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Everything posted by Aries

  1. Thanks for reporting. @CyberDevil you can now try the new version from https://bitbucket.org/ariesdelossantos/vending_ext/downloads/ Please help test the fix
  2. Yes it should be, I'm currently running php-fpm 7.1 with NGINX and so far so good but I only use it for developing new and fixing modules.
  3. PayPalIpnUrl should be www.paypal.com for live and www.sandbox.paypal.com for testing not this www.myROdomain.com/?module=donate&action=notify If you followed the instruction you should have atleast reach the paypal website upon clicking donate.
  4. Here's a tutorial to correctly configure the donation module. http://www.screencast.com/t/dKCCSWnZVw
  5. View File Vending Extension This is an expansion to currently existing vending module. It allows listing of all vending items and filter list by item name. Installation: Download the file Extract it to addons folder of flux That's it. Click the Vending Info menu then click the List Items sub menu. Submitter Aries Submitted 06/19/2018 Category FluxCP Addons Video Content Author Aries  
  6. Try this: Installation: Download the latest version Extract it to addons folder of flux Visit the link ?module=vending&action=items or via the submenu inside Vending Info menu
  7. Version 1.1.0


    This is an expansion to currently existing vending module. It allows listing of all vending items and filter list by item name. Installation: Download the file Extract it to addons folder of flux That's it. Click the Vending Info menu then click the List Items sub menu.
  8. If you want to manually fix the issue pls refer to this commit https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/pull/184/files
  9. The amount will only get updated if you tested it on an account with coins already in storage. Try it again to an account without the coin in the storage.
  10. $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->server->loginDatabase}.storage (account_id, nameid, amount, identify) "; $sql .= "VALUES (?, ?, ?, 1)"; update the insert part it should flag that the item is identified
  11. https://github.com/ScDarko/ROChargenPHP
  12. Goto {flux_dir}/themes/{your_theme}/account/view.php. Loor for this line: <?php echo htmlspecialchars($account->email) ?> Change it to <span class="not-applicable"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(Flux::message('NotApplicableLabel')) ?></span> Note that the admins will still be able to view the email address as defined in config/access.php 'account' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM,
  13. There are few points to make sure that the donation works. It cannot be tested if you are testing it locally. Make sure to publish the site which should be accessible externally, paypal needs to validate the IPN url. You have to setup your IPN. Try it first using sandbox Login to sandbox with business account https://www.sandbox.paypal.com Go to profile and settings Click my selling tools Look for Instant payment notifications and click update Enter your sites notification url e.g. http://YOUR-RO.COM/?module=donate&action=notify Tick Receive IPN messages (Enabled) then save After setting up the IPN try to donate again to verify if IPN is sending you the payment notification which wiill then add the flux credits.
  14. Attach the header.php and footer.php instead.
  15. Will return the account level e.g. 99 $session->account->group_id Will return the account id e.g. 2000000 $session->account->account_id If you want to see all the properties echo '<pre>'; var_dump($session->account); exit;
  16. Update this part of pvpranking.php on module $col = "ch.char_id, ch.name AS char_name, ch.class AS char_class, ch.base_level, ch.base_exp, ch.job_level, ch.job_exp, pl.kills, pl.deaths, pl.streaks,"; $col .= "ch.guild_id, guild.name AS guild_name, guild.emblem_len AS guild_emblem_len"; $sql = "SELECT $col FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.`char` AS ch "; $sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$server->charMapDatabase}.guild ON guild.guild_id = ch.guild_id "; $sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$server->loginDatabase}.login ON login.account_id = ch.account_id "; $sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$server->charMapDatabase}.pvpladder AS pl ON pl.char_id = ch.char_id "; $sql .= "WHERE 1=1 ";
  17. Aries

    flux question

    facebook is using og tags for more info about og tags http://ogp.me/ For minimal setup you can include the ff: 1. og:url 2. og:image 3. og:title 4. og:description and after setting it up you should always scrape new content via facebook debug tool https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/?q=http%3A%2F%2Fmyro.ph%2Fsite%2F
  18. open: /config/application.php look for this line then set to true 'DebugMode' => false, then access the page again and see if there's an error being thrown.
  19. where do you get the $gtheme_config['guild_id']? The code seem to work though. Notice that I added a guild id there which I cannot see on your code. <?php if (! defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; $guild_id = 1; // <- guild id $sql = "SELECT name, master FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.guild WHERE guild_id = ?"; $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(array($guild_id)); $gtheme_gom = $sth->fetch(); // just use fetch since you only expect one result unless .. ?> <ul id="pgom"> <li> <img class="gom" src="<?php echo $this->emblem($guild_id); ?>" /> </li> <li id="lbl" ><b>Guild: </b> <?php echo $gtheme_gom ? $gtheme_gom->name : '???'; ?></li> <li id="lbl" ><b>GM: </b> <?php echo $gtheme_gom ? $gtheme_gom->master : '???'; ?></li> </ul>
  20. is it just me? or the screenshot is so small?
  21. yes there is. http://screencast.com/t/dKCCSWnZVw
  22. Aries

    Regarding FluxCP

    make sure download.php exist on modules and themes folders. modules/main/download.php <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; themes/default/main/download.php <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; ?> <h2>Downloads</h2> <p>This is the downloads page.</p> ... ... ...
  23. Hiya, A revamp for this addon is on its way and for those who bought this already will get it for free of course. Thank you!
  24. For support please submit a ticket here. http://report.chokoleyt.net/
  25. Maintenance mode is working fine. Just make sure you are not logged in as admin since it has access even the maintenance mode is ON. To modify access while on maintenance mode just open: flux_dir/addons/choko_shop/config/access.php and find this line: 'AccessShopOffline' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // View shop even offline. Renewal toggle setting has been removed and the addon will just detect if you have the renewal database or not and will adjust itself so less misconfiguration. The newly uploaded version has this change please PM me if the error page still exist after upgrade. FYI, testmode means paypal sandbox so that you won't need to use a real paypal email to simulate the buying/order process.
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