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Everything posted by sotf

  1. Using an equip? autobonus3 "{ bonus bMatk,50; }",60000,<double casting skill id>,{};
  2. prontera,100,100,3 script Converter 100,{ mes "Convert Menu"; if(select("Coupon to Kafra Pts:Coupon to Zeny")== 1) { goto ckafra; end; } else { goto czeny; end; } ckafra: next; mes "Input Coupon Amount"; input .@ckafra; next; set .@kafratotal, .@ckafra*1; mes "Converting "+.@ckafra+" coupon to "+.@kafratotal+" kafra points, continue?"; if(select("No:Yes")==1) { close; } next; mes "Done!"; delitem .couponid, .@ckafra; set #KAFRAPOINTS,#KAFRAPOINTS+.@kafratotal; dispbottom "========================================="; dispbottom "Convert: You converted "+.@ckafra+" coupons to "+.@kafratotal+" Kafra Points."; dispbottom "You now have "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Kafra Points"; dispbottom "========================================="; close; czeny: next; mes "Input Coupon Amount"; input .@czeny; next; set .@zenytotal, .@czeny*5000; mes "Converting "+.@czeny+" coupon to "+.@zenytotal+" zeny, continue?"; if(select("No:Yes")==1) { close; } next; mes "Done!"; delitem .couponid, .@czeny; set #ZENY,#ZENY+.@zenytotal; dispbottom "========================================="; dispbottom "Convert: You converted "+.@czeny+" coupons to "+.@zenytotal+" Kafra Points."; dispbottom "You now have "+#ZENY+" Kafra Points"; dispbottom "========================================="; close; OnInit: set .couponid, 7588; end; } Try this ^ About your edit: OnInit: set 7588, 909; end; It should be: OnInit: set .couponid, 7588; end; that's the only part you need to change (except for the mes and dispbottoms if you want to change the displayed messages)
  3. Did you change the item id to your coupon's item id? EDIT: My bad, try this: prontera,100,100,3 script Converter 100,{ mes "Convert Menu"; if(select("Coupon to Kafra Pts:Coupon to Zeny")== 1) { goto ckafra; end; } else { goto czeny; end; } ckafra: next; mes "Input Coupon Amount"; input .@ckafra; next; set .@kafratotal, .@ckafra*1; mes "Converting "+.@ckafra+" coupon to "+.@kafratotal+" kafra points, continue?"; if(select("No:Yes")==1) { close; } next; mes "Done!"; delitem .couponid, .@ckafra; set #KAFRAPOINTS,#KAFRAPOINTS+.@kafratotal; dispbottom "========================================="; dispbottom "Convert: You converted "+.@ckafra+" coupons to "+.@kafratotal+" Kafra Points."; dispbottom "You now have "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Kafra Points"; dispbottom "========================================="; close; czeny: next; mes "Input Coupon Amount"; input .@czeny; next; set .@zenytotal, .@czeny*5000; mes "Converting "+.@czeny+" coupon to "+.@zenytotal+" zeny, continue?"; if(select("No:Yes")==1) { close; } next; mes "Done!"; delitem .couponid, .@czeny; set #ZENY,#ZENY+.@zenytotal; dispbottom "========================================="; dispbottom "Convert: You converted "+.@czeny+" coupons to "+.@zenytotal+" Kafra Points."; dispbottom "You now have "+#ZENY+" Kafra Points"; dispbottom "========================================="; close; OnInit: set .couponid, 909; end; }
  4. prontera,100,100,3 script Converter 100,{ mes "Convert Menu"; if(select("Coupon to Kafra Pts:Coupon to Zeny")== 1) { goto ckafra; end; } else { goto czeny; end; } ckafra: next; mes "Input Amount"; input .@ckafra; next; set .@kafratotal, .@ckafra*1; mes "Converting "+.@ckafra+" coupon to "+.@kafratotal+" kafra points, continue?"; if(select("No:Yes")==1) { close; } next; mes "Done!"; delitem .@couponid, .@ckafra; set #KAFRAPOINTS,#KAFRAPOINTS+.@kafratotal; close; czeny: next; mes "Input Amount"; input .@czeny; next; set .@zenytotal, .@czeny*5000; mes "Converting "+.@czeny+" coupon to "+.@zenytotal+" zeny, continue?"; if(select("No:Yes")==1) { close; } next; mes "Done!"; delitem .@couponid, .@czeny; set #ZENY,#ZENY+.@zenytotal; close; OnInit: set .@couponid, 909; end; } Try this.
  5. You can just make one via scripting instead. Using arrays and rand().
  6. prontera,100,100,5 script OCBuyer 100,{ mes "Sell your stuffs here"; next; skill 38,10,0; callshop "ocbuyershop",2; close2; skill 38,0,0; end; } - shop ocbuyershop -1,909:-1 Try this, haven't tested it but... yeah.
  7. Hi! I recently installed Achievement System from here: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/2044 I noticed that we can add custom achievements at achievement_db.conf. I tried adding a custom one, but it shows as a blank achievement on the announce, I can't also find it in the achievements window. So I thought there should be a file client-side that controls this. Which client-side file do I edit for this? I was only able to find the one for titles.
