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  1. Looking forward to your rate or upvote or comment on this release. Download the files here: LINK (Updated to v1.2!) Hi guys, Some of you may know me from the preview of this project a couple of days ago, I'm here to release the status icons as promised. Here's a preview of freeze effect: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Guide on how to install these status icon (8 Steps) Download the files here: LINK Emulator-Side Step 1: Go to src\map\status.c Look for: /* First we define the skill for common ailments. These are used in skill_additional_effect through sc cards. [Skotlex] */ set_sc( NPC_PETRIFYATTACK , SC_STONE , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF_ELE|SCB_DEF|SCB_MDEF ); set_sc( NPC_WIDEFREEZE , SC_FREEZE , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF_ELE|SCB_DEF|SCB_MDEF ); add_sc( NPC_STUNATTACK , SC_STUN ); add_sc( NPC_SLEEPATTACK , SC_SLEEP ); set_sc( NPC_POISON , SC_POISON , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF2|SCB_REGEN ); set_sc( NPC_CURSEATTACK , SC_CURSE , SI_BLANK , SCB_LUK|SCB_BATK|SCB_WATK|SCB_SPEED ); add_sc( NPC_SILENCEATTACK , SC_SILENCE ); add_sc( NPC_WIDECONFUSE , SC_CONFUSION ); set_sc( NPC_BLINDATTACK , SC_BLIND , SI_BLANK , SCB_HIT|SCB_FLEE ); set_sc( NPC_BLEEDING , SC_BLEEDING , SI_BLEEDING , SCB_REGEN ); set_sc( NPC_POISON , SC_DPOISON , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF2|SCB_REGEN ); Replace with: set_sc( NPC_PETRIFYATTACK , SC_STONE , SI_STONE , SCB_DEF_ELE|SCB_DEF|SCB_MDEF ); set_sc( NPC_WIDEFREEZE , SC_FREEZE , SI_FREEZE , SCB_DEF_ELE|SCB_DEF|SCB_MDEF ); set_sc( NPC_STUNATTACK , SC_STUN , SI_STUN , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_SLEEPATTACK , SC_SLEEP , SI_SLEEP , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_POISON , SC_POISON , SI_POISON , SCB_DEF2|SCB_REGEN ); set_sc( NPC_CURSEATTACK , SC_CURSE , SI_CURSE , SCB_LUK|SCB_BATK|SCB_WATK|SCB_SPEED ); set_sc( NPC_SILENCEATTACK , SC_SILENCE , SI_SILENCE , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_WIDECONFUSE , SC_CONFUSION , SI_CONFUSION , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_BLINDATTACK , SC_BLIND , SI_BLIND , SCB_HIT|SCB_FLEE ); set_sc( NPC_BLEEDING , SC_BLEEDING , SI_BLEEDING , SCB_REGEN ); set_sc( NPC_POISON , SC_DPOISON , SI_DPOISON , SCB_DEF2|SCB_REGEN ); Step 2: Go to src\map\status.h Look for: SI_JP_OTP = 816, Add below: SI_STONE = 818, SI_FREEZE = 819, SI_STUN = 820, SI_SLEEP = 821, SI_POISON = 822, SI_CURSE = 823, SI_SILENCE = 824, SI_CONFUSION = 825, SI_BLIND = 826, SI_CHANGEUNDEAD = 827, SI_DPOISON = 828, Step 3: Go to db\const.txt Look for: SI_JP_OTP 816 Add below: SI_STONE 818 SI_FREEZE 819 SI_STUN 820 SI_SLEEP 821 SI_POISON 822 SI_CURSE 823 SI_SILENCE 824 SI_CONFUSION 825 SI_BLIND 826 SI_CHANGEUNDEAD 827 SI_DPOISON 828 Step 4: Re-compile your server! Client-Side (You can skip this step if you use my .grf files to patch your server) Step 5: Go to \data\luafiles514\lua files\stateicon\efstids.lua (You can skip this step if you use my .grf files to patch your server) Look for: EFST_FLOWER_LEAF = 675, Add below: EFST_STONE = 818, EFST_FREEZE = 819, EFST_STUN = 820, EFST_SLEEP = 821, EFST_POISON = 822, EFST_CURSE = 823, EFST_SILENCE = 824, EFST_CONFUSION = 825, EFST_BLIND = 826, EFST_UNDEAD = 827, EFST_DPOISON = 828, Step 6: Go to \data\luafiles514\lua files\stateicon\stateiconimginfo.lua (You can skip this step if you use my .grf files to patch your server) Look for: [PRIORITY_RED] = { Add below: [EFST_IDs.EFST_STONE] = "STONEST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_FREEZE] = "FREEZEST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_STUN] = "STUNST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_SLEEP] = "SLEEPST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_POISON] = "POISONST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_CURSE] = "CURSEST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_SILENCE] = "SILENCEST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_CONFUSION] = "CONFUSIONST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_BLIND] = "BLINDST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_UNDEAD] = "UNDEADST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_DPOISON] = "DPOISONST.TGA", Step 7: Go to \data\luafiles514\lua files\stateicon\stateiconinfo.lua (You can skip this step if you use my .grf files to patch your server) Look for: StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_HELLPOWER] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Hell Power", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Can not be revived"}, {"Sacrifice is Disabled"}, {"Token of Siegfried disabled"} } } Add below: StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_STONE] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Stone Cursed", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"All DEF contributed by items is reduced by 50%"}, {"If HP is over 25%, you will lose 1% of your HP every 5 seconds"}, {"Changes your elemental status as Earth LV 1"}, {"Ignores Steal and Lex Aeterna"}, {"Impossible to move, attack, pick up items, skill usage, sitting, force disconnection, and item usage"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_FREEZE] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Frozen", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"All DEF contributed by items is reduced by 50%"}, {"Any FLEE will be negated"}, {"If HP is over 25%, you will lose 1% of your HP every 5 seconds"}, {"Changes your elemental status as Water LV 1"}, {"Ignores Steal, Lex Aeterna, Storm Gust and Snow Flake Draft"}, {"Impossible to move, attack, pick up items, skill usage, sitting, force disconnection, and item usage"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_STUN] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Stunned", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Any flee will be negated"}, {"Impossible to move, attack, pick up items, skill usage, sitting, force disconnection, and item usage"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_SLEEP] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Asleep", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"If enemy attacks you, they will have 2x CRIT chance with their attack"}, {"Any flee will be negated"}, {"Impossible to move, attack, pick up items, skill usage, sitting, force disconnection, and item usage"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_POISON] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Poisoned", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Status-oriented DEF is reduced by 25%"}, {"If HP is over 25%, you will lose 1.5% + 2 HP of your max HP every second"}, {"SP Regeneration is disabled"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_CURSE] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Cursed", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Reduce your ATK by 25%"}, {"LUK becomes 0"}, {"Drastically Reduces your Movement Speed"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_SILENCE] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Silenced", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Inability to use any active skills"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_CONFUSION] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Confused", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Causes the character to move into unintended directions when trying to navigate"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_BLIND] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Blinded", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Reduce your HIT and FLEE rate by 25%"}, {"Also graphically reduces range of your visibility"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_UNDEAD] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Turned Undead", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"You become Undead property"}, {"Support buffs such as Blessing and Increase AGI are removed"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_DPOISON] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Deadly Poisoned", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Attack speed increased."}, {"Status-oriented DEF is reduced by 25%"}, {"If HP is over 25%, you will lose 1.5% + 2 HP of your max HP every second"}, {"SP Regeneration is disabled"} } } Step 8: (You can skip this step if you use my .grf files to patch your server) Go to \data\texture\effect and add in the .tga files Whew, that's it. Now, pack it up into .grf/.gpf file if you want to and look at it go! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ At first I wanted to charge $1 for the pack because I'm so broke right now but I don't have the heart to do it since it is my first release. So here it is. Free stuff! Looking forward to hear what you guys think. Rate it if you guys have the chance. Enjoy it, Shade
