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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/15 in all areas

  1. We recently opened up the NovaRO Summer Event and one of our players made a nice YouTube video with a tour of the Festival Grounds, figured I'd share it to showcase the scripts we wrote for it. http://i.imgur.com/BEWjcp9.jpg Some of the Mini-Games are modified versions of rA scripts (Such as Peopleperson49's Dice and Rock Paper Scissors scripts, and a mixup of a ton of Mining scripts) Some took inspiration from other rA threads (Poring Matcher) And others are completely original (Fishing, Crystal Chaos, Poring Stacker, Countdown) Hope you enjoy this little tour, and if you want to see the games close and personal feel free to log on! The Festival Grounds are open to everyone and you can get a free amount of Festival Coins to participate in the Mini-Games every day. More details here And a big thank you to Mawile for making these videos showcasing NovaRO content. Countdown Script: summer01,124,121,6 script Countdown#summ 904,{ if ( .start == 0 ) { .@n$ = "[ ^FF0000Countdown^000000 ]"; mes .@n$; mes "In order to win, you must click me after counting down to 0."; mes "Cost of participation is ^3355FF2 Festival Coins^000000"; mes "If you win, I'll give you ^3355FF35 Coins^000000"; @novacountdown = 0; deltimer "Countdown#summ::OnCountdown"; next; switch(select("Play Countdown:Leave")){ case 1: if (@NovaCount > gettimetick(2)) { .@t = @NovaCount - gettimetick(2); dispbottom "Countdown: You must wait "+.@t+" seconds before playing again."; end; } if (.start == 1) { dispbottom "Countdown: Somebody is already playing. Wait for them to finish."; end; } if(countitem(6767) < 2) { mes .@n$; mes "You don't have enough coins."; end; } initnpctimer; delitem 6767,2; @NovaCount = gettimetick(2) + 60; .start = 1; close2; .player$ = strcharinfo(0); .@timer = rand(8,11); .@r = rand(600,1000); .@timer1 = .@timer*.@r; .@timer2 = .@timer1+.@r; emotion 27; showscript "Countdown: "+.player$+"! Count in your head, and click me again when the timer reaches 0.",.gid$; dispbottom "Countdown: Count in your head, and click me on the NPC again when the timer reaches 0."; sleep2 5000; addtimer .@timer1,"Countdown#summ::OnCountdown"; addtimer .@timer2,"Countdown#summ::OnCountdown2"; .@time$ = .@timer; showscript .@time$,.gid$; sleep2 .@r; .@time$ = .@timer-1; showscript .@time$,.gid$; sleep2 .@r; .@time$ = .@timer-2; showscript .@time$,.gid$; end; case 2: end; } end; } if ( .start == 1 && .player$ == strcharinfo(0) ) { if (@novacountdown == 0) { showscript "Countdown: You went too quickly. You lose.",.gid$; .start = 0; @NovaCount = gettimetick(2) + 30; stopnpctimer; end; } if (@novacountdown == 1) { showscript "Countdown: Nice one. You win this time "+.player$+".",.gid$; .start = 0; getitem 6767,35; @NovaCount = gettimetick(2) + 30; stopnpctimer; end; } if (@novacountdown == 2) { showscript "Countdown: You went too slowly. You lose.",.gid$; .start = 0; @NovaCount = gettimetick(2) + 30; stopnpctimer; end; } end; } else { dispbottom "Somebody is already playing Countdown. Wait for them to finish."; end; } OnInit: .gid$ = getnpcid(0); end; OnCountdown: @novacountdown = 1; end; OnCountdown2: @novacountdown = 2; end; OnTimer30000: stopnpctimer; showscript "Countdown: You went too slowly. You lose.",.gid$; .start = 0; end; }
    2 points
  2. Edited already :] Tested it on my test server and it worked just fine. And you're very welcome.
    1 point
  3. Lol it does look like a lot of fun, nice showcase
    1 point
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