  8. Hi! Here's what I use, you wont need any source edits for this one: - script itemmap -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "itemmap",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",99,99; end; OnAtcommand: if ( .@atcmd_numparameters != 2 ) { message .@myname$, "Usage: "+ .@atcmd_command$ +" <item id> <amount>"; end; } .atoi_id = atoi( .@atcmd_parameters$[0] ); .atoi_amount = atoi( .@atcmd_parameters$[1] ); .@myname$ = strcharinfo(0); if ( getiteminfo( .atoi_id,0 ) == -1 ) { message .@myname$, "Requesting to send an non-existing item ("+ .atoi_id +"). "+ .@atcmd_command$ +" failed."; end; } else if ( .atoi_amount < 1 ) { message .@myname$, "You can't send "+ .atoi_amount +" item. "+ .@atcmd_command$ +" failed."; end; } addrid(1); if(checkvending(strcharinfo(0))) { end; } else { getitem .atoi_id, .atoi_amount; } end; }
  9. I think this is what you're looking for: https://rathena.org/wiki/Data_Folder_Structure
  10. map files just go on the data folder ex: data/prontera.gat
  11. map,x,y,0<tab>script<tab>-1,{ OnInit: specialeffect 343; initnpctimer; OnTimer5000: //5 seconds (change to whatever you desire) specialeffect 343; initnpctimer; end; }
  12. Thanks for the update! These are awesome! Keep up the good work and stay well!
  13. Try this: prontera,0,0,0 script Money Changer 100,{ mes "[ Money Changer ]"; mes "Your Cash: "+#CASHPOINTS+""; mes "Your Zeny: "+Zeny+""; mes "Rate"; mes "1 cash = 10z"; switch(select("Cash to Zeny:Zeny to Cash")){ case 1: input .@czamt; if(.@czamt == 0) { close; } next; mes "[ Money Changer ]"; if(#CASHPOINTS < .@czamt){ mes "Not enough Cash!"; close; } mes "Converting "+.@czamt+" cash to "+.@czamt*10+"z. Continue?"; if(select("No:Yes") == 1) { close; } next; mes "[ Money Changer ]"; mes "Done!"; set Zeny,Zeny+.@czamt*10; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-.@czamt; close; case 2: input .@czamt; if(.@czamt == 0) { close; } next; mes "[ Money Changer ]"; if(Zeny < .@czamt){ mes "Not enough Zeny!"; close; } mes "Converting "+.@czamt+"z to "+.@czamt/10+" cash. Continue?"; if(select("No:Yes") == 1) { close; } next; mes "[ Money Changer ]"; mes "Done!"; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+.@czamt/10; set Zeny,Zeny-.@czamt; close; } }
  14. As I stated on my first post, I already checked Refiner and Stylist's script code but I don't see any script command that will force disconnect the player clicking it. I don't think the problem is from the NPCs itself. Thanks for your concern though!
  15. Nothing appears on the console sadly. I'm really clueless as to what's happening.
  16. Hi, good day! I wanted to ask if any of you encountered this: You click an NPC(Refiner NPC for example), and you press the ENTER key too fast. Sometimes it will automatically disconnects you. This happens to me on Refine and Stylist NPCs, instead of clicking the next button on screen most of the time we just press enter. Sometimes we tend to press it too fast. I also tried checking the NPCs code but they're fine, I use the default NPCs here from rAthena. I'm just wondering if anybody has a solution for this. Btw I am using 20120410 client and on pre-renewal.
  17. prontera,166,66,4 script Free Healer 113,{ if (Hp = MaxHP*0.3) { dispbottom "free healer"; percentheal 30,30; skilleffect 28,0; } else { mes "Maaf kamu tidak bisa menggunakan layanan ini"; close; } Not sure if that's right, but there you go. (not really sure if 0.3 will work or not hahaha). other special variables: https://rathena.org/board/topic/72019-where-i-can-find-default-variables-of-game/?p=143798
  18. BUMP! Anyone? Maybe a simple source edit can enable any item's OnEquip and OnUnequip_Script effects even if compounded on non-card slot?
  19. I am using updated rAthena. was updated last year.
  20. Good day! I plan to add Enchant System on my offline server but I have encountered a major problem, so here it is: codes inside OnEquip_Script and OnUnequip_Script fields doesn't work if the enchant/card is inserted on the slot where a card shouldn't be. Ex. Headgear: Hat[1] Custom Enchant: { bonus bStr,5; },{ set enstr,enstr+1; if(enstr >= 5) { bonus bStr,-3; }},{ set enstr,enstr-1;} As we know, Hat[1] has the following slots [ O ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] having O = available slot and X = unavailable slot If I put my custom enchant inside O, codes inside OnEquip_Script and OnUnequip_Script works properly. But if it's on one of the X's, it won't work at all. Is it possible to make those codes inside OnEquip_Script and OnUnequip_Script work even if it is inside one of the X slots? If it is, how? Please enlighten me. I wanted to limit my custom enchant's effect if it reaches a certain quantity on a player's headgear(s).
  21. Version 1.0


    Hi, good day rAthena! It's my first time sharing my stuff here so please bear with me as I present you this Grand Chase-Inspired Patcher. I included the PSD files so you can edit the buttons and the logo to your likings! If ever I missed something, just let me know.
  22. Manually applying diffs by opening .diff or .patch file via a text editor(preferably notepad++), then copying those lines with + sign on the beginning of their lines then pasting it on it's respective location on your src folder. The process is tedious but if you really wanted that feature you have to learn how to do it.
  23. Here's a card remover script with costume support. Credits to the one who wrote this card_remover.txt
  24. Uhm.. Question, why not use item_combo_db.txt? item_db: 30000,str_belt,str_belt,4,30000,,100,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,136,,0,0,0,{ bonus bStr,40; },{},{} 30001,agi_belt,agi_belt,4,30000,,100,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,136,,0,0,0,{ bonus bAgi,10; },{},{} item_combo_db: 30000:30000,{ bonus bStr,-20; } 30000:30001,{ bonus bAgi,30; bonus bStr,30; }
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