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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/13 in all areas

  1. commit: 96443cd What's news? Renamed job_maxhpsp_db to db/re/job_basehpsp_db.txt and db/pre-re/job_basehpsp_db.txt also added new values according to the base HP/SP calculation. Updated the Max HP/SP calculation. Changed Max Level for 3rd classes become 175/60. Changed Max Parameters for 3rd classes from 125 to 130. Changed Max Parameters for Baby 3rd Classes from 107 to 118. Oboro/Kagerou and Rebellion, are 160/50 and max param is still 125 Added and separated configs on conf/player.conf, becomes: max_parameter, max_trans_parameter, max_third_parameter, max_third_trans_parameter, max_baby_parameter, max_baby_third_parameter, max_extended_parameter, Added new db file db/re/job_param_db.txt and db/pre-re/job_param_db.txt, which allow you to modify the max param for each job HP_SP_TABLES on src/config/core.h is disabled by default References: http://irowiki.org/wiki/Max_HP http://irowiki.org/wiki/Max_SP http://irowiki.org/classic/Max_HP http://irowiki.org/classic/Max_SP http://forums.irowiki.org/showpost.php?p=1344057&postcount=217 NOTES: Still need official value to add bonus status for 3rd classes from Job Level 50 to 60 Still need official value for total status point from Base Level up to 175 also the EXP values I hope the calculations results are closer with Max HP/SP values with official servers Results: rA: idRO: rA: idRO: rA: kRO (Ziu's): If you mind to make some noise, try put your comparison pic between rA and official char. So we will know which part that aren't working. Not only for players, maybe mob, homun, elemental, or mercenary (, etc). When it's buffed or not. Thank you all
    3 points
  2. According to kRO: Maintenance Thread on iRO Wiki forums, there are some items (raw datas) that rA don't have yet. 2013-03-06: @Antares Added 2013-03-13 src: @Ziu's idnum2descnametable.txt @Cydh Added 2013-03-20 src: @Ziu's idnum2descnametable.txt @Cydh Added 2013-04-03 src: @Ziu's idnum2descnametable.txt @Cydh Added 2013-04-10 src: @Ziu's idnum2descnametable.txt @Cydh Added 2013-04-17 src: @Ziu's idnum2descnametable.txt @Cydh Added 2013-05-02 src: @Ziu's idnum2descnametable.txt @Cydh Added 2013-05-22 src: @Ziu's idnum2descnametable.txt @Cydh Added 2013-06-05: @Antares, @nanakiwurtz Added Pull: 19/a522286, Pull: 22/fca883b 2013-06-12: @Lilith Added bd2503e 2013-06-19: @Lilith Added fba3ed9 2013-07-03: @Lilith Added fba3ed9 2013-07-17: @Cydh Added 2013-07-24: @Lilith Added 2013-07-24 #2: @nanakiwurtz Added Pull: 18/2755164 2013-07-31: @Lilith Added c81607f 2013-08-07: @Lilith Added c81607f 2013-08-14: @nanakiwurtz Added Pull: 23/5c698ef 2013-08-21: @nanakiwurtz Added Pull: 24/5c3a1ab 2013-08-29: @Cydh Added 2013-09-25: @Kido, @Cydh Added 2013-10-02: @Cydh Added 2013-10-08: @Cydh Added 2013-10-23: @Akkarin Added c611840 2013-10-30: @Cydh Added 2013-11-06: @Cydh Added 45951b6 2013-11-13: @Cydh Added 2013-11-27: 2013-12-04: @Kido, @Cydh Added 2013-12-13: @Kido, @Cydh Added 2013-12-19: @Kido, @Cydh Added 2013-12-24: @Wolf, @Cydh Added 2013-12-30: @Cydh Added 2014-01-08: @Cydh Added 2014-01-15: @Cydh Added 2014-01-22: @Cydh Added 2014-02-29: @Cydh Added 2014-02-05: @Cydh Added 2014-02-19: @nanakiwurtz Started 2014-03-05: @nanakiwurtz Started 2014-03-12: @nanakiwurtz Started 2014-03-19: @nanakiwurtz Started 2014-03-26: @nanakiwurtz Started 2014-04-02 (Just item changes): 2014-04-16 (Just item changes): 2014-04-23: @nanakiwurtz Started 2014-04-30: @nanakiwurtz Started 2014-04-30: @nanakiwurtz Started 2014-05-14: @nanakiwurtz Started 2014-05-21: @nanakiwurtz Started 2014-05-28: @Cydh Added 516a094 Anyone can contribute (by replying the item_db as comment or ask pull request on rAthena GitHub) to add them, but before it, please reply this post first, so I can put ur name behind the item link. Make sure other doesn't work on same items. On those links, you will meet not only items, but there are NPC, monster also skill update. As this post title, you can focus only on item_db, but if you want to add NPC name/id, can put them on db/const.txt and the monster on monster_db.txt. If you think the items need new SC_ and if you can add/make it, it's ok to give a try or maybe can use simple bonus_script script command, or if you don't have idea for it, just give comment /* TODO */ on the item script. If you see/know other emulator that has the item data you working for, feel free to use from them, and don't forget gave credits to them on commit logs. And, for item name, you can follow idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt and idnum2descnametable.txt from @Ziu (post: Descripciones/Articulos Solo kRO). @nanakiwurtz gave some help with auto-parsing those links to empty item_db datas, http://pastebin.com/gFp5VUTf and http://pastebin.com/WEgQuWLj Thank you guys for attention and help.
