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Everything posted by Helly

  1. Mira aqu hay uno no es que tenga error, es que esta persona no supo poner el comando pero en rathena actualmente existe el comando @costume item: https://rathena.org/board/topic/99469-script-costume-item/ De igual forma si te da error deberás aplicar el diff manual si sabes hacerlo y sino avisa para enseñarte como suerte.
  2. nice whant to know too, are so detailded
  3. Helly

    Clan System

    And that because of what
  4. So you want to add others buff skills to the GTB? well then you need a src mod, in this post you can maybe find your answer to add skills in the list: https://rathena.org/board/topic/61213-golden-thief-bug-card remember to compile. Good luck.
  5. In the system folder your itminfo must be iteminfo.lub(open with notepad++ check the lang), btw you dont diff to read a custom iteminfo right? The items desceiption is only defined by the iteminfo.lub
  6. well, did you try bonus bNoMagicDamage,100; <-- reducing this number? i dont know like 30? or 20? the bonus work with % so if you reduce it the user only have that % of reduction. From doc/ítem_bonus.txt bonus bNoMagicDamage,n; Adds n% reduction to received magical effect (attack, healing, support spells are all blocked)​
  7. Well, eamod is full updated to rAthena and you can always talk with zephyrus, here his skype: zephyrus_cr
  8. Hi there, well firt you need to have an updated Kro or data.grf you can download this: Akkarin [2016-06-22] For seen your ítems in english and your buttons, after instal your KRO you copy and paste this files data and system that are here: Translate Project of zackdreaver To fix your packet problema first you must go to your: packet_db.txt search for your exe date in that case is 2015-11-04: //2015-11-04aRagexe packet_ver: 55 Now you know your packet ver and in the same file search (btw is in the top): //packet_db_ver: 46 packet_db_ver: default <--- you change "default" for your packets in this case "55" After you sabe you must go: src/common/mmo.h Find: #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20130807 <--- in this place you must put the date of your exe in this case 20151104 //#define PACKETVER 20120410 #endif For this you must to compile your server to make it run with that packet ver. Now in your Client side(In your data folder or your customdata.grf)​ search the file: clientinfo.xml Find: <version>46</version> <---Here you change it to the same packet you put in our packet_db.txt in this case 55 With all this your server must run fine, if the problems continue just answer here good luck!
  9. You can request it here: rAthena Pulls so they decide if they can add it an work on it.
  10. This is a 3ceam script compatible with rAthena and hercules, there is no diference cause is not a src or skill mod is just a generic npc compatible with rAthena @bodystyle(alternative 3rd job sprites).
  11. Lamentablemente no ah sido desarrollado, hay un proyecto privado de RebirthRO al parecer ellos lo tienen funcionando bien, pero hasta ahí en ninguna otra parte.
  12. If im not wrong you must set here in the same script: Laccessroom: // Open the dressing room and sets the dye/style max's depending on the job. opendressroom(0); set @hairdyemax,297;// - max of hair color set @bodydyemax,553;// - max of body color and here the max of hair you have // Summoner's only have 6 hair styles. if (BaseClass != Job_Summoner) set @hairstylemax,59;//max of hair like summoner down here that have 6 else set @hairstylemax,6;
  13. Helly


