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Everything posted by Bahmut

  1. OnPCLoginEvent: //- 1 accounts per IP address during WoE set .@name$, strcharinfo(0); if (query_sql("SELECT login.account_id FROM login LEFT JOIN `char` ON login.account_id=`char`.account_id WHERE login.last_ip=(SELECT last_ip FROM login WHERE account_id=" + getcharid(3) + ") AND `char`.online=1", .@account_id) > 1 && (agitcheck() == 1 || agitcheck2() == 1)) { announce "Sorry, only 1 accounts per IP can be logged in at a time.",bc_self,0xFF4949; sleep2 3000; atcommand "@kick " + .@name$; end; } This script should work
  2. Setz einfach das encoding auf ANSI dann kannst du sonderzeichen einfach verwenden. Das geht in der regel im text editor den du benutzt um die npcs zu bearbeiten. Ich kann da Notepad++ empfehlen.
  3. I think Android offer all the tools you need in the Google Play market don't know about iOS devices but Windows Mobile 6,7 and 8 don't offer these tools and you can not install normal PC programs because they have a different cpu architecture (ARM) and a different kernel (except for windows phone 8 but this is using ARM). I'm using a Windows Phone 7 and have an Android tablet.
  4. I don't know if the developer(s) of eAmod has built in some backdoors for him to get to your server but if he has then this would be without doubt possible.
  5. sir how about ragnarok with 2 servers is there any guide? No but there are many threads about it here in this forum. Just use the search to find them.
  6. Just use the a newer rA version. It was added some time ago.
  7. There is no real protection against such things.
  8. You can set cells to no vending like this: setcell "market",<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<x2>,cell_novending,1;
  9. http://rathena.org/wiki/Installation_on_Windows
  10. Bahmut

    Item Changer.

    Something like this? merch_HeadColorist.txt Had this lying around. I think it needs dyes to color your headgears.
  11. You probably need a new client for them to work but since kro is protecting their new exe files you won't be able to get them. The only thing possible would be moving the 150 aura to 160 serverside by faking the level to be 150 for the client and replacing the 150 aura effect by the 160 one.
  12. Simply replace all .@ by # for example like: set .@SecondLeft,( .@Time % 60 ); to set #SecondLeft,( #Time % 60 );
  13. I think bik support is broken completely with newer clients. Also I agree with the caps lock
  14. Bahmut