    1 point
  2. File Name: boxter_lady_ashvale File Submitter: Eyske File Submitted: 12.04.2014 File Category: Utilities Content Author: Eyske Dear rAthena Community, I am happy to release my first High Noob Script to you It is strictly scripted with the Script Guide provided in the rAthena Wiki. Please judge my Script and give me Feedback, hope it can be usefull for some of you! But keep in mind, I am an starter ^^". Purpose: Let User exchange supplies into a Box of the same type to decrease the total used weight. Can come in handy if a User plays WoE, PVP or plays a Jobclass that uses supplies like it's candy. For Example any tanking Class You can disable/ enable what the Boxter Lady can exchange within the Script. With the next release I will make it possible to disable/ enable it ingame as well as add more stuff to ,,box it". Installation: Just put it into your NPC folder and add it to your scripts_athena file. Done Attention: Please make sure before you add this Script, that your Server has all the needed Items and that the Boxes are working as intended to avoid any bugs or exploits! Terms & Conditions:- You are not allowed to reproduce or make profit of this script - You are not allowed to take credit for this script. Though you can modify/edit it to your liking. - If you want me to add some stuff for you, pls let me know here and I will try to add them as soon as possible! - If you need support just write here. - Use this Script at your own Risk Download: *I would appreciate an ,,Thank you" and/ or an Feedback if you Downloaded my File - If you use my Script on your Server, please let me know what your Player thought of it* boxter_lady_ashvale.txt
    1 point
  3. You can put each one separately, however its more space efficient to group them like this ex: if(getrefine()<11){ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,2000+(getrefine()*200); bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,2000+(getrefine()*200); bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,2000+(getrefine()*200); } else { bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,1000; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,1000; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,1000; }
    1 point
  4. Name : Starving_Fish_Hat Categorie : Upper Headgear File Size: 308 KB Author: Gravity Download : Hat - Starving_Fish_Hat [ToZorMan].zip Link : www.green-peach.net ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Scarf Categorie : Lower Headgear File Size: 263 KB Author: ToZorMan Download : Hat - Scarf [ToZorMan].zip Link : www.green-peach.net ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Pyuriel Game : Ragnarok Online File Size: 2810 KB Author: Gravity Download : Mob - Pyuriel [ToZorMan].zip Link : www.green-peach.net ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Papilusion Game : Pokemon File Size: 299 KB Author: ToZorMan Download : Mob - Papilusion [ToZorMan].zip Link : www.green-peach.net ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Papilusion Categorie : Pokemon File Size: 5 KB Author: ToZorMan Download : Item - Papilusion [ToZorMan].zip Link : www.green-peach.net
    1 point
  5. You are stealing material from different mappers (Including one of my maps) and offering/reselling it at your "services". You are even offering Kamishi's pallettes as a pack of your "services". May I ask if do you at least offer something original from you? made by you? How you dare to have the decency to even ask money for your "services" knowing you didn't make anything? For your information, we have rules and I'm really sorry to tell you but now you have to deal with the consequences of a heavy bad reputation you have just made. Which means, no customers for you sir. Anyway, I can assure that the proper report/black listing of you and your service is gonna be set up. I hope this staff takes action, beginning by for instance, applying the rule of not allowing you to promove your service at your signature, which btw, you are breaking a rule since you would or should not be able to have an approved paid service here by using materials of other authors. Edit: And if I can add something, I have to agree with the posts above. It would be really a joke if you even dare to continue running a service after all of this.
    1 point
  6. Cliente que usas. Revisión que usas del rAthena.... necesitas dar más info para saber que puede pasar..
