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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/22 in Posts

  1. Are you using a custom coded flux theme? make sure all modules on the theme are compatible with the flux control panel
    2 points
  2. Hi all, I put together a command-line tool to help save time when porting lots of existing items to an rAthena server: https://github.com/Latiosu/dp2rathena I noticed that the rAthena community often refers to divine-pride.net (DP) as a source of truth, so I figured it would be useful to connect with their API. Summary The tool uses data from divine-pride.net and attempts to map the API response to a desired rAthena database format. Installation Requires Python 3.6+ and pip installed: pip install dp2rathena Usage Generate a divine-pride.net API key if you don't have one yet (registration required), then you can start converting data: Example 1: Store API key and convert items with id 501 and 1101 dp2rathena config dp2rathena item 501 1101 Produces this output: Example 2: Convert mobskills for mobs with id 1002, 1049 and 1299 and save to a file called "attacks.txt" (re-uses stored API key if present) dp2rathena mobskill 1002 1049 1299 > C:\Users\Latios\Desktop\attacks.txt Produces a file in the Desktop folder called "attacks.txt": Example 3: Convert mob with id 20357 to mob_db.yml format dp2rathena mob 20357 Produces following command-line output: Further instructions can be found at the repository: https://github.com/Latiosu/dp2rathena Limitations I've moved this section to the GitHub repository above to keep it up-to-date. --- Let me know if you'd like to be able to convert other data from DP, some other suggestion or any questions. Edit: Add terminal animation for a visual explanation
    1 point
  3. You can try to follow this guide. I hope this might help you
    1 point
  4. Changed this: case SP_ATK2: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { bonus = status->rhw.atk2 + val; status->rhw.atk2 = cap_value(bonus, 0, USHRT_MAX); } else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { bonus = status->lhw.atk2 + val; status->lhw.atk2 = cap_value(bonus, 0, USHRT_MAX); } I just removed the "== 1" I think this is responsible to make all Bonus2 only appliable from Hand Sources. Maybe I'm wrong, but that fixed my problem. Thanks!
    1 point
  5. Hi @Hakahay, querying other language/region DP databases using dp2rathena is not possible yet. Though Divine-Pride does have the feature of querying different language/region databases through their website and API.
    1 point
  6. You are probably using outdated cursors.act and cursors.spr cursor.rar
    1 point
  7. OnMinute00: OnMinute10: OnMinute20: OnMinute30: OnMinute40: OnMinute50: for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 5; .@i++ ) if ( !getmapusers( "New_"+.@i+"-3" ) ) killmonster "New_"+.@i+"-3","All"; end;
    1 point
  8. Map effects are different. They work in the map file and aren't managed by the server. The thing you want is something like this: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=1pSM8zqJ But based on the other scripts which didn't work, and this one is almost exactly...
    1 point
  9. place this code to your item script, change the item id with the item id where this script belong to if (BaseLevel >50) unequip (getitemslots(<item ID>));
    1 point
  10. Briefing and Concept Hey all! For this Christmas, myself and Olrox have decided to team up and commit our efforts in a mapping project. We want to drive a project that is unique, exciting and fresh for everyone to enjoy. The project consists of the following additions: Lutie Field Walkway Expansion (North) Lutie Field 2 (North of Lutie) Toy Factory Dungeon Level 3 (The Tower) Note: This project is still a Work in Progress. The pictures below do NOT reflect the final product of this project. About The Map 1.0 - Lutie Field Walkway Expansion Provide a texture and model edit North of Lutie to gain access to the 2nd field of Lutie Town. 2.0 - Lutie Field 2 (North of Lutie) For the first time ever, Lutie now has a 2nd field for all to enjoy. The purpose of this field is to serve as a replacement for the location and entrance to Toy Factory. Instead of entering the Factory from the locomotive in Lutie, you would now be able to walk into the building at the center of the map. The map can provide as a base for new monster locations and quests. The theme of Lutie is to be preserved and therefore the field follows a similar design of Lutie Field 1. New textures & custom models are used in this project and new ideas through this were made. Firstly, the Factory shows off it's take with the cold harsh winters. Therefore, you can see snow residues on the walls, and models of the factory. A frozen lake is available in the middle of the map for those who might want to skate! Several small homes are scattered around the map for server's to provide quests, etc. Overhead Screenshot Toy Factory Map Entrance/Exit North West Corner North East Corner South East Corner (Forest Pathway) South East Mountain Ridge Frozen Lake 3.0 - Toy Factory Dungeon Level 3 (The Tower) This new addition to the Toy Factory Dungeon will provide a unique perspective of the world around the factory itself. The tower provides a balcony players can walk around and be able to overlook both the factory and field below. The factory assembly line design theme will be conserved and used in this new dungeon level. The dungeon can be used to house a quest, custom boss or custom monsters. Preview not available. Please try again later Final Details For those who are wondering about the map project release details... This map project is completely FREE and FOR the community with an exception to those who have been naughty this year. Merry Christmas all and this is Olrox and I's gift to you~ Note: When new progress has been made, I will update the screenshots~! Download
    1 point
  11. OnInit: set .maplist$, "|map1|map2|map3|map4|"; end; OnPCDieEvent: if( !compare(.maplist$,"|"+strcharinfo(3)+"|") ) end; set(@life,@life+1); if( @life > 1 ) { warp "SavePoint",0,0; set(@life,0); } end;
    1 point
  12. As Syouji said, this is our first cooperative work, from some others in the future. It was maybe some days ago when Syouji told me about this Lutie expansion, a map project to be released under free terms. My time to work on free releases is somewhat limited, and now more than even... but I believe that Syouji often shares files of his own to the community, for free, so, I thought that giving him a hand on this was going to be helpful in another way. I hope you will like this set of maps. For now I did some help with the ice textures and ice lake. Next I will see what I can do with the interior dungeon.
    1 point
  13. Enables leaving the guild without going to the guild menu (alt+g) Idea from the request of Jhosef. Updates: • Updated @leaveguild so it can now check if the invoker of the command is a guild master. if it is, it will tell the user to use @breakguild instead. • Added @breakguild, an alternative for /breakguild "Guild name" • Added @guildinvite, enabling invitation of players out of sight of the inviter. Usage: @leaveguild <message is optional> @breakguild /* needs to be a guild master to use */ @guildinvite <player name required> /* needs to be an inviter to use */ guild @commands.patch
    1 point
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