    still nothing, there is a guy that was making them but no updates: Kakaroto you can ask him but is the only guy i have seen working on it if any news please share!
  14. Oh no... yo me refieria a irte hasta el final del archivo... la ultima linea es la que debe ir sin la coma, si el tuyo lo vas a dejar tan arriva ahi si tiene que ir con la coma, perdon si no me exprese bien ponle la coma a la linea de tu npc en ambos archivos, solo la ultima linea antes de que cierre el "}" debe ir sin coma Ejemplo: JT_4_F_REBELLION3 = 10202 JT_4_M_ILYA = 10203, JT_MI_SPRITE_CUSTOM = 10204, <-- este es tu sprite custom al no ser el ultimo si lleva (,) JT_MI_Oficial_sprite = 20000 <-- ejemplo de ultima linea, este es el que debe ir sin coma(,) no el tuyo solo el ultimo de todo el arcivo } +
  15. por eso es importante expresarse claramente, ahora si bien ese post esta relacionado con la implementacion de npc sprite custom te lo dejo por aca un poquito mas especificado. En tu GRF extrae los siguientes archivos, yo estoy tomando de ejemplos lo de un proyecto de traduccion(renewal): data/Luafiles514/luafiles/datainfo/jobname.lub data/Luafiles514/luafiles/datainfo/npcidentity.lub en jobname.lub ve al final del documento y encuentra: [jobtbl.JT_E_TURTLE_GENERAL] = "INVISIBLE", [jobtbl.JT_EVENT_GOURD] = "EVENT_RICECAKE" } agregas tu npc al final pero recuerda que al "EVENT_RICECAKE" debes agregarle una (,)<-sin los paréntesis, la ultima linea siempre debe ir sin la coma. Ejemplo: [jobtbl.JT_E_TURTLE_GENERAL] = "INVISIBLE", [jobtbl.JT_EVENT_GOURD] = "EVENT_RICECAKE", [jobtbl.JT_MI_SPRITE_CUSTOM] = "MI_SPRITE_CUSTOM" } Despues de esto en nos vamos a npcidentity.lub y vas al final que deberia ser: JT_4_F_REBELLION3 = 10202, JT_4_M_ILYA = 10203 } debes tener especial cuidado y poner correctamente el mismo nombre que pusiste en el anterior archivo y de la misma forma no olvidar el detalle de las (,). Ejemplo: La ID es eso un ejemplo, pero trata de ocupar ID que no estén en la lista por que así evitas en futuras actualizaciones que te pasen a llevar el npc. JT_4_F_REBELLION3 = 10202, JT_4_M_ILYA = 10203, JT_MI_SPRITE_CUSTOM = 10204 } Despues de editarlos y guardarlos correctamente, los pones de nuevo en tu grf o en dado caso tu carpeta data abres tu exe y debería funcionar sin problema al hacerte disguise. Espero te funcione y sea de utilidad si tienes algún problema por favor postea aquí mismo.
  16. Hola, no entendí tu pregunta, pero si quieres agregar un nuevo npc en tu emulador y que este este ahí cada que inicias el servidor tienes que ir a: npc/crea una carpeta para tu servidor donde puedas poner todos tus npc.txt ya que pongas ahí tu archivo de npc debes dirigirte a npc/script_custom.conf en el cual veras algo así: // ----------------------- Basic Scripts ----------------------- //npc: npc/custom/warper.txt //npc: npc/custom/jobmaster.txt //npc: npc/custom/platinum_skills.txt //npc: npc/custom/healer.txt //npc: npc/custom/breeder.txt //npc: npc/custom/card_seller.txt //npc: npc/custom/itemmall.txt //npc: npc/custom/stylist.txt //npc: npc/custom/resetnpc.txt //npc: npc/custom/card_remover.txt //npc: npc/custom/item_signer.txt //npc: npc/custom/woe_controller.txt esos que vez ahí con // están bloqueados y no puedes verlos, puedes desbloquearlos si así lo deseas n_n son muy útiles, se desbloquean quitando los //. Ok, para implementar tu npc debes agregar una linea(esto para cada npc que agregues), te recomiendo que seas ordenado y agregues un titulo para que no los pierdas como por ejemplo: // NPC de Bienvenida - Mi servidor - npc: npc/micarpeta/miscript.txt (obviamente sin los //) después de eso tienes dos opciones: + Usar el comando @loadscript npc/micarpeta/miscript.txt, el cual no recomiendo mucho por que aveces el npc no se carga por completo. + Usar el comando @reloadscript esto te recarga todos los npc incluyendo los respawn de mobs así que si tienes un servidor online debes tener cuidado por que se puede des balancear un poco
  17. Did you try this Emistry Job Changer? https://rathena.org/board/topic/105789-utility-sql-job-changer/ is by sql but it seems very good.
  18. You extract the files that you need for this map, there is a prontera_re folder in textures and models(check the atached), then you must put it in the same directory in your own grf that mean, the textures folder of prontera_re in the textures folder and the model porntera_re in the models folder, and you add the map in the data how another custom map. Here is a download with only the textures and models from prontera re you can test it in your test server in your data folder first.
  19. You can if you add it like a custom map and get the rextures and models from the new prontera Tokei release a grf with that map with textures downgraded http://mediafire.com/?7hcz6u9vl4vjhb4(credits to tokei) add the prontera_re textures and models into your grf and you can make this map work
  20. are you working with data folder or data.grf?
  21. Helly

    Headgear Box

    Yeah but, if you want to make a random box with only 3 or 5 or even 10 items i think the db is enoght, cause for me the IG_ is mor for box that contain more than 15 items, but is really a very personal preceptions.
  22. Helly

    Headgear Box

    Or you can even try making it by an easy way using the item script: getitem callfunc("F_Rand",item,item,item,item,...),1; This is an usable item: ItemID,ITEM_NAME,Item Name,2,0,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getitem callfunc("F_Rand",itemid,itemid,itemid,itemid,...),1; },{},{} And that item will randomly give you only 1 of thats items you put there
  23. you must rename it and quit the -tmpl of the name so you got your import fold.
  24. Às vezes isso é causado por antivírus o windows defender, tente desativá-lo e voltar a instalad Nemo ou baixá-lo, pois alguns arquivos são apagados, desculpa a minha escrita Eu estou usando o google tradutor.
  25. yeah! In my opinion... is very expensive... 350-400 dlls... you pay it only 1 time... but... i mean... is too much for a kind of... exe..
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