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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/14 in all areas

  1. Back to a year ago, I added Official Item Packages and there's a param called isNamed in doc/item_group.txt that mostly used in db/re/item_package.txt. And guess what? Let me apologize, it's a wrong interpretation that causing a wrong implementation!! In official Item Packages itself, there's field called guid. I didn't notice how actually it should be done, and just convert the usage to give-the-obtain-name just like forged & created item do. Until knew the "unstacked" stackable item thingy. In this implementation, "reverted" that isNamed to GUID and moved the isNamed to the last optional param after isBound. When item in package is flagged with GUID, for stackable items just like Bubble_Gum in Pet_Egg_Scroll10 will be stacked each 2 in your inventory (storage, cart, guild storage when it's moved). This GUID is using player's Unique ID to generate, just like Unique ID for unstackable items (weapons, armors) // AEGIS-- // Pet_Egg_Scroll10 {name = "random1", item = "Bubble_Gum", cnt = 2, hour = 0, onair = false, guid = true, probability= 100}; // ours -- IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll10,Bubble_Gum,100,2,1,0,0,1 Weird? @Aleos say so... After updating your server and want to disable this, there's config in src/config/core.h and comment it. #define ENABLE_ITEM_GUID Or, just keep this feature is active, you can meet new NPC to merge the separated items in Prontera (146,95), Mergician! My view: Commit: 7295bdc, 1e6e3f4 it was in Pull: 143 Summary: Corrected wrong interpretation of guid in item group/package implementation. Using player's unique ID generator to generates GUID. Added new script command 'mergeitem' to merge separated items. Enabled NPC: npc/re/other/item_merge.txt. Added src/config/core.h config ENABLE_ITEM_GUID, enabled by default. Added item flag 4 (db/re/item_flag.txt/db/pre-re/item_flag.txt). Item with this flag will generates GUID when obtained if doesn't have UID yet. If obtained by /item, only will get 1x.
    4 points
  2. File Name: Unofficial Fallen Angel Wing (FAW) Enchantment File Submitter: Nerfwood File Submitted: 03 Dec 2014 File Category: Utilities Content Author: Nerfwood Unofficial Fallen Angel Wing (FAW) Enchants This script should do exactly what is written on iRO wiki's FAW Enchants page, but you can easily change some settings as specified below. Also, kindly press that reputation button if you find this helpful. This is my first script release, so why not encourage me to release more by pressing that button? Custom Settings: .chancetype If set to 1, lower-level enchants are more likely to be enchanted. If set to 0, all levels have an equal chance to be enchanted (true random). // 1 = 60% low, 30% mid, 10% high for 1st & 2nd enchant slot && 40% low, 30% mid, 20% high, 10% special for 3rd enchant slot// 0 = Equal Chance.chancetype = 1; .cost Cost for enchanting. //Cost for Enchanting. It's free in iRO //.cost=0; .cost2 Cost for resetting enchants. //Cost to reset | Costs 1Mz in iRO .cost2 = 1000000; .autoequip If set to 1, it lets the player to equip the garment while the script is running. Set to 0 to disable. //Turn on Equip Selection if garment is unequipped? 1 = Yes .autoequip =1; Additional Notes: You may want to change the effects of the Fatal Enchants as rAthena's effects are different from iRO's. //iRO Fatal effect4863,Fatal1Lv,Fatal1Lv,6,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,4; bonus bCritical,1; },{},{}4864,Fatal2Lv,Fatal2Lv,6,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,6; bonus bCritical,2; },{},{}4865,Fatal3Lv,Fatal3Lv,6,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,8; bonus bCritical,3; },{},{}4866,Fatal4Lv,Fatal4Lv,6,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,10; bonus bCritical,4; },{},{} Click here to download this file
    1 point
  3. This is a personal project i was working on while i was analyzing the ragnarok network protocol. It started several years ago, and could only read wpe .pac captures, and displayed some basic output of the network traffic. Now it displays 95% of all packets, and shows all the data structures inside each packet. furthermore, it now uses a dll injected into the client, which sends all packet data to the parser for real-time analysis The Parser can use diffrent modes to output or record data captured from the packets, the image above being "full_info" And this is a simple test showing a capture of NPC data, to reconstruct scripts in real-time and saves to file. This mode is intended to ease dialog capture from official servers with new npc's that rAthena does not have. But the main function is to analyze the network protocol,to see the order packets are transmitted and to allow new client features to be added quicker. I rewrote the parser at the begining of this year, with a more OOP based style, but some sources of packet data are not working/missing dll injection - working good capture with winpcap(taking packets direct from network card) - broken with bad connections, due to tcp retransmission, which i cannot figure out wpe .pac reading - still to be added back svn location : https://www.assembla...ubversion/nodes As with most of my projects, PHP needs to be installed as this is PHP Command line scripting. for this to work you have 2 options 1) edit the bat file, and change 'php' to the location of your php.exe 2) add your php folder to windows paths, so you can call php from anywhere.. http://www.php.net/manual/en/faq.installation.php#faq.installation.addtopath If anybody has any interest or wants to help improve, send me a message YomRawr <3
    1 point
  4. here dude +1 will be deeply appreciated lol yy.zip
    1 point
  5. Assuming that you have already packed the config into the patcher, and uploaded the required web files to your website, the next thing do is create a new data folder consisting of only the files that you would want to patch. For example, you want to update the scr_logo.bmp (logo at the lower right of screenshots), your new data folder should look like this. data/texture/scr_logo.bmp Open ThorGenerator.exe (<thor directory>/Tools/ThorGenerator.exe), and follow these instructions: Upload the generated .thor file to whatever you specified as `file_url` in your config.ini, example http://yourwebsite.com/patch/data/ then in your plist.txt (http://yourwebsite.com/patch/plist.txt) add the filename of your new patch. DO NOT include the comments example: //1 2007-11-13data.thor //2 2007-11-17palettes.thor 1 update1.thor
    1 point
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