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Everything posted by Helly

  1. A simple Facebook Banner, you can use it if you like it. fb free banner.rar
  2. Version 1.0


    Facebook Banner, feel free to use it.
  3. Well, you must update to the last rev and you can use even 2015 exe(packet_db.txt), here is a ragexe 2015/05/15 and yes, you will have cash shop.
  4. you know this is coming, i mean the questions lol.. do u mean features that uses cutin? sry i dnt understand much and i let my dev do evrything, this is the only thing i can do to help him, relay informations.. thanks again! No no, he is talking about only the exe features, the script will work perfect, but he es talking about, navi, and the new menu, or other things that are very usefull in newest exe, but the positive of "older" exe is that have the mail system in the newest dont work the Rodex still dont work, but he mean that. THE NPC WILL WORK FINE THE EXE OR CLIENT DONT INFLUENCE IN THE SCRIPT FUNCTIONALITY NOTE: if you want that the cutin look like a ragnarok window must use cutin "kafra_7",3; in your script so the cutin will appear with the tittle bar and close button: Cutin Functions
  5. Well, there are two bmps for that img there are win_msgbox.bmp and win_msgbox1.bmp, its are in the texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º (not in the basic_interface) one of it is for ragexe and the other is for ragexeRE, when i edit i make it manually some windows simply change change the tittle bar and generate the white window
  6. Well there is a free version for that, the Stolao´s Daily Reward or the Emistry Daily(this is for pay service), that you see is a cuttin, so you must do it by your self if you want it or pay someone to do it for you. Good luck! n,n
  7. ██╗ ██╗██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██║ ██║╚════██╗╚════██╗██╔═████╗ ███████║ █████╔╝ █████╔╝██║██╔██║ ╚════██║██╔═══╝ ╚═══██╗████╔╝██║ ██║███████╗██████╔╝╚██████╔╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═════╝ ╚═════╝
  8. Bueno, en si el EXE mas que nada es para tener funciones mas actualizadas, por ejemplo Pin Code, o Navegador o el mapa nuevo o en el caso de los exes nuevos no tienen la funcion de mail esta desactivada por que funcionan con Rodex pero el rodex no esta listo aun, si es asi pues te recomiendo alguna version mas antigua, si quieres trabajar con los archivos de la carpeta data o si quieres trabajar con el iteminfo.lub, terceros jobs, monturas y etc. creo que este exe puede servirte: 2013-12-23 Aqui puedes descargar el NEMO(siempre selecciona los Recomended y ya despues ve leyendo de que consiste cada diff para que sepas que son y por que son recomendados) los packets ya estan en rathena asi que simplemente recuerda configurar bien tu clientinfo.xml con los packets correspondientes, tambien en el mmo.h para que asi no te haga regect. Mucha suerte! y si tienes alguna duda esperamos tener alguna respuesta para ti n.n. S2
  9. Bueno, eso depende mucho de tus conocimientos en Scriptin en realidad, si sabes que quieres hacer entonces encontraras las herramientas necesarias, te recomiendo que veas algunos scripts de Eventos ya existentes, tomes algunas ideas, las entiendas, veas como funcionan los procesos y etc, para poder hacer un npc de eventos debes saber como funcionan las variables. Aqui puedes encontrar muchos Scripts de eventos gratis: Eventos, Juegos y Quest Ya que entiendas que quieres hacer y despues de intentarlo y etc puedes pedir dudas, no hay guias especificas para hacer eventos, en esta pagina puedes encontrar los Script Command y sus funciones. Script Command No se que tan alto sea tu nivel de Scripting pero como te digo, tienes que saber que quieres que tu Juego o Evento haga para asi buscar cual de esos Script command, funciones, variables etc etc necesitas. En fin, muchisima suerte! y que que te vaya muy bien! si tienes alguna pregunta no dudes escribir por aca! S2!
  10. I have uploaded here https://rathena.org/board/topic/106190-paletts-update/ Even in the download section but still dont be accepted for the mods.
  11. https://rathena.org/wiki/Setcellthe last part explain a little what you want.
  12. Por si no los ven chic@s se los dejo por aquí, algunas herramientas de utilidad para sus servidores, por que me encanta el RO y en lugar de tener servidores tan competitivos que matan a otros con publicidad negativa, me gusta la libre competencia donde se que podemos ser los mejores con nuestros propios estilos únicos. Algunos Loading Screens Gratis Actualizacion de las Colores de ropa Pack de 553. (Este no tiene post por que ya lo subi a descargas pero aun no loa ceptan pero dejo el enlace de mediafire.) Actualizacion de Texturas y Modelos para Browedit. Por favor! no olviden dar Like!! de antemano Gracias!
  13. Hi there! Well i found my first job for a server, a did it in 2012(long time ago jaja) and i want to share it with you, if you found it useful and you like it please feel free to use it. Here are the jpg so you can see what is inside and if you want give them a qualification, please dont be cruel but please be honest! All the text is Editable! you can add your own font types, and publicity and logos.(I work on Photoshop CS6) The Rar file Include: 9 Loading screens JPG and PSD ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hola a todos! Bueno, encontre mi primer trabajo para un servidor, lo hice en el 2012(hace un buen tiempo) y quiero compartirlo con ustedes, si lo encuentran util y les gusta por favor siéntanse libres de usarlos. Aqui estan los jpg para que puedan ver que esta dentro, y si quieren pueden darme una calificacion, por favor no sean crueles pero si honestos! Todos los textos son editables! puedes agregar tus propias fuentes, publicidad y logos.(Yo trabajo en PhotoshopCS6) El archivo rar cotiene: 9 Loading screens JPG y PSD DOWNLOAD DESCARGA NOTE: If you use some of them please, dont forget to say thanks and give me a credit somewhere. NOTE: Si los utilizan, por favor no olviden decir gracias y darme los créditos en algún lado.
  14. Well i know this dont go here i have report it so someone can delete it or move it, and now edit it(i upload it in the download section but still dont appear so i use mediafire)
  15. Oh sorry by that, I think not have been approved the files, but i uploaded in mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/d15pkolllh0lb8o/553-ClothesDyes-UPDATED.rar look here is a doram: but how you say maybe there are some of them with the black spots. i have tested the old palettes pack and kamishi palettes pack ond Summoner class and work fine and look fine, can you show a screen shot of how do you look it? the mount too. (only the body) the head need their own palettes because the face have others details And colors.
  16. Here you have, https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3454-553-clothesdyes-updated/ can you please test it? I check some random colord and work fine. The rebellion have some problem with the ride no time to fix the paletts sorry u.u(i have a baby)
  17. 239 downloads

