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  1. About: Refiner Support: No change equip while talking to the NPC //Update 2012/11/18 //Author Goddameit //Web http://goo.gl/m1dHu comodo,172,153,5 script Refiner 991,{ set .Scroll,7199;//'Protection Scroll' item id set .back,1; //when use 'Protection Scroll' //-1,-2,-3... -->back to level 1,2,3...(MAX:10) if refine fail //1,2,3... --> reduce level 1,2,3.... if refine fail set @use2,0; set @rate,0; set @typr,0; set @menu2,0; set @use3,0; function CHose ; function nZeny { switch(getequipweaponlv(getarg(0))) { case 1: return 500; case 2: return 2000; case 0: case 3: case 4: return 5000; default: return 0; } } function nItem { if(getarg(1)==1){ switch(getequipweaponlv(getarg(0))) { case 0: return 985; case 1: return 1010; case 2: return 1011; case 3: case 4: return 984; default: return 0; } }else{ switch(getequipweaponlv(getarg(0))) { case 0: return 6241; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: return 6240; default: return 0; } } } function nRate { function aRate { return getarg(getarg(0,0)+1,0); } switch(getequipweaponlv(getarg(0))) { case 0: return aRate(getarg(1), 100,100,100,100,60, 40,40,20,20,10, 50,30,20,10,10, 10,10,10,10,10); case 1: return aRate(getarg(1), 100,100,100,100,100, 100,100,60,40,20, 70,70,50,50,30, 30,20,20,10,10); case 2: return aRate(getarg(1), 100,100,100,100,100, 100,60,40,20,20, 70,50,50,30,30, 20,20,10,10,10); case 3: return aRate(getarg(1), 100,100,100,100,100, 60,50,20,20,20, 50,50,30,30,20, 20,10,10,10,10); case 4: return aRate(getarg(1), 100,100,100,100,60, 40,40,20,20,10, 50,30,30,20,20, 10,10,10,10,10); } } function sRater { mes "[Successful rate]["+set(@rate,(nRate(@typr,getequiprefinerycnt(@typr))+(@use2>6000?10:0)))+"%]"; return; } if(select("Refine","Close")==2) close; set @typr,select(""+getequipname(1),""+getequipname(2),""+getequipname(3),""+getequipname(4),""+getequipname(5),""+getequipname(6)); callsub OnCon; sRater; if(select("Refine now","Don't refine")==2) close; callsub OnCon2; OnCon: if(!getequipisenableref(@typr)) { mes "I can't refine this !..."; close; } if(getequiprefinerycnt(@typr)>=20) { mes "it's not possible to refine this better than +20."; close; } if(Zeny<nZeny(@typr)) { mes "your Zeny is lower than "+nZeny(@typr)+"."; close; } if( @use3 ) { if( !countitem(@use3) ) { mes "your don't have any "+getitemname(@use3)+"."; close; } }else{ if( !countitem(set(@use2,nItem(@typr,select("Don't use Purified.","Use it."))))) { mes "your don't have any "+getitemname(@use2)+"."; close; } set @use3,@use2; } return; OnCon2: if(.Scroll) { if( @menu2==2 ) { if(!countitem(.Scroll)) { mes "You need a Refining Coupon from the Fiesta Shop."; close; } }else{ if( select("Don't use Refining Coupon.","Use it.")==2) { if(!countitem(.Scroll)) { mes "You need a Refining Coupon from the Fiesta Shop."; close; } }else mes " "; } } set Zeny,Zeny-nZeny(@typr); if(.Scroll) { if( @menu==2 || @menu2==2 ) delitem .Scroll,1; } delitem @use2,1; if(.Scroll) { if( @menu==2 || @menu2==2 ) { if(@rate<rand(1,100)) { if(.back<0) { getitem2 getequipid(@typr),1,1,-(.back<-10?-10:.back),0,getequipcardid(@typr,0),getequipcardid(@typr,1),getequipcardid(@typr,2),getequipcardid(@typr,3); failedrefitem @typr; close; }else{ set .@D,set(.@D,getequiprefinerycnt(@typr)-.back)<0?0:.@D; if(getequiprefinerycnt(@typr)<=10) { getitem2 getequipid(@typr),1,1,.@D,0,getequipcardid(@typr,0),getequipcardid(@typr,1),getequipcardid(@typr,2),getequipcardid(@typr,3); failedrefitem @typr; close; }else while(getequiprefinerycnt(@typr)!=.@D)successrefitem @typr; } }else successrefitem @typr; CHose(@use2,@menu); } } if(@rate<rand(1,100)) { failedrefitem @typr; close; }else successrefitem @typr; CHose(@use2,@menu); function CHose { set @menu2,@menu2?@menu2:@menu; set @use3,@use3?@use3:@use2; next; sRater; if( select("[continue]","[end]") == 2 ) close; else callsub OnCon,1; callsub OnCon2; } } Problem: Players able to switch their +10 items to a +0 item; thus making the refine rate 100%.
