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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/17 in all areas

  1. January Digest 2017 The following digest covers the month of January, 2017. Staff Changes None Development Highlights CORE: Added windows specific socket timeout code (Git Hash: 8b6b9c1) Fixed ZC_PROPERTY_HOMUN_2 packet (Git Hash: 03a5440) Added a config for maprespawnguildid's behaviour (Git Hash: eb47d74) Fixed sleep2 and awake functions for non-players (Git Hash: 12457d3) Added a script command for instance information (Git Hash: 55459f3) Added a parameter to map_nick2sd for partial name (Git Hash: 88aaa9b, Git Hash: 14b79ea) Adjusted the parameter size for NPC commands (Git Hash: f14b5b3) Added code adaptation so rAthena can be run on Raspbian OS (Git Hash: 755329f, Git Hash: c93b9ce) Fixed Taekwon Mission not working (Git Hash: 870273e) Refactored hardcoded NPC event names (Git Hash: 2043c95) Fixed party bound item check (Git Hash: 6de7aa8) Made prevent_logout effect on log-in optional (Git Hash: f5c4332) Added Clan Chat logging (Git Hash: 11f0a1f) Fixed aftercast animation of Coluceo Heal (Git Hash: d6daffe) Added new atcommand clanspy (Git Hash: 633d50f) Fixed event OnBreakGuild not being triggered (Git Hash: 60652e2) Fixed Emperium attack checks for slaveclones (Git Hash: 7416ad7) Corrected script command atcommand (Git Hash: 2c4cd07) Cleaned up the colored messages (Git Hash: d8768e4) Fixed wrong output in itemdb_read_itemdelay (Git Hash: 9cd1ea4) Resolved a potential map-server crash (Git Hash: 7543f1c) Fixed atcommands for NPC loading (Git Hash: 9c2026d, Git Hash: 6542773, Git Hash: 10c4bac) Revamped script command setunitdata (Git Hash: 706345f) Fixed Vanish damage interaction with some skills (Git Hash: bfab00a) Added battle config pet_master_dead (Git Hash: cb72a89) Fixed vending/buyingstore info not being removed (Git Hash: 4af46ba) Added a configuration to hide favorite items from sell menu (Git Hash: e31428d) DATABASE: Skill update: Neutral Barrier, Masquerade, Crush Strike, Meteor Assault, Enchant Deadly Poison (Git Hash: da526d1, Git Hash: 08d55d8, Git Hash: 0b2e0cc, Git Hash: fa443ee) Item DB update (Git Hash: 07eb5ea, Git Hash: a6f8dd5, Git Hash: b311255) Updated renewal skill SP costs (Git Hash: 06c40e6) Updated renewal skill tree (Git Hash: c09ce19) Corrected areamonster location (Git Hash: 7e2dedc) SCRIPT: Fixed announces from Koschei the Immortal (Git Hash: 988bf12) Initial release of Horror Toy Factory instance (Git Hash: c6ab722) Cleaned up permanent monster spawn (Git Hash: c6470ff) Fixed missing NPC name in npctalk (Git Hash: 09cbf2d) Initial release of Guild Daily Mission (Git Hash: 14b381d) Fixed bugs in Bangungot Hospital instance (Git Hash: dfaee69) OTHERS: Fixed remote listing command in README.md (Git Hash: 0a303c7) Fixed compile warnings and errors (Git Hash: a73814e, Git Hash: 047ef12) Repaired line endings in logs.sql (Git Hash: 958476f) Added CONTRIBUTING.md, ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md, and PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md (Git Hash: 414841a, Git Hash: 961a945, Git Hash: 10af42f) Amended script command checkweight documentation (Git Hash: 6e9cd44) Statistics Excluding merges, 13 authors have pushed 64 commits to master and 77 commits to all branches. On master, 293 files have changed. There have been 16,238 additions and 11,806 deletions. There are 17 merged Pull Requests and 7 Proposed Pull Requests. There are 20 new Issues and 60 Closed Issues. List of Contributors @aleos89, @alxalmora, @anacondaqq, @Atemo, @CairoLee, @chriser-, @cydh, @Emistry, @exneval, @Everade, @guilherme-gm, @Indigo000, @kukuasir1, @jamon18, @Jeybla, @johnfercher, @landergate, @Lemongrass3110, @lighta, @LiMoon, @lucasoli, @marky291, @MrAntares, @naffej, @Playtester, @raynra, @rubie123, @secretdataz, @sigtus, @srhmike, @RagnarokNova, @technoken, @Tokeiburu, @vstumpf, @zackdreaver Show your support to rAthena by submitting your Issue or Pull Requests! By providing enough useful info (Git Hash, Client Date, RE/Pre-RE, crashdump, how to reproduce, etc) you will help us to solve the issues faster
    1 point
  2. Instead of asking the steps one by one, you can start reading the tutorial by using the search feature located on upper right side. You can start by reading this one.
    1 point
  3. Use your patcher, what ever patcher you are using, create a patch file and update your images use that patch
    1 point
  4. Download PEviewer to check your client version here is a link for you
    1 point
  5. use THIS grf editor! and you need 1024*768 size images to change login screen use thus LINK
    1 point
  6. use THIS grf editor! and you need 1024*768 size images to change login screen use thus LINK
    1 point
  7. Which version of client you are looking for? http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/ Try this link You can get different versions Since you say you are new, I suggest to Diff with all recommend diffs and diffs you choose manually which u want Pm me if you need any help
    1 point
  8. You need fresh client to use nemo diff.. It can't diff already diffed client.. (may be you can use Hex editor for that) download fresh client and diff it using Nemo patcher
    1 point
  9. Use grf editor and open your your custom grf file from your installer
    1 point
  10. No idea. OboroCP was supposed to be a paid/licensed control panel. You should obtain support from the developers of that CP. For all intents and purposes, FluxCP works well enough.
