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  1. Hello. You can either use a source modification or a script to achieve that. Should you choose to use a script, you'll first have to remove @item access via groups.conf then run this script. //By Capuche - script atcmd_noitem -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "item",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; setarray .item_restrict, 607, //1st item to be restricted 501; //2nd item to be restricted .item_restrict_size = getarraysize( .item_restrict ); end; OnAtcommand: .@gmlevel = getgmlevel(); if( .@gmlevel && .@atcmd_numparameters ){ .@itemid = atoi( .@atcmd_parameters$[0] ); if( .@gmlevel < 99 ){ for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_restrict_size; .@i++ ) if( .@itemid == .item_restrict[.@i] ){ message strcharinfo(0),"You cannot create this item."; end; } } if( getitemname( .@itemid ) != "null" ){ .@quantity = atoi( .@atcmd_parameters$[1] ); if ( .@quantity < 1 ) .@quantity = 1; getitem .@itemid,.@quantity; } } end; } So, I set my Super Player to have the item: id: 1 name: "Super Player" inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */ level: 0 commands: { /* informational commands */ item: true and as default on Event Managers: id: 4 name: "Event Manager" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 1 commands: { monster: true monstersmall: true monsterbig: true killmonster2: true cleanarea: true cleanmap: true item: [true, true] So should I remove these both? How about the Admin level though since it has all commands? Lol
  2. Not sure if this should be in script section or here but.. Anybody know how to make specific items not able to obtain from @item?
  3. if (Class == Job_Lord_Knight) getitem 56000,1; warp "job_soul",30,30; end; } else { if (Class == Job_High_Priest) getitem 56001,1; warp "prontera",30,30; end; } else { For Lord Knight, the getitem work and also send the character to job soul. However, High Priest the getitem does not work and does not send the character to Prontera. Any reasoning or help please?
  4. I did use unbollox. But for some reason i think my laptop don't recognize the other one so it won't even translate.
  5. I know that for job sprites, it is this location to change them. /data/sprite/Àΰ£Á·/¸öÅë/³² but my data files have this instead.. [\sprite\방패] Can anybody tell me the /data/sprite/____/____/__ for male and female? I wanna change for example the Novice Sprite to another sprite.
  6. How to set the base level more than 1000?
  7. Can anyone provide a quick edit to make the "Another Round" and "I'm done" randomly switch location every after round? For example: Switch 1 = Another Round & I'm Done. Switch 2 = I'm Done & Another Round.
  8. Not sure if source edit or database. How to increase /memo for Warp Portals?
  9. Yeah that's what I thought awhile ago. Thank you guys.
  10. No no. Example: Mes "[Lost Soul]" Set ____, 1; Warp alberta,0,0; End; How to make that SET variable automatically expires in 4 hours?
  11. For the Lost Soul NPC at the end of the Endless Tower, it gives an item to the player.. But the time limit is 4 hours so they can go back and forth to the tower and get the item. How can I add a variable to the Lost Soul NPC so they can't repeatedly get the item and it will automatically delete every after 4 hours?
  12. thank you! -Bump- Sorry, but I just realized that the player must be wearing the headgear that is item ID of 20000 and above.
  13. As I am developing my server and adding scripts here and there, suddenly I tried to do a quest but my character (GM LVL 99) can't "attack" nor use skill on an enemy. I tried to slaveclone myself but that clone also doesn't use any type of aggression. The enemies can attack me normally or with skill.. I really have no idea how this even happened or how to fix it. Script-Wise, i can't think of any of the script I added to do this problem. I tried to create a new account, but even that character cannot attack.. Please help.. really need to fix this. Note: In my groups.conf, I have set my all_skills to false and use any of equipment to false. But my GM level character have all the skills and use any of the equipment.. Note: If I re-posted this from General Support, sorry but it seems that section is not active anymore and needs urgent help..
  14. As I am developing my server and adding scripts here and there, suddenly I tried to do a quest but my character (GM LVL 99) can't "attack" nor use skill on an enemy. I tried to slaveclone myself but that clone also doesn't use any type of aggression. The enemies can attack me normally or with skill.. I really have no idea how this even happened or to fix it. Script-Wise, i can't think of any of the script I added to do this problem. I tried to create a new account, but even that character cannot attack.. Please help.. really need to fix this. Note: In my groups.conf, I have set my all_skills to false and use any of equipment to false. But my GM level character have all the skills and use any of the equipment..
  15. Can anybody help? NPC check IF statement that a player must have an item id of 20000 or above in inventory to proceed?
  16. It seems "showscript" is not working for me..
  17. Can anybody create a quick job changer for expanded classes only? Only Gunslingers, Ninjas, Star Gladiators, Soul Linkers, and super novices? Thanks!
