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Everything posted by xXAkatsukiUchihaXx

  1. yeah Hatake Kakashi is his full name but it doesn't really matter pretty straight forward thanks Dan.
  2. have you checked the download section im sure there is something there that you could use!
  3. @viptrade(playername) trade to any player who is Online and is located somewhere inside the game anywhere @trade(playername) trade to the person in the same map as you or well in front of you to be exact and yeah I believe this one is already implanted @quesoph
  4. Syouji once again out did it! Thank you very much! will you be creating any more VIP maps! well anyways Thanks *EDIT +1
  5. *pranked LOL april fools is only fun if you can make do a massive prank
  6. ^Agreed! screenshots or a video, step by step xD! Thanks in Advance
  7. I am also waiting for an English Guide^^
  8. Rathena symbolizes the next revolution of RO always putting forth dedication & determination I don't think being patient GM Takumirai is to much to ask you can see from this link http://rathena.org/b...-little-praise/ our developers/contributors are always trying/finding ways to improve Ragnarok as we know it Sincerely, Akatsuki
  9. I really like chat shout-outs however people tend to abuse them maybe start spamming or asking ridiculous questions, I prefer the IRC instead of that
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