ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ if( !mobcount( .Maps$[.@i],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKilled" ){ monster .Maps$[.@i],0,0,"--ja--",1963,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKilled"; } } end; OnMobKilled: dispbottom "You have killed the Monster, and it will spawn back at next Hours."; end; } In this script, the monster will spawn Hourly, it will check for the Monster before they spawn... it the monster is already exists, it wont spawn another new 1... just some flaw i think might have... if the player killed the monster at XX:59 ( 59 Minutes , 1 Minutes for next Hours ) , it will spawn the monster after the "Next" Hours is reached.
  11. for me..your posts is not informative..and quite blur about several section... so i just assume the script work like prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 718,{ mes "You have ^FF0000"+#CASHPOINTS+" Cash Points^000000."; set .@i,select("Death Match:Battle Room:Guild vs Guild"); warp .MapName$[.@i],0,0; end; OnInit: setarray .MapName$[0],"guild_vs1","guild_vs2","guild_vs3"; end; OnPCDieEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == .MapName$[0] || strcharinfo(3) == .MapName$[1] || strcharinfo(3) == .MapName$[2] ){ message strcharinfo(0),"You died and will be revived."; sleep2 500; atcommand "@Alive"; warp .MapName$[0],0,0; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == .MapName$[0] || strcharinfo(3) == .MapName$[1] || strcharinfo(3) == .MapName$[2] ){ if( killedrid != getcharid(2) ){ set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+1; dispbottom "Gained 1 Cash Points . Total = "+#CASHPOINTS; } } end; } guild_vs1 mapflag pvp guild_vs2 mapflag pvp guild_vs1 mapflag gvg
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