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Everything posted by Playtester

  1. Oh it works differently in pre-renewal? If I could get some proof on that, I could do it so that old behavior is used when compiling pre-re.
  2. https://github.com/eathena/eathena
  3. Monster behavior like aggressive, passive, cast sensor, looter, etc.
  4. Sorry I don't know and not enough time to check something like this, guess you'll have to check the source yourself.
  5. Remove all your custom changes to renewal.h, recompile, start?
  6. You'll have to work a bit with the code. I give you one example in skill.c, find: // Autospell when attacking if( sd && !status_isdead(bl) && sd->autospell[0].id ) If you scroll a bit further down inside that block you'll see: //Set canact delay. [Skotlex] ud = unit_bl2ud(src); if (ud) { rate = skill_delayfix(src, skill, autospl_skill_lv); if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canact_tick, tick + rate) < 0){ ud->canact_tick = max(tick + rate, ud->canact_tick); if ( battle_config.display_status_timers && sd ) clif_status_change(src, SI_ACTIONDELAY, 1, rate, 0, 0, 0); } } If you remove that part, you have removed aftercast delay for autospells when attacking. Now you need to do the same for autospell when being hit. The code to be removed actually looks identical so you should be able to find it easily, just search for the comment from Skotlex.
  7. Probably a client thing or is it different on official servers?
  8. If you wanted full renewal, you should actually not change anything in renewal.h. It's renewal by default. If you uncomment the PRERE define there, it will actually be pre-renewal.
  9. Ok, can confirm it, but it has to do with the dissonance song overlap effect. Enemies inside that are killed throw skill id error 0. Enemies that lost overlap effect throw skill id error 65535. Created issue on github: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/1341
  10. These have nothing to do with pre-renewal and renewal. 1. When the target moves behind an obstacle, the attack won't deal any damage. That's official behavior for both renewal and pre-renewal. Range should not matter for both. You can still be hit when you're on the other side of the map as long as there's no obstacle in between. Last time I checked it already worked like that. 2. MVPs switch target only when attacked by a normal attack from within their attack range + 1. That's the case in both pre-renewal and renewal. MVPs only switch to the closest target when in chase mode. Should already be working like that on rAthena default. I implemented that properly just a few months ago. 3. Hitlocking is a complicated topic. I haven't figured out how it should work. For me it feels I can actually slow down monsters, even bosses, sometimes but half of the time it doesn't work at all. We tried so much with improving the hitlock, but nobody managed it to get it right yet. Feel free to try around yourself, it's all in unit.c: int unit_set_walkdelay(struct block_list *bl, unsigned int tick, int delay, int type)
  11. Ah I see you don't want to use those... I wonder where it takes the classes it searches for from. /hm
  12. You wouldn't get the warnings if there were sufficient "required exp" values defined.
  13. (according to aleos import-tmpl should be automatically copied to import on first compile, so the copy step might not be needed) You also need to uncomment the corresponding lines and replace x with the jobs you want to have increased max levels. You can also just add your own exp requirements to the official exp table.
  14. Need to update skill.c. In pre-re modify function: int skill_castfix(struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { In re: int skill_vfcastfix(struct block_list *bl, double time, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv)
  15. Was a bug on rAthena, I've fixed it now. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/63e8fa0721ea8acf7a533517641a2f693e2e3a65
  16. Bragi stacks additively with item bonuses, that's official behavior (with Isilla Card anyway). So yeah if you have Isilla Card activate and you already have 50% cast reduction from Bragi, then you get instant cast.
  17. Main reasons to remove the exp requirements from the default file is: 1. It's easier to work with as it's a small file. So when official updates come (higher max level), it's easier to update and to compare with previous version. 2. There is no pattern for required EXP from Gravity and depending on what the max level is, a different EXP curve might be better. So it should be left to the server owners to design their EXP curve as suitable. 3. With a spreadsheet program it really doesn't take longer than two minutes to define an EXP curve, so I don't see the necessity of rAthena to support that by default when it just means more work for the devs that should rather concentrate on implementing official features.
  18. Did you try to use a magic skill on a freshly spawned Giearth? Still doesn't work? Another requirement is they need to be in idle state.
  19. You need to either put the required exp values you want for levels above the official level or use the premade import file I prepared. After compile it should automatically be available in your import folder and look like this: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/import-tmpl/job_exp.txt Follow the instruction at the top of the file.
  20. Freeze time is reduced by equip MDEF, your stats don't matter.
  21. That's the normal damage randomness that comes from weapon damage, no?
  22. What buffs? Can someone else reproduce this issue? If yes, would be nice if you could report a way to reproduce it on the issue tracker: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues
  23. Sorry, no idea what you mean. Piercing bonus makes you ignore DEF and then the damage is multiplied by 0.01*(DEF+vitDEF).
  24. Most of the skill's damage come from the cast cost, though. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/pre-re/skill_require_db.txt // SkillID,HPCost,MaxHPTrigger,SPCost,HPRateCost,[...] 254,0,0,37:44:51:58:65:72:79:86:93:100,20,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //CR_GRANDCROSS
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