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Everything posted by Currently

  1. How to put time interval before player can talk to the NPC?
  2. When I did this, I equipped the ring and just having one ring does -999 all stats. BUMP
  3. 2777,Dragon_Ball_Ring,Dragon Ball Ring,5,20,,100,,0,,4,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,136,,30,0,0,{ bonus bDef2Rate,-98; bonus bAllStats,25; bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bAtkRate,10; callfunc "EX_System"; },{},{} Wearing two same Accessory will result to -999 All Stats?
  4. like this? when I @loadnpc the script. It didn't trigger yet. so I'm guessing I gotta wait for one hour right? Also, is what I did correct
  5. Ohh so should I ask in the source seciton lol or can you or anybody here provide me one
  6. Just curious. If item in inventory, will bonus work? For example: 6004,Bapho_Doll,Cursed Baphomet Doll,3,0,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ bonus bDex,5; },{},{} Will this make it, just carrying the item in your inventory will give you extra dex + 5?
  7. new_1-1,179,80,5 script GM Prize 757,{ if (strcharinfo(0)=="[Admin] Dreamworks") { mes "Enter Items ID (Don't matter. Put 512 for example) :"; mes "It will be Event Coins anyways."; mes " 0 = Cancel"; do { input .@ItemID; if( .@ItemID < 1 ) close; } while (getitemname (.@ItemID) == "null"); mes "Enter Amount (Max is 500 Event Coins) :"; input .@Amount,1,500; next; mes "Enter Name :"; tryagain: input .@Name$; if (!attachrid(getcharid(3,.@Name$))) { message strcharinfo(0),"Player not found!"; goto tryagain; } next; mes "Name : "+.@Name$; mes "Item : "+getitemname(.@ItemID); mes "Amount : "+.@Amount; if (select("Confirm:Cancel") == 1) { getitem .@ItemID,.@Amount,getcharid(3,.@Name$); message strcharinfo(0),"Item sent."; message .@Name$,"You received "+.@Amount+" "+getitemname(.@ItemID)+" from "+strcharinfo(0); announce "Event Reward: Player "+.@Name$+" received "+.@Amount+" "+getitemname(.@ItemID)+" as Event Prize!",bc_all; } close; } mes "Sorry, I only talk to GM"; close; } After Enter Name, it hangs lol
  8. new_1-1,179,80,5 script GM Prize 757,{ if (strcharinfo(0)=="strcharinfo(0)=="[Admin] Dreamworks"){ mes "Enter Items ID (Don't matter. Put 512 for example) :"; mes "It will be Event Coins anyways."; mes " 0 = Cancel"; do{ input .@ItemID; if( .@ItemID < 1 ) close; }while( getitemname( .@ItemID ) == "null" ); mes "Enter Amount (Max is 500 Event Coins) :"; input .@Amount,1,500; mes "Enter Name :"; input .@Name$; next; mes "Name : "+.@Name$; mes "Item : "+getitemname( .@ItemID ); mes "Amount : "+.@Amount; if( select("Confirm:Cancel") == 1 ){ if( !attachrid( getcharid(3,.@Name$) ) ) message strcharinfo(0),"Player not Found."; else{ getitem 12619,.@Amount,getcharid(3,.@Name$); message strcharinfo(0),"Item Sent"; message .@Name$,"You Received Event Coins Player "+strcharinfo(0); announce "Event Reward: Player " + strcharinfo(0) + "! received his Event Coins as Event Prize!",bc_all; close; } } } close; }
  9. I guess the concept is the same as the Poring Catcher. But, it's like a normal farming database except I wish to only have 1 of Zhu Po Long drops 25120~25126 (randomly) items and 100% chance. Any takers? I will love it for life!
  10. Will it be possible to create a simpler Itemizer? No need for creating SQL table etc. example: An NPC that GMs with [Admin] Dreamworks can talk to. Then, the NPC will give the winner "input" item amount? Bump?
  11. So, i accidentally deleted the browser's history so it also deleted the URL for my phpmyadmin along with its I.P. address. I know the server's I.P. address but I have no idea how to connect my phpmyadmin again
  12. But would it matter? I mean if will say failed if no guild or the character is not online wont it?
  13. changegm: next; mes "[secretary]"; mes "Please input the name of the next guild leader:"; input $gmleader; next; atcommand "@changegm $gmleader"; close;
  14. BUMP: will it be possible to set the time right after a player completes it? then the NPC will say like mes "Player X got <12312 seconds> etc"
  15. Instead of spawning waves of monsters. How about the NPC will just keep spawning 3 Bomb Poring per 3 seconds. And, when the map (poring_w01) is left with only 1 player standing (not dead). he/she will be declare the winner and get apple. Any takers?
  16. //Pokemon Suit 15021,Upg_Formal_Dress,Upg Formal Dress,5,20,,150,,45,,4,0xFFFFFFFE,7,2,16,,1,1,0,{ if ( Hp < 100000) { unequip 2;}; },{},{}
  17. I mean other than that.. Like i just got no idea what elae should i check..
  18. When DIFFing, what are the recommend checkboxes? Because I really want to add a "Job Suit" so players can disguise to another class so I gotta check "Ignore Sprite Error" or "Ignore Palette Error" Anybody help me?
  19. Everytime I talk to the NPC. it just gives me the item without doing the quest.. I tried this with other accounts too, same result.
  20. new_1-1,161,112,4 script Crafter 82,{ set @npc$,"[Craft]"; mes @npc$; if (#product == 0) { mes "Do you want to cook ( 50 All Stats Food )?"; mes "Get me 10 Meat, 10 Honey, 10 Mastela Fruit."; next; if (countitem(517) < 10) goto miss; if (countitem(518) < 10) goto miss; if (countitem(522) < 10) goto miss; delitem 517,10; delitem 518,10; delitem 522,10; mes @npc$; mes "I see that you have all the items required!"; next; mes @npc$; mes "Please wait for at least 10 minutes in order for me to finish this item."; addtimer 600000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnEnd"; set #product,gettimetick(2)+600; close; miss: mes @npc$; mes "Sorry, you dont have all the items required."; close; } else if (#product >= gettimetick(2)){ OnEnd: mes @npc$; mes "Here's You Item"; getitem 14607,1; set #product,0; close; } } I have it like this. But, it doesn't even wait for 10 minutes. When I talk to the NPC again, it just go straight to "Here's your item".
  21. For example, player x got 1 jellopy, 1 clover, 1 fabre. when he turn them to the NPC. the NPC will make the player come back after 10 mins to be able to get the finished product. any takers? pretty please? I really got no idea how to make it like that..
  22. If a client is DIFFed, will it change the edited job names? Here's what happened. I asked a guy to change the job name of Thief to Deceit and other classes too. So, I'm just asking that if a Client is DIFFed with like the recommended and the "ignore sprite error" etc so they can use Disguise Class Suits. Will the "Deceit" change and return back to normal "Thief"?
  23. How would I script that? Removing "Snatcher" from stalkers via talking to healer? So, they won't know that their skill is removed when they talk to healer if they are a stalker and if they have the skill?
  24. Is it possible to have a script that won't let Stalkers use auto-steal (Steal skill) while attacking a mob? I already changed skill_nocast_db.txt but I guess it will take affect right after I restart the server. I already did @Reloadskilldb too. So yeah, I guess this is just a temporary script that won't let them use the skill. Is it possible though? Can anybody provide me a quick remedy?
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