  2. @Emistry, what if we use a variable instead such as #Time?
  3. Is it possible to make it specific enough only for town comodo & pvp_n_1-5, pvp_n_2-5, pvp_n_3-5, pvp_n_4-5, pvp_n_5-5, pvp_n_6-5 ? -bump-
  4. So, my server for some reason drops equips (nightmare mode) in the pvp arenas. I looked into mapflags and all of the scripts I got but I can't find the cause of it. Is it possible to command the server (every start or restart of the server) to disable nightmare drop? I guess kinda like this but ONLY disable NIGHTMARE and restart server or start of the server? - script mf -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: set .@name$,"[^0000FFMap Flag Manager^000000]"; if(getgmlevel() >= 50) { mes .@name$; mes "I can ^00FF00activate^000000 or ^FF0000deactivate^000000 Map Flags on any map."; mes "[^FF0000NOTE: Do not use this system on special maps such as PVP, GvP, BG, or Towns.^000000]"; set .@act1,select("Activate Map Flag:Deactivate Map Flag"); next; mes .@name$; mes "Please enter the desired ^0000FFMap^000000"; input(.@map$); next; mes "Please select Map Flag"; set .@act2,select("No Memo:No Teleport:No Save:No Branch:PvP:PvP No Party:PvP No Guild:GvG:GvG No Party:No Trade:No Skill:No Warp:Party Lock:No Ice Wall:Indoors:No Go:No Base EXP Gain:No Job EXP Gain:No EXP Penalty:No Mob Loot:No MvP Loot:No Return:No Warp To:No Nightmare Drop:No Command:No Drop:No Vending:No Chat:Guild Lock") - 1; close2; setarray .@mf_name[0],mf_nomemo,mf_noteleport,mf_nosave,mf_nobranch,mf_pvp,mf_pvp_noparty,mf_pvp_noguild,mf_gvg,mf_gvg_noparty,mf_notrade,mf_noskill,mf_nowarp,mf_partylock,mf_noicewall,mf_indoors,mf_nogo,mf_nobaseexp,mf_nojobexp,mf_noexppenalty,mf_nomobloot,mf_nomvploot,mf_noreturn,mf_nowarpto,mf_nonightmaredrop,mf_nocommand,mf_nodrop,mf_novending,mf_nochat,mf_guildlock; if(.@act2 == 3) { switch(.@act1) { case 1: setmapflag .@map$,.@mf_name[.@act2],"SavePoint"; break; case 2: removemapflag .@map$,.@mf_name[.@act2]; break; } } else { switch(.@act1) { case 1: setmapflag .@map$,.@mf_name[.@act2]; break; case 2: removemapflag .@map$,.@mf_name[.@act2]; break; } } dispbottom "Command sent."; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"Access Denied: You are not authorized to use this system."; } end; }
  5. Remove the OnPcLoginEvent and script only runs every 5 mins if the player is at a map other than comodo and the pvp arenas.. For example: 5 mins is in, then script will check if a player is at comodo or pvp arenas. If not in the comodo or pvp arenas, then the script of anti bot will run.
