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Everything posted by Promise

  1. Promise


    unfortunately not solved ... but the error has changed. it has been solved, now you have another error. as nova said:
  2. Promise


    The comand "instance_create" is: instance_create("<instance name>"); On your script it is: instance_create("300 Monsters",.@party_id); Im not sure if you can put "300 Monsters", .@party_id. Try with: instance_create("300 Monsters");
  3. Are you using a custom prontera? Sometimes there are some texture of the custom maps that u dont have or that have exceed weight, so your cliend dont resist them and crash.
  4. if(agit_flag) { clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); This is: if woe 1.0 is activated { skill fail emergency call }
  5. Did you started the woe? You have to try with @agitstart2 and then use the skill. Skill needs the woe 2.0 on to work.
  6. trunk/conf/battle/items.conf // How much time must pass between item uses? // Only affects the delay between using items, prevents healing item abuse. Recommended ~500 ms // On officials this is 0, but it's set to 100ms as a measure against bots/macros. item_use_interval: 100
  7. Have you edited: - data/buyingstoreitemlist.txt - db/item_buyingstore.txt
  8. Try to do this(not tested): go to src/map/skill.c: Find: case GD_EMERGENCYCALL: case GD_ITEMEMERGENCYCALL: if ( !(battle_config.emergency_call&((agit_flag || agit2_flag)?2:1)) || !(battle_config.emergency_call&(map[m].flag.gvg || map[m].flag.gvg_castle?8:4)) || (battle_config.emergency_call&16 && map[m].flag.nowarpto && !map[m].flag.gvg_castle) ) { clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); return true; replace to: case GD_EMERGENCYCALL: // Added map restriction [PromisE] This if(agit_flag) { clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); return true; } case GD_ITEMEMERGENCYCALL: if ( !(battle_config.emergency_call&((agit_flag || agit2_flag)?2:1)) || !(battle_config.emergency_call&(map[m].flag.gvg || map[m].flag.gvg_castle?8:4)) || (battle_config.emergency_call&16 && map[m].flag.nowarpto && !map[m].flag.gvg_castle) ) { clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); return true; Then recompile your server and try it. The skill fail if you are woe 1.0
  9. check your grf(data) idnum2itemdesctable.txt this is the file that should be wrong.
  10. Can you check your @storage? last time i add it won't work. Thank you for the collections. Why not working? Any error? i tested it and works fine.
  11. I'll give you all the files i found on my pc that i have ever created for a server. Files: [Design][PSD] Flux Red Design [NPC][Event] Dream Machine [Mod][sRC] @storage <password>, @storageinfo [Mod][sRC] Right Click Trade Mod for GMs [Mod][sRC] Edit max party members conf/battle/party.conf Support: If you need something, just PM me on the forum or ask me for my skype. I'll be uploading my files while i found them. * Im giving Spanish Support too.
  12. I have created @userjobchange for you. *Not tested but it should works fine. userjobchange.rar
  13. It should works fine, u are not using a table diferent of storage2 storage2_login and them are custom tables. Why you dont try it before ask? So we can check if you have any error and help u solving it.
  14. I think that this dont exist anymore. Its so easy to create an sql server, and the txt are outdated.
  15. Hi everyone, this is my 2nd free source release for rAthena. - By PromisE - v1.0 - GMs Ignore necessary distance to trade - Broadcast on GM trade (group_id > 1 || < 99 -- Normal Players and admins dont send broadcast on trade.) Apply Guide: ScreenShots: http://prntscr.com/8aujig tradesecure.txt
  16. Promise

    Q>GM Trade

    Go to trade.c and search: // Players can not request trade from far away, unless they are allowed to use @trade. if (!pc_can_use_command(sd, "trade", COMMAND_ATCOMMAND) && (sd->bl.m != target_sd->bl.m || !check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, &target_sd->bl, TRADE_DISTANCE))) { clif_tradestart(sd, 0); // too far return ; } target_sd->trade_partner = sd->status.account_id; sd->trade_partner = target_sd->status.account_id; clif_traderequest(target_sd, sd->status.name); } Replace to: // Players can not request trade from far away, unless they are allowed to use @trade. // Edited By [PromisE] (GMS Can trade on distance) if ( pc_get_group_level(sd) <= 50 && !pc_can_use_command(sd, "trade", COMMAND_ATCOMMAND) && (sd->bl.m != target_sd->bl.m || !check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, &target_sd->bl, TRADE_DISTANCE))) { clif_tradestart(sd, 0); // too far return ; } target_sd->trade_partner = sd->status.account_id; sd->trade_partner = target_sd->status.account_id; clif_traderequest(target_sd, sd->status.name); } Then find: if (type != 3) return; //If client didn't send accept, it's a broken packet? // Players can not request trade from far away, unless they are allowed to use @trade. // Check here as well since the original character could had warped. if ( !pc_can_use_command(sd, "trade", COMMAND_ATCOMMAND) && (sd->bl.m != tsd->bl.m || !check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, &tsd->bl, TRADE_DISTANCE))) { clif_tradestart(sd, 0); // too far sd->trade_partner=0; tsd->trade_partner = 0; return; } replace: if (type != 3) return; //If client didn't send accept, it's a broken packet? // Players can not request trade from far away, unless they are allowed to use @trade. // Check here as well since the original character could had warped. // Edited By [PromisE] if ( pc_get_group_level(tsd) <= 50 && !pc_can_use_command(sd, "trade", COMMAND_ATCOMMAND) && (sd->bl.m != tsd->bl.m || !check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, &tsd->bl, TRADE_DISTANCE))) { clif_tradestart(sd, 0); // too far sd->trade_partner=0; tsd->trade_partner = 0; return; } Then compile and restart your server.
  17. You mean the view when attacking or the item sprite?
  18. So.. U using the exe date 20120410 and the packet ver 30? U have to set them on the grf and emu
  19. Harmony = Lag HaShield = Solution
  20. Have you ever upgraded your emu? or changed it?
  21. If you have checked those files and still not working, its because you are using a not-compatible version of exe/packets. Try changing the exe to another date that your emu reads fine.
  22. When is the map crashing? When someone calls an homun? Or anytime?
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