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Everything posted by Helly

  1. Helly

    Clan System

    jajaja Yeah! some of us need to translate it!
  2. Helly

    Clan System

    Any news please?!
  3. For error in maps intro, add this files in your data folder/grf new_maps_intro.rar
  4. No entendí si tu problema es grande o es minimo xDDD Sin embargo, necesitas proporcionar más información como fecha del exe, que difeos usaste y que de donde sacaste la carpeta data que usas ya que puede afectar en el exe tambn si no es compatible
  5. Thank you for all support to rAthena.
  6. Hi, how is possible edit the client or lua files for show in the Quest Windows, this position of tabs? Thanks you
  7. Cabe destacar que db/skill_damage_db.txt es también para ajustar el daño de ciertas skill sin necesidad de tocar el source (no todas las skill funcionan correctamente con este sistema, algunas requieren modificación de source) #define ADJUST_SKILL_DAMAGE dentro de src/config/core.h permite activar el uso de esta base de datos // Examples: // MC_MAMMONITE,1,1,50 // In normal maps, players deal +50% damage to other players with Mammonite. // MO_EXTREMITYFIST,1,6,-50 // In PVP and GVG, players deal -50% (half) damage to other players with Asura Strike. // AB_ADORAMUS,1,6,50,0,10,15 // In PVP and GVG, players deal +50% damage to other players, +0% to mobs, +10% to bosses, and +15% to other with Adoramus.
  8. Eliminar el cuadro tengo entendido que no se puede, tendrias que editar o el exe o el source y se pondria más completo (quizas un trabajo pagado a un capo del src te podria resultar).
  9. Helly


    ¿Te aparecen los botones y interfaz en coreano solamente? Usa estos archivos https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/tree/master/data en la carpeta data o grf. me cuentas Darkness.
  10. Hi what is the maximum ID for these messages? I try in the folder import the number 1601 (for my customs system) but this show error in the mapserver is possible include customs translation? and how use => 1601,1602...etc? for no edit the originals map_msg of rAthena? thank you Solved
  11. Thank you nice release But show error in the last rev of rA about a "npc use item"
  12. then why exist rAthena (Renewal Athena emulator) I am going to repeat the name Renewal athena emulator if you do not understand this means working on renewal then, leave your childish ideas, move your hands,and get to work here in the famous renewal that you want You're being ridiculous you and all who support you because if you love ro you do the right thing to improve this and not run away Excuse me if I am very honest with you, but you always need someone to tell it like it is, you to land your ideas
  13. With great respect I want to say this: Why better instead of doing more stupid emulators do not get to work here? There are stupid emulators every year! What you do is dissolve the existing communities Adults working here, why not meet to dialogue with managers rathena and get to work here? or hercules not know Here's something really good, make it better not dissolve Communication done great things in the history of athena, because you break? And this message is intended also for people of hercules Here we all work for a common good, because it does not promote a single emulator and make it better and better, I see only more childish ideas producing disunity Your have a lot of talent and knowledge! Use them here The community learned (eAthena) that the union is strength (in its heyday), do not you learn anything? Now eAthena not exist for the same
  14. how increase the max msg? for example for my custom mod into source i have to 1822 msg for map_msg but this show error in emulator. how is possible increase the limit of message?
  15. Hello my friend, thanks for the respond and i know that. however i'm looking for the "EXACT" date of that client. when you hexed it with NEMO it appears in the date with "2015-11-02" so i'm looking for the exact date. Because it's compiled on 2nd of November 2015 but released on 4th. That one is EXACTLY the one you want. There's no 2015-11-02. Do you know where can i find this link? Thank you! It's from kRO patch server. Here's the link. Hey but if i try diff a exe from the ftp kro (example: 2015-11-04aRagexeRE.exe) this only have a size from 4mb, normal if about 12~14mb and Nemo is closed and show very errors.... ¿how is possible obtain 2015-11-04aRagexeRE.exe working in nemo patcher? thank you
  16. Doram, Roulette, bank, support to hexed and other things, constantly making updates to correct issues... Do you want more? I think the problem of a human is aways the desire of more... Is aways more =\ Maybe, but hercules is more advanced in... and i like rA, love rA...not herc
  17. oh ok i understand now thank you
  18. Actual rA Emu is: /*========================================== * npctalk (sends message to surrounding area) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(npctalk) { struct npc_data* nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); const char* str = script_getstr(st,2); if (nd) { char message[256]; safesnprintf(message, sizeof(message), "%s", str); clif_disp_overhead(&nd->bl, message); } return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } In game example Kafra npc: (No show the name of npc) Hello wold! Old rA emu: BUILDIN_FUNC(npctalk) { const char* str; char name[NAME_LENGTH], message[256]; struct npc_data* nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); str = script_getstr(st,2); if(nd) { safestrncpy(name, nd->name, sizeof(name)); strtok(name, "#"); // discard extra name identifier if present safesnprintf(message, sizeof(message), "%s : %s", name, str); clif_disp_overhead(&nd->bl, message); } return 0; } In Game example Kafra npc: (this show name of npc) Kafra : Hello world! why this? is a error? I try adding "%s : %s" in the actual script of npctalk but not work...
  19. Gepard shield has a very high cost The same error harmony and Functor can not see nor understand.
  20. @kaze https://mega.nz/#!w84jRRjZ!iWjU1Qfsez_3nbTtqQuFWHsbda2IglPi7TBnzZWmJtI https://rathena.org/board/topic/104205-2015-client-support/
  21. wow ragnarok advanced and rA getting slower @Aleos
  22. Hi there, can make some suggestion? Every time we make some reload or start the emu the npc recognized the dy like the first day then it give you that reward can you add a variable that recognize the day of the mont? By the way a count of this variable if the player has the 31 days recieved the reward give new price and then recet the variable. Other thing is that the script give every hour, what if someone wants to give a price just for 1 hour played? If a player relogs the count starts again and recieve another reward sorry if i say to much things xP im trying add it by myself but i get confused if i apply variable the next day will not receive then must add variable for every day, and how to check if they are playing and not vending or afk, to many questions! Jjaja sorry if im bothering you to much!!
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