    Mob Drop Columns

    Why not simply leave it in? It's not critical and removing it will break custom content.
  15. @Capuche Oh you are right haven't checked that.
  16. No I mean eAthena, rAthena, Hercules, etc. Also what revision are you using?
  17. Ceres CP isn't easy to style. You can not simply download a style and copy it to a folder. There is no guide either. So to style this CP you should have at least medium css and html skills and understand a little bit about how the CP works.
  18. What server software are you using?
  19. Nope but looks like I have deleted them when cleaning my old files folder. I will reupload them soon~ EDIT: I have reuploaded the archive
  20. From doc/script_commands.txt: *mobcount("<map name>","<event label>") This function will count all the monsters on the specified map that have a given event label and return the number or 0 if it can't find any. Naturally, only monsters spawned with 'monster' and 'areamonster' script commands can have non-empty event label. If you pass this function an empty string for the event label, it will return the total count of monster without event label, including permanently spawning monsters. With the dynamic mobs system enabled, where mobs are not kept in memory for maps with no actual people playing on them, this will return a 0 for any such map. If the event label is given as "all", all monsters will be counted, regardless of having any event label attached. If the map name is given as "this", the map the invoking character is on will be used. If the map is not found, or the invoker is not a character while the map is "this", it will return -1.
  21. Try this: OnNPCKillEvent: if( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_MVPEXP ) > 0 ) announce strcharinfo(0)+" killed "+getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_NAME ),bc_self,0xFF0000; getitem 7711,2; end;
  22. 1. Reward: Add this line: getitem <itemid>,<amount>; 2. Color: add 0x<html color code> at the end of the announce command. Link for color codes 3. Announce to Killer Change the 0 at the end of the announce command to bc_self Like this for Event Tickets and a red colored broadcast : OnNPCKillEvent: if( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_MVPEXP ) ) announce strcharinfo(0)+" killed "+getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_NAME ),bc_self,0xFF0000; getitem 7711,2; end;
  23. I think this is what you are searching for: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=265121&hl=old+payon+warps If you don't have an account there: payo2,17,151,0 warp oldpay00 1,1,pay_gld,370,149 //pay_gld,374,149,0 warp oldpay00-1 1,1,payo2,21,151 payo2,111,173,0 warp oldpay01 1,2,pa2_in01,15,68 payo2,133,81,0 warp oldpay02 2,2,pa2_in01,134,171 payo2,141,91,0 warp oldpay03 2,2,pa2_in01,98,173 payo2,172,133,0 warp oldpay04 1,2,pa2_in01,163,108 payo2,175,189,0 warp oldpay05 4,2,pay_arche,81,22 payo2,189,69,0 warp oldpay06 2,4,pay_fild08,20,74 payo2,22,174,0 warp oldpay07 2,1,pa2_in01,98,25 payo2,30,176,0 warp oldpay08 2,1,pa2_in01,80,63 payo2,38,174,0 warp oldpay09 2,1,pa2_in01,142,45 payo2,68,173,0 warp oldpay10 1,2,pa2_in01,44,138 payo2,90,167,0 warp oldpay11 2,1,pa2_in01,72,89 payo2,90,25,0 warp oldpay12 5,3,pay_fild01,333,356 pa2_in01,101,25,0 warp oldpay13 1,3,payo2,22,171 pa2_in01,111,177,0 warp oldpay14 2,3,pa2_in01,129,177 pa2_in01,113,107,0 warp oldpay15 1,2,pa2_in01,63,107 pa2_in01,113,143,0 warp oldpay16 1,2,pa2_in01,63,145 pa2_in01,113,77,0 warp oldpay17 1,2,pa2_in01,63,99 pa2_in01,12,68,0 warp oldpay18 1,3,payo2,108,173 pa2_in01,122,107,0 warp oldpay19 1,2,pa2_in01,80,107 pa2_in01,122,77,0 warp oldpay20 1,2,pa2_in01,80,99 pa2_in01,124,143,0 warp oldpay21 1,2,pa2_in01,80,145 pa2_in01,126,177,0 warp oldpay22 2,3,pa2_in01,108,177 pa2_in01,130,36,0 warp oldpay23 3,2,pa2_in01,70,72 pa2_in01,134,168,0 warp oldpay24 3,1,payo2,129,81 pa2_in01,143,179,0 warp oldpay25 1,3,pa2_in01,167,179 pa2_in01,145,45,0 warp oldpay26 1,3,payo2,38,171 pa2_in01,160,108,0 warp oldpay27 1,3,payo2,169,133 pa2_in01,164,179,0 warp oldpay28 1,2,pa2_in01,140,179 pa2_in01,167,74,0 warp oldpay29 1,2,pa2_in01,168,50 pa2_in01,168,53,0 warp oldpay30 1,2,pa2_in01,167,77 pa2_in01,170,100,0 warp oldpay31 1,2,pa2_in01,170,83 pa2_in01,170,119,0 warp oldpay32 1,2,pa2_in01,170,136 pa2_in01,170,132,0 warp oldpay33 1,2,pa2_in01,170,115 pa2_in01,170,87,0 warp oldpay34 1,2,pa2_in01,170,104 pa2_in01,22,26,0 warp oldpay35 3,2,pa2_in01,30,78 pa2_in01,26,115,0 warp oldpay36 3,2,pa2_in01,30,129 pa2_in01,26,164,0 warp oldpay37 3,2,pa2_in01,30,148 pa2_in01,30,126,0 warp oldpay38 3,2,pa2_in01,26,112 pa2_in01,30,151,0 warp oldpay39 3,2,pa2_in01,26,167 pa2_in01,30,59,0 warp oldpay40 3,1,pa2_in01,52,32 pa2_in01,30,81,0 warp oldpay41 3,2,pa2_in01,22,29 pa2_in01,47,138,0 warp oldpay42 1,3,payo2,71,173 pa2_in01,52,35,0 warp oldpay43 3,1,pa2_in01,30,62 pa2_in01,60,107,0 warp oldpay44 1,2,pa2_in01,110,107 pa2_in01,60,145,0 warp oldpay45 1,2,pa2_in01,110,143 pa2_in01,60,170,0 warp oldpay46 3,1,pa2_in01,72,156 pa2_in01,60,99,0 warp oldpay47 1,2,pa2_in01,110,77 pa2_in01,70,52,0 warp oldpay48 3,2,pa2_in01,86,34 pa2_in01,70,75,0 warp oldpay49 3,2,pa2_in01,130,39 pa2_in01,72,121,0 warp oldpay50 3,1,pa2_in01,72,137 pa2_in01,72,134,0 warp oldpay51 3,1,pa2_in01,72,118 pa2_in01,72,159,0 warp oldpay52 3,1,pa2_in01,60,173 pa2_in01,72,86,0 warp oldpay53 3,1,payo2,90,164 pa2_in01,83,107,0 warp oldpay54 1,2,pa2_in01,125,107 pa2_in01,83,145,0 warp oldpay55 1,2,pa2_in01,127,143 pa2_in01,83,63,0 warp oldpay56 1,3,payo2,30,173 pa2_in01,83,99,0 warp oldpay57 1,2,pa2_in01,124,77 pa2_in01,86,37,0 warp oldpay58 3,2,pa2_in01,70,55 pa2_in01,98,170,0 warp oldpay59 3,1,payo2,141,95 pa2_in02,10,25,0 warp oldpay60 2,2,pa2_in02,72,67 pa2_in02,35,67,0 warp oldpay61 2,2,pa2_in02,55,67 pa2_in02,50,4,0 warp oldpay62 3,1,pay_arche,92,166 pa2_in02,52,67,0 warp oldpay63 2,2,pa2_in02,32,67 pa2_in02,61,33,0 warp oldpay64 2,2,pa2_in02,73,33 pa2_in02,64,56,0 warp oldpay65 2,2,pay_arche,141,161 pa2_in02,70,33,0 warp oldpay66 2,2,pa2_in02,58,33 pa2_in02,75,67,0 warp oldpay67 2,2,pa2_in02,13,25 pa2_in02,82,45,0 warp oldpay68 2,2,pay_arche,74,153
  24. The body slot is added with a newer client version. I don't know if this version is already supported by athena.
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