  18. How to make this npc script instead? For example, player in guild_vs1 get extra hp.
  19. This is what my user_counter.txt looks like. Problem: For example, I have 5 players only but the webpage only says I got 1 online player online. Same goes for Players Peak, it says 3 for Peak but I already reached 6 players. - script user_counter -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: query_sql("SELECT value FROM mapreg WHERE varname='userOnline'",.@lastOnline); if(getarraysize(.@lastOnline) == 0) { query_sql("INSERT INTO mapreg(varname,value) VALUE('userOnline',1)"); set .@userOnline,1; } else { query_sql("UPDATE mapreg SET value=value+1 WHERE varname='userOnline'"); set .@userOnline,.@lastOnline[0]+1; } query_sql("SELECT value FROM mapreg WHERE varname='userPeak'",.@userPeak); if((.@userOnline > .@userPeak[0]) || (getarraysize(.@userPeak) == 0)) { if(getarraysize(.@userPeak) == 0) .@newPeak$ = "INSERT INTO mapreg(varname,value) VALUE('userPeak',"+.@userOnline+")"; else .@newPeak$ = "UPDATE mapreg SET value="+.@userOnline+" WHERE varname='userPeak'"; query_sql(.@newPeak$); .@peak = .@userOnline; } else { .@peak = .@userPeak[0]; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: query_sql("SELECT value FROM mapreg WHERE varname='userOnline'",.@lastOnlineB); if(.@lastOnlineB[0] > 1) query_sql("UPDATE mapreg SET value=value-1 WHERE varname='userOnline'"); else query_sql("DELETE FROM mapreg WHERE varname='userOnline'"); end; }
  20. - script droprate -1,{ monster "geffen",0,0,"Edacity Guardian",1002,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnGuardianDead"; end; OnGuardianDead: if( !rand(4) ) getitem 512,1; end; } Good? bump!
  21. Example: Poring,Drops,Fabre,Lunatic gets killed. rand(1,4) getitem 512,1; Btw, Is rand(1,4) 25% chance of getitem? Thank you for helping out.
  22. prontera,158,156,4 script Pay for Buff 100,{ if( @h_last > gettimetick(2) || !slc_bufs ) goto Set_Buffs; set @h_last, gettimetick(2)+5; .@total = callsub(Sub_PriceCheck); if( .@total > Zeny ) { message strcharinfo(0), "You don't have enough zeny to buff double click the buffer to modify your selection."; end; } for( .@a = 0; .@a < .len; .@a++ ) if( ( slc_bufs & pow( 2, .@a ) ) ) { skilleffect .skil_num[.@a], .levels[.@a]; sc_start .sc_effect[.@a], .ticks[.@a], .levels[.@a]; message strcharinfo(0),"Buff "+.skil_txt$[.@a]+" Added!"; } Zeny = Zeny - .@total; end; Sub_PriceCheck: for( .@a = 0; .@a < .len; .@a++ ) if( ( slc_bufs & pow( 2, .@a ) ) ) .@total = .@total + .price[.@a]; return .@total; Set_Buffs: .@slc_bufs = slc_bufs; .@total = callsub(Sub_PriceCheck); function sf { function s; .@a = getarg(2); .@len = getarg(3); return ( sprintf( getarg(0), s(.@a, .@len, getarg(1), getarg(4), getarg(5)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1), getarg(4), getarg(5)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1), getarg(4), getarg(5)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1), getarg(4), getarg(5)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1), getarg(4), getarg(5)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1), getarg(4), getarg(5)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1), getarg(4), getarg(5)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1), getarg(4), getarg(5)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1), getarg(4), getarg(5)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1), getarg(4), getarg(5)) ) +(( .@a+1 < .@len )?":Next":":") +(( .@a-11 > 0 )?":Back":":") +":Done:Cancel" ); function s { if( getarg(0) >= getarg(1) ) return ""; else { .@name$ = getelementofarray( getarg(2), getarg(0) ); return .@name$==""?"":"Buff [ ^0054ff"+.@name$+"^000000 ] Lv"+getelementofarray( getarg(4), getarg(0) )+" [ "+(getarg(3)&pow(2,getarg(0))?"^35a100On":"^FF0000Off")+"^000000 ]"; } }; }; function nex { return((getarg(0)+10)<getarg(1)?getarg(0)+10:getarg(1)-(getarg(1)%10)); }; function bac { return((getarg(0)-10)>=0?getarg(0)-10:0); }; mes .npc_nm$; mes "Select your buffs!"; next; .@a = 0; while( 1 ) { select( sf( .format$, .skil_txt$, .@a, .len, .@slc_bufs, .levels ) ); switch( @menu ) { case 11: .@a = nex( .@a, .len ); break; case 12: .@a = bac( .@a ); break; case 13: mes .npc_nm$; mes "Alright, your current total will be "+.@total+"z each time you use my buffing service. Is that ok?"; next; if( select("Yes:No") == 1 ) slc_bufs = .@slc_bufs; case 14: end; default: .@select = .@a+@menu-1; if( ( .@slc_bufs & pow( 2, .@select ) ) ) { .@slc_bufs = .@slc_bufs - pow( 2, .@select ); .@total = .@total - .price[.@select]; } else { .@slc_bufs = .@slc_bufs + pow( 2, .@select ); .@total = .@total + .price[.@select]; } } } end; OnInit: .npc_nm$ = "[ "+strnpcinfo(1)+" ]"; setarray .sc_effect, SC_CP_WEAPON, SC_CONCENTRATE, SC_ASSUMPTIO, SC_TRUESIGHT, SC_MAXOVERTHRUST, SC_AUTOCOUNTER, SC_PROVIDENCE; setarray .skil_txt$, "Full Protection Lv5", "Attention Concentrate Lv10", "Assumptio Lv 5", "True Sight Lv 10", "Maximum Over Thrust Lv5", "Auto Guard Lv10", "Providence Lv 5"; setarray .ticks, 300000, 300000, 300000, 300000, 300000, 300000, 300000; setarray .price, 1000000, 3000000, 1000000, 3000000, 3000000, 3000000, 1000000; setarray .skil_num, 479, 45, 361, 380, 486, 249, 256; setarray .levels, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 5; .format$ = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s"; .len = getarraysize(.sc_effect); end; } So I changed the skills it does, but then after the NPC cast the buffs on me. My character cannot move nor sit down. Which buff skill makes my character not move?
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