  6. - script Antibot -1,{ function GetString; OnPCLoginEvent: if (strcharinfo(0)=="[Owner] Pogi" || strcharinfo(0)=="[Admin] Skyline" || strcharinfo(0)=="[Co-Admin] Pulse") { close; } else { atcommand "@option 3 0 0"; switch( rand(2) ){ Case 0: set .@String$,GetString( 15,rand(5,10) ); mes "Input the ^FF0000RED COLOUR^000000 part"; mes "^0000FF"+GetString( 15,rand(5,10) )+"^FF0000"+.@String$+"^0000FF"+GetString( 15,rand(3,10) )+"^000000"; input .@Input$; if( .@Input$ != .@String$ ){ mes "Wrong.."; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } break; Case 1: set .@String$,GetString( 15,rand(5,10) ); mes "Input the ^FF0000RED COLOUR^000000 part"; mes "^0000FF"+GetString( 15,rand(5,10) )+"^FF0000"+.@String$+"^0000FF"+GetString( 15,rand(3,10) )+"^000000"; input .@Input$; if( .@Input$ != .@String$ ){ mes "Wrong.."; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } break; } atcommand "@option 0 0 0"; close; function GetString { if( getarg(0) & 1 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"; if( getarg(0) & 2 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","J","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"; if( getarg(0) & 4 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","M","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"; if( getarg(0) & 8 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","-","=","/","+"; set .@Str$,""; while( getstrlen( .@Str$ ) < getarg(1) ) set .@Str$,.@Str$ + .@List$[ rand( getarraysize( .@List$ ) ) ]; return .@Str$; } } } If at maps other than comodo, pvp_n_1-5, pvp_n_2-5, pvp_n_3-5, pvp_n_4-5, pvp_n_5-5, pvp_n_6-5. This anti bot will trigger every 5 minutes?
  7. The script works but it does not give any headgear or the reward..
  8. How to remove the mathematical problem to process?
  9. Put time limit of 24 hours before talking to the NPC again for the new set.
  10. So I did "File". Input: Directory. When generate, I selected "/data". It still won't work lol
  11. How to correctly setup the Thor Generator so the "wav" folder will be conveted to .thor patch? I tried to but it did not work..
  12. ^ That's what I did. But when I clicked "Armor, it enchants the Top headgear.
  13. Remove "Top" "Mid" "Low" from the selection?
  14. I did look into that. However, I don't know which ones stays on the character's feet when used @effect.
  15. This is a fairly easy script to do, the hardest part is compiling a list of all the headgears, if you want me to make it, pm me a list of your headgear item id list These are the available item IDs. 2201-2299. 5001-5859. 18500-18656.
  16. How to remove specific cards such as "Poring Card" in this script? This script is from AnnieRuRu btw.
  17. Auras that are on the player's feet. Can anybody list them down? For a bigger idea, it will be use for goddameit's Aura Setting.
  18. A Player will be able to talk to a "Headgear NPC" to receive 10 random headgears (from selection of ALL headgears). It will be character bounded, and player can only talk to that NPC every 24 hours. The headgears will be rental items so it will expire in a day. P.S. PM me if you want this to be a paid service. Please reply if you don't mind creating the script for me. Thanks rAthena members.
  19. Only if they are a Novice, the class will receive the "item_unconditional" and "skill_unconditional". Not sure if it will be script or database support. Also, how come the "Novice class" seems to be capped with limited skills that I can put? I tried to put all the Trans class to the Novice, but some skills are not included such as "Cart Termination". Thank you!
  20. I know Paypal + FluxCP modification is working. However, is it possible to process lets say $10 every week via fluxCP? And if they did not pay within the pay day of the week, (this) item will disappear in their inventory. Its like a VIP membership that has to be paid every week.
  21. Last question, how to make the "cell_basilica" area won't let the players talk to the NPC inside? Possible or no?
  22. Between the red lines, how to make these two cells be non-walkable? Also, players won't be able to attack the players inside the cube.
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