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Everything posted by Currently

  1. For example, One pokemon ball item will be able to catch around 20 mob ids of pokemons.
  2. I'm currently using Mr. Emistry's Dota RUNEs script. Whenever the Clones come up, it pretty much just let other players regains with those clones. Will it be possible to make clones any useful? like have same stats as their master and always use skills?
  3. The script is pretty much like.. NPC warps 5 players in 5@tower. set $@tower,1; if no more players in 5@tower, the NPC will set $@tower,0; Point is so no other party members can try to do it while there are another party doing it.. Please help (:
  4. Nevermind. Working perfectly. Thank you guys so much! [solved[
  5. Oh, now I gain the skull points. However, the ranking does not..
  6. When i exchanged the skulls, it doesn't do anything I used @loadnpc btw. am i suppose to reloadscript?
  7. Players will exchange the skulls they collected from PvP to a NPC. The NPC will give the players Skull Points. It will rank the highest skull collectors to top 10. Anybody please?
  8. For example, a Sniper Suit worn by Assassins. Since they are using bows, people will eventually get sprite error. I want to fix the problem. Anybody care to help?
  9. Such as. What's the difference of this. monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-1,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnNormalKill"; with this one monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill"; -------------------------------------------------------------------- monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-1,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnNormalKill"; spawns all type of monsters in the database or just in the mob_branch?
  10. Hey, I get these error from time to time and it causes the server to crash. [Warning] Unable to restore stack! Double Continuation! [debug] Previous Script (lost) [Debug] source (NPC) : WoE Prize at royal_room3 (98,101) [Debug] Current Script: [Debug] Source (NPC) : WoE Prize at royal_room3 (98,101) [Error] Server received crash signal! Attempting to save all online characters! -- then it crashes
  11. Getting this error. I think it might be because I added the ghost property elemental scroll? //Ghost Converter 12142,Magic_Book,Book of Magic,2,0,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{sc_start SC_GHOSTWEAPON,600000,0; },{},{}
  12. Oh, yeah I know but I'm just wondering if it's possible. Uhm, where can I change these parts? ShowError( ........... ); ShowWarning( .......... );
  13. -bump- for the "#define MAX_EVENTQUEUE" do i just put any number?
  14. Will it be possible to remove the [Error] and [Warning] in mapserv?
  15. Is it possible? if not, how about Plagiarism can copy two skills instead of just one?
  16. Quite note sure how to do it property http://pastebin.com/E4KSha7D
  17. by "loop" do you mean i copy-paste this part "setarray .@ww$,"A","B","C", ... , "Z";" 30 times? setarray .@ww$,"A","B","C", ... , "Z"; setarray .@ww$,"A","B","C", ... , "Z"; setarray .@ww$,"A","B","C", ... , "Z"; all the way down to 30? sorry kinda confuse. or am i suppose to just copy paste your script?
  18. Will it be possible for an NPC to randomize A-Z letters in maximum amount of 30 letters? Then, the player will hunt have to type that random letters?
  19. Will it be possible if any of you know about this error? My first time encountering it krim.bmp
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