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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/23 in all areas

  1. I was looking all over for a guide on how to make the World Map feature usable / customizable but I wasn't able to locate one. So, I just spent some time and figure it out. I was able to finish this little project and was satisfied with the outcome. I figured I'd share how it looks like. Special thanks to @Vy Low for letting me use his World Map jpeg. Video Preview: Screenshots: Changed a few colors here and there, but overall it looks good. Minimal Issue at all. Initial version : no mob levels yet, but will have this soon average level per map / dungeon. PS: No place to share it so I just selected the Client Support section.
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Since the new updates no longer include the command, its a modification of the old code created by zephyrus_cr, with the addition of the specific item link.
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Skin KPatcher Official Older Bahasa + mp3 Theme Prontera (+Voice Bahasa)
    1 point
  4. Olá pessoal, a algum tempo atrás eu postei uma versão inicial do PF PAINEL. Porém, ele estava em um notebook, que eu acabei tendo que vender, fiz o backup de algumas coisas porém acabei esquecendo de fazer o backup do painel, então essa versão foi perdida. Devido a isso eu resolvi fazer uma nova versão do painel do 0, e ai está ela. [ PF PAINEL V2] Linguagens: - HTML5 - PHP - JAVASCRIPT - CSS Compatibilidade: - Rathena Emulador - Hercules Emulador Funcionalidades: [JOGADOR NORMAL] - Registrar Conta OK - Visualizar Conta OK - Visualizar Personagens OK - Resetar Posição de Personagens OK - Resetar Estilo de Personagens OK - Alterar Senha OK - Alterar E-mail OK - Visualizar Status do Servidor OK - Os melhores do Ranking OK - Log's da Conta OK - Ranking de WOE OK - Ranking de MVP OK - Ranking de Zenys OK - Ranking de PVP OK - Ranking de Eventos OK - Database de Itens OK - Database de Monstros OK - Recuperar Senha Em Desenvolvimento [ADMIN] - Log's de PVP OK - Log's de Comandos OK - Log's de Lojas OK - Log's de GS OK - Log's de Zenys OK - Log's de Mortes OK - Log's de Chat OK - Log's de Login OK - Log's de MVP's OK - Log's de NPC's OK - Log's de Drops OK - Log's de Personagens OK - Adicionar Créditos OK - Remover Créditos OK - Adicionar VIP OK - Remover IP OK - Bloquear Conta OK - Desbloquear Conta OK - Adicionar Membro na Staff OK - Remover Membro da Staff OK - Scripts compatíveis para integração com o painel. OBS: O design do painel eu não desenvolvi do 0, peguei um painel flat responsivo e fui modificando de acordo com a necessidade. Segue abaixo algumas imagens do painel:
    1 point
  5. Version


    Please do not send me private message as my response would be in lowest priority. UPDATE IMPORTANT NOTICE: Not only this release is beta, there are few important changes need to note of: You now may modify the icon, code sign after pack configuration data. Some configuration entries are deprecated. Additionally, as you can tell, script support is coming... System Requirement: Windows 2000 or higher. Features Pack into single/multi grf file(s) [0x200] Automatically generates GRF if not exist RGZ support Customizable skin & language entries Background music No extra dll, not even config file is needed when distribute. Embed config file and resource data (images for background/buttons) Custom Button Remote config file Self update and client update [supports multi client exe update(Up to 255)] Tools ConfigGenerator - Packs configuration and resources into the patcher or generate as a binary config pack. ThorMaker - make patch files into thor file, there two options file & grf, when choose file, the patcher will extract file into disk, and grf simply put in GRF. [Please do not pack GRF, instead you should pack the actual data.] CheckSum - Simply a crc32 tool, used to make sure patcher & client/game exe is up to date ======================== Internal Config and Remote Config: Internal config is simply the one embed inside patcher, store basic information required to run Remote config, is on web server (of course), it used configure extended features.
    1 point
  6. Coupon NPC I had the idea from here: http://rathena.org/b...ional-code-npc/ I decided to make my own script. How does this works ? The admin speaks to the npc and he/she can add a new coupon. The code will be generated randomly and automatic and everything will be saved in database. You can set the code length in script. You only need to enter the item id and the amount. If a player speaks to the npc he/she can submit a coupon and get the stuff. The code will be deleted from database after it was used. Notice: Coupon Codes are limited to 128 (array limit) Files coupon_system.txt coupon_npc_1.1.0.txt coupon_npc_1.1.1.txt coupon_npc_1.1.2.txt Changelogs 1.0.0 Release 1.1.0 Added code type feature (normal|md5-hash) 1.1.0 Added prevention for typing 0 into Item ID or Amount 1.1.0 Added a feature for gms to see available coupons 1.1.0 Minor bug fixes 1.1.1 Fixed a bug that caused duplicating items 1.1.2 Added announce if player got a item Features Saves coupons in database randomly generated codes very easy to use How can you help me ? Give me feedback Report bugs Tell me if you like it tr0n
    1 point
  7. Version v1.0.0.600


    Easy to use & feature packed NPC Script Editor for RO emulator(s). Has a built in plug-in system, so anyone can write their own plugin to extend this editor's feature. Now optimized for performance and support NPC Script Parsing / Syntax / Error checking (F6) right in the editor to speed up your coding.
    1 point
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