    1 point
  11. Version 1.0.0


    PSD + NPC Daily_Reward_System_EP5 THK Stolao for script http://upaste.me/0c71347644b016213
    1 point
  12. He is in the wrong boards
    1 point
  13. prontera,155,155,5 script Guild manager 56,{ //- Limit 128 guild names L_list: // Delete variables // ---------------- .@m = 0; .@evil$ = .@good$ = .@cast_owned$ = ""; setarray .@var$, ".@guild_id", ".@name$", ".@master$", ".@guild_lv", ".@connect_member", ".@max_member", ".@name_m$", ".@castle_id", ".@opposition", ".@name_alli$"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .@var$ ); .@i++ ) deletearray getd( .@var$[ .@i ] ), getarraysize( getd( .@var$[ .@i ] ) ); // Count guild // ----------- .@count = query_sql( "SELECT `guild_id`, `name`, `master`, `guild_lv` FROM `guild` ORDER BY `guild_id` ASC limit 128", .@guild_id, .@name$, .@master$, .@guild_lv ); mes .npc$; mes " "; mes "Total: ^FF0000"+ .@count +"^000000 guild"+ ( .@count -1 ? "s." : "." ); mes "Select a guild for more informations."; next; // Menu display name guild // ----------------------- .@s = select( implode( .@name$, ":" ) ) -1; .@c = query_sql( "SELECT `castle_id` FROM `guild_castle` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+ .@guild_id[ .@s ] +"'", .@castle_id ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@c; .@i++ ) .@cast_owned$ = .@cast_owned$ + .castle$[ .@castle_id[ .@i ] ] + ( .@i == .@c -1 ? "" : ", " ); .@size = query_sql( "SELECT `name` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id`= '"+ .@guild_id[ .@s ] +"' ORDER BY `position` ASC", .@name_m$ ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) if( getcharid( 0,.@name_m$[ .@i ] ) ) .@m++; .@size_alli = query_sql( "SELECT `opposition`, `name` FROM `guild_alliance` WHERE `guild_id`= '"+ .@guild_id[ .@s ] +"'", .@opposition, .@name_alli$ ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size_alli; .@i++ ) { if( .@opposition[.@i] ) .@good$ = .@good$ + ( getstrlen( .@good$ ) ? ", " : "" ) + .@name_alli$[.@i]; else .@evil$ = .@evil$ + ( getstrlen( .@evil$ ) ? ", " : "" ) + .@name_alli$[.@i]; } mes .npc$; mes "Guild name: ^FF0000"+ .@name$[ .@s ] +"^000000", "Master name: ^FFCC00"+ .@master$[ .@s ] +"^000000", "Guild lvl: ^FF00CC"+ .@guild_lv[ .@s ] +"^000000", "Members Online: ^0000FF"+ .@m +"^000000", "Castle owned: ^CC00CC"+ ( .@c ? .@cast_owned$ : "None" ) +"^000000", "Ally: ^CC00CC"+ ( getstrlen( .@evil$ ) ? .@evil$ : "None" ) +"^000000", "Antagonist: ^CC00CC"+ ( getstrlen( .@good$ ) ? .@good$ : "None" ) +"^000000"; // Menu members // ------------ switch( select( "~ ^777777Informations members^000000", "~ ^777777Cancel^000000", "~ ^777777Choose another guild^000000" ) ) { case 1: next; break; case 2: next; mes .npc$; mes " "; mes "See you soon ^-^"; close; case 3: next; goto L_list; } deletearray .@name_m$, getarraysize( .@name_m$ ); .@size = query_sql( "SELECT `name` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id`= '"+ .@guild_id[ .@s ] +"' ORDER BY `position` ASC", .@name_m$ ); mes .npc$; mes "Members of ^0000FF"+ .@name$[ .@s ] +"^000000 guild.", "- Red: currently ^FF0000offline^000000.", "- Green: currently ^00C957online^000000.", " "; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) mes "-> "+ ( getcharid( 0,.@name_m$[ .@i ] ) ? "^00C957" : "^FF0000" ) + .@name_m$[ .@i ] +"^000000"; next; goto L_list; OnInit: //- NPC name .npc$ = "[ "+ strnpcinfo(1) +" ]"; //-------------------------------------- deletearray .castle$, getarraysize( .castle$ ); //- prevent duplicate setarray .castle$, "Neuschwanstein", "Hohenschwangau", "Nuernberg", "Wuerzburg", "Rothenburg", "Repherion", "Eeyolbriggar", "Yesnelph", "Bergel", "Mersetzdeitz", "Bright Arbor", "Scarlet Palace", "Holy Shadow", "Sacred Altar", "Bamboo Grove Hill", "Kriemhild", "Swanhild", "Fadhgridh", "Skoegul", "Gondul", "Earth", "Air", "Water", "Fire", "Himinn", "Andlangr", "Viblainn", "Hljod", "Skidbladnir", "Mardol", "Cyr", "Horn", "Gefn", "Bandis"; end; }
    1 point
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