    Well i have uploaded a little my BrowEdit(is not full uploaded i dont add all the textures or the models) So if you like mapping but for some reason cant update by yourself here is a little help to have some new models. Enjoy.
  18. 2585 downloads

    Well, here you got some Updated Palettes, what is inside? I have onlye add: - Kagerou and Oboro - Summoner I have no add the Costume 3rd Job of Jro because dont look well in some jobs, the paletts dont match with the sprites and is a mess of black pixels for everywhere. Waiting you found it usefull for your server. Enjoy.
  19. Im working on it, im not a spriter or paletts maker im only updating but some of the old color dont look so pretty, when i finish them i will share it. But how i said that paletts dont look pretty good in some sprites like Royal. Guard
  20. Hi there! Well hoping this help someone i update the 553 Old Palettes pack for(the grf only have this jobs palettes add it in your grf): Kagerou-Oboro Rebellion Summoner They look good but have some detail most in rebellion mount but if you dint care just try it, i cant fix it becuse of time, i try to update to the Jro 3rd jobs Costumes but dont is a mess with mounts and some jobs colors. A summoner example: DOWNLOAD(Patch only summoner, kagerou and rebellion): http://www.mediafire.com/download/d15pkolllh0lb8o/553-ClothesDyes-UPDATED.rar DOWNLOAD FULL(WITH ALL JOBS PALETTES) Attached Files in this post. 553 Clothes - 263 Hair Color Palettes.rar
  21. XP yeah i tell her that by pm and send her an updated model and texture files, but she dont tell me if work jeje
  22. which browedit are you using? XP i only work with the old one 620
  23. Have you try the Server DB editor of Tokei? https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3269-server-database-editor/ Is very usefull tool take a look.
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