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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/15 in all areas

  1. rAthena can only get better, and current issues will be fully resolved. Let us all not lose focus of our mission and goals We thank the community for its patience and support.
    3 points
  2. Morning all! Thank you for sticking around while we've been having some rather turbulent times with our forum host. Unfortunately, we're still under attack, but upgrades to our network over the last few days should atleast stop the forum from going offline every 20 minutes. I should say this to you guys too, since i've said it to the staff already; that i apologise for my absence over the last 2 months. IRL issues strike again, though this time it has been more to do with work and less about my health, thankfully. Our January Digest was blinding considering the forums were down for much of it.. In any case, well done to our devs and members who have submitted code to github, you guys have kept rAthena going even though the main method of communication, our forum, has been unavailable. I'm proud of you! P.S If you have any concerns, feel free to send me a PM. P.P.S Staff applications are always open. P.P.S.S Anyone can submit a Pull Request
    1 point
  3. Maybe your using renewal mechanics and the info of your items are on pre renewal you need to double check eveything. or use the import/item_db.txt much better even if you are using re/pre mechanics everything will be read by the map server.
    1 point
  4. As what I see in here you are using a modified emulator like rAmod or eAmod. you need to apply the extra sql to solve the sql errors.
    1 point
  5. что вы имеете в виду? может у обеспечить скриншот?, поэтому мы можем с легкостью поможет вам
    1 point
  6. Sage's Awesome Map Package 1.0 Sup homies! I won't bore you all with some unnecessary convoluted introduction, so we go: This is a package of some of my better work, mostly made over the course of the last year and a half or so. This is not everything I have ever mapped: The maps in this package are mostly just the ones I've finished that are functional and do not possess incredibad errors or problems. What you'll get: 7 Towns: Port Aquitaine, Carnivale, Dorado Harbor, Tortuga Bay, North & South New Alberta, and Zhunan. 2 Ancient ruins maps: The swampy city of Lafayette, or the bright and open Lumina. Several fields for Aquitaine, a satellite village for Dorado. Several interiors for Aquitaine, Dorado, Lumina and Zhunan. Dungeon maps for Lumina and Tortuga. A badass airship somewhere in there. It's crazy big. In total, there are over 20 maps here, of rather good quality. This map release is by no means perfect. I will be open and honest about this. Flaws you can expect: Not every town has interior maps, and those that do, do not always have many. I may or may not add more in the future. Not every town has field maps. I will definitely add more fields in the future. This package currently lacks a data file to organize warps/exits between maps. One will be added in future releases. Mini-maps will also be included in a future release. Sorry! Why this release is still awesome: It's completely free. I am not charging for this release, nor do I plan to charge for future releases. The only credit I ask for is that you link back to this forum thread and mention my name. Just 'Sage' is fine. You have my permission to modify and tinker with these maps to your heart's content. They're yours to do with as you please: That said, do still give credit for using them as a starting point. I will add to this in the future, as I've many half-finished projects and new things in the works, including fields, dungeons, interiors, and the like which will augment the maps currently available. Some of these maps use objects from the recently released town of Verus. I highly recommend you keep your kRO client up to date, or else some of these maps will have missing objects and textures. Additional notes, because I love making lists: Do not ask me to map for your server. I will say no. That said, if there is something in this map package you like and want more of (ie, "More Dorado fields, please!") then feel free to comment and I will consider working on it. If you find any functional errors on these maps (such as objects you can walk through because I messed up the GAT,) then don't hesitate to comment about it in this thread. Even if it is something you can easily fix yourself, this allows me to save others the trouble in future releases. I am not asking for money for this release, but if you really want to make a donation, then drop me a forum PM and we can talk from there. Previews of Maps: Previously posted Showcase threads: http://rathena.org/board/topic/78212-showcase-el-dorado-harbor/ http://rathena.org/board/topic/73564-showcase-the-swamp-city-of-aquitaine I'll add more previews shortly. Download: Aren't I Nice? Enjoy. <3
    1 point
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