    1 point
  7. Load this table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mvp_ranking` ( `char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `points` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; and this script prontera,147,171,5 script MvP Rank 75,{ set .@size, query_sql( "select name, points from mvp_ranking where points > 0 order by points limit "+ .top, .@name$, .@points ); mes "[^FF0000MvP ^0000FFRank ^00FF00Top ^FF0000" + .top +"^000000]"; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < .@size; set .@c, .@c + 1) mes "Top ^FF0000" +(.@c + 1) +"^000000 ^0000FF" + .@name$[.@c] +"^000000 with ^FF0000" + .@points[.@c] +"^000000 MvP killed."; close; OnInit: // Script Configuration set .a, 1; // Broadcast who killed the MvP and wich MvP and wick Map [0 Off - 1 On] set .top, 30; // Max. Top Rank (Hihgly recommended between 5~10, more maybe bug the server (limited variables) end; OnNPCKillEvent: // Script execution if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_MODE ) & 0x0020 == 0 ) end;// not an mvp if (.a) // If announce On announce "El usuario [" +strcharinfo(0) +"] ha matado un [" +getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0) +"] en el mapa [" +strcharinfo(3) +"]",bc_blue|bc_all; query_sql "insert into `mvp_ranking` value ( "+ getcharid(0) +", '"+ escape_sql( strcharinfo(0) ) +"', 1 ) on duplicate key update `points` = if ( `points` + 1 > 200, 0, `points` + 1 )"; end; }
    1 point
  8. La primera imagen necesitas modificar tu .exe con un programa hexadecimal. Encuentra: C1 F6 BB F3 C0 C7 20 B3 A1 2C 20 BD BA C7 C3 B6 FB B5 F0 B5 E5 BF CD 20 BA CE C0 AF B4 EB B7 FA 20 BE CB C7 C1 C7 EC C0 D3 C0 BB 20 C0 D5 B4 C2 20 B4 D9 B8 AE 2C 20 BA F1 C7 C1 B7 CE BD BA C6 AE BF A1 20 BB FD B0 DC B3 AD 0A B0 C5 B4 EB C7 D1 20 B1 D5 BF AD 2C 20 B1 D7 B8 AE B0 ED 20 B1 D9 BF F8 C0 BB 20 BE CB 20 BC F6 20 BE F8 B4 C2 20 B9 CC B1 C3 BD A3 2E 0A C0 CC B0 CD C0 BA 20 BF A9 C7 E0 C0 C7 20 B3 A1 C0 BB 20 BE CB B8 AE B4 C2 20 C7 A5 BD C4 C0 CE B0 A1 2C 20 BB F5 B7 CE BF EE 20 BC BC B0 E8 B8 A6 20 BF A9 B4 C2 20 C1 F6 C7 A5 C0 CE B0 A1 21 0A BC F6 C8 A3 C0 DA B4 C2 20 B3 EB B7 A7 B8 BB 20 B0 B0 C0 BA 20 C0 AF C8 A4 BF A1 20 C1 A1 C2 F7 20 B3 CC C0 BB 20 C0 D2 BE EE B0 A1 B0 ED 20 C0 D6 BE FA B4 D9 2E 20 BC F6 C3 B5 20 B3 E2 C0 C7 20 BC BC BF F9 C0 CC 20 C8 E5 B8 A3 B4 C2 20 B5 BF BE C8 2C 20 B1 D7 20 BD BA BD BA B7 CE B0 A1 20 C8 A6 B7 CE 20 BE C8 B0 A3 C8 FB C0 BB 20 BE B2 B8 E7 20 C1 F6 C4 D1 B3 BD 20 B0 CD C0 CC 20 B9 AB BE F9 C0 CC BE FA B4 C2 C1 F6 2C 20 BA C0 C0 CE 20 B5 C7 BE EE 20 B1 E4 20 BD C3 B0 A3 C0 BB 20 B0 A4 C7 F4 B9 F6 B8 B0 20 B0 CD C0 BA 20 BF C0 C8 F7 B7 C1 20 C0 DA BD C5 C0 CC 20 BE C6 B4 CF BE FA B4 C2 C1 F6 20 C8 A5 B6 F5 C0 BB 20 B4 C0 B3 A2 B0 ED 20 C0 D6 BE FA B4 D9 2E 0A C0 AF C8 A4 C0 C7 20 B3 EB B7 A7 B8 BB C0 CC 20 C3 D6 B0 ED C1 B6 BF A1 20 C0 CC B8 A3 B7 B6 C0 BB 20 B6 A7 2C 20 C1 F6 BB F3 C0 C7 20 B3 A1 20 BD BA C7 C3 B6 FB B5 F0 B5 E5 BF CD 20 BA CE C0 AF B4 EB B7 FA 20 BE CB C7 C1 C7 EC C0 D3 C0 BB 20 C0 D5 B4 C2 20 B4 D9 B8 AE 2C 20 BA F1 C7 C1 B7 CE BD BA C6 AE BF A1 20 B0 C5 B4 EB C7 D1 20 B1 D5 BF AD C0 CC 20 BB FD B0 DC B3 B5 B0 ED 2C 20 B1 D7 B7 CE 20 C0 CE C7 D8 20 B5 CE 20 BC BC B0 E8 B0 A3 C0 C7 20 BF D5 B7 A1 B0 A1 20 B2 F7 B1 E2 B8 E9 BC AD 20 BB E7 B6 F7 B5 E9 C0 BA 20 C5 AB 20 BA D2 C6 ED C0 BB 20 B0 DE B0 D4 20 B5 C7 BE FA B4 D9 2E 0A BA F1 C7 C1 B7 CE BD BA C6 AE C0 C7 20 C5 EB B7 CE B4 C2 20 C0 CC C1 A6 20 B9 CC B1 C3 BD A3 20 BB D3 2E 0A B1 D9 BF F8 C1 B6 C2 F7 20 BE CB 20 BC F6 20 BE F8 B4 C2 20 B1 D7 B0 F7 C0 BB 20 B9 AB BB E7 C8 F7 20 C5 EB B0 FA 20 C7 D1 20 BB E7 B6 F7 C0 BA 20 C1 F6 B1 DD B1 EE C1 F6 20 BE C6 B9 AB B5 B5 20 BE F8 BE FA B4 D9 2E 0A BD A2 C7 D1 20 B8 F0 C7 E8 B0 A1 B5 E9 C0 BB 20 C1 FD BE EE 20 BB EF C5 B2 20 C8 A5 B5 B7 C0 C7 20 C1 F6 BF C1 2C 20 B9 CC B1 C3 BD A3 C0 BA 20 B1 D7 20 BC D3 C0 BB 20 B9 E6 C8 B2 C7 CF B4 C2 20 C0 CC B8 A7 20 B8 F0 B8 A6 20 BF A9 C0 CE C0 C7 20 B8 B6 C0 BD C3 B3 B7 B3 20 B4 F5 BF ED 20 B1 ED B0 ED 20 C8 A5 B6 F5 BD BA B7 B4 B0 D4 20 C8 AE C0 E5 B5 C7 B0 ED 20 C0 D6 BE FA B4 D9 2E Remplaza por: 32 30 31 33 20 52 61 67 65 78 65 20 53 75 70 70 6F 72 74 20 61 74 20 48 65 72 63 75 6C 65 73 2E 77 73 20 77 69 74 68 20 43 61 73 68 20 53 68 6F 70 20 53 79 73 74 65 6D 20 61 6E 64 20 6D 6F 72 65 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 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    1 point
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