    1 point
  3. hope this link would help you in bonus stats... just click the name of the choosen class. http://ro.gnjoy.com/guide/runemidgarts/joblist.asp?lineseq=2
    1 point
  4. Official Item Package commit: 51074a0 First, I don't understand why these package aren't implemented although rA has item group for long time (and beat me, no one mention about this?) Finally after doing 'stupid' manual parsing from Aegis ItemPackage database, I make other 'stupid' things: New script command: getgroupitem <itemgroup_id>; Modified IG_ structure for item_group database files: GroupID,ItemID,Rate{,Amount,Random,isAnnounced,Duration,isNamed,isBound} Added db file: db/re/item_package_db.txt Added doc file of explanation of how to use getgroupitem script and Item group database files: doc/item_group.txt Modified 2 script commands, see the explanation later. Basically, some item on IG group doesn't need to give player random and 'must' item, which can be done by getitem or rentitem script. Like or not, some items must has the player's name when it comes out from the box! Actually it can be done if I modify the getitem and rentitem, add an optional param as 'flag' for some items. But, the first optional param for getitem and rentitem is being used for 'char_id'. So I skip this idea and use getgroupitem script although the item that player will get only 1. Also, you will notice that some IG_ aren't used for certain items, I put comment /*getitemgroup();*/ getitem/rentitem ...; I made some as comment, because maybe one day user needs to add some random item from those IGs instead by using getitem/rentitem script. Then, what are the purpose new params for item group? Actually you can read some, here doc/item_group.txt I keep the IG format, to make the previous and new item group database (on db/re/item_package.txt) can be used by getrandgroupitem and getgroupitem script. Example, for IG_BlueBox although it doesn't have Amount, Random, isAnnounced, Duration, isNamed, isBound values, you still can use it by getgroupitem(IG_BlueBox); The item amount is adjusted to 1 (by default, not defined or 0 will be 1). But when you give the value for those IG data, maybe you can make player get 5 Oridecon from Old Blue Box, 10 Red Potion, etc. And for IGs from db/re/item_package.txt, you can use it by getrandgroupitem <group>,<quantity>{,sub_group}; too. Example, getrandgroupitem IG_Special_Box,1; Doesn't matter the amount that written at item_package.txt, player only will get 1 random item from random group 1. If you make it as getrandgroupitem IG_Special_Box,0; The amount is based on the 'amount' field. But those above, (I make) the getrandgroupitem ignores the rest fields (isAnnounced, Duration, isNamed, isBound), just like it used to be. Hmm.... So, it doesn't ignore the 'random' field? yes! Because with that commit, I modified 2 scripts: groupranditem group_num; to groupranditem <group_num>{,<sub_group>}; getrandgroupitem <group_id>,<quantity> to getrandgroupitem <group_id>,<quantity>{,<sub_group>} If you try to use getrandgroupitem for new item group structure which has 'Random' group field (the value between 0~5), without you give the 'sub_group' param, it always gives player the item with 'Random' group 1 (default). So you can decide which random group you want to pick. Example, look at IG_Low_Coin_Pocket, it has 4 random groups IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Malang_Sp_Can,600,1,1,0,0,0 IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Sapa_Feat_Cert,300,1,1,0,0,0 IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Cgrade_Coin,100,1,1,0,0,0 IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Malang_Sp_Can,600,1,2,0,0,0 IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Mora_Coin,200,1,2,0,0,0 IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Dgrade_Coin,200,1,2,0,0,0 IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Malang_Sp_Can,500,1,3,0,0,0 IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Manuk_Coin,300,1,3,0,0,0 IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Egrade_Coin,200,1,3,0,0,0 IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Malang_Sp_Can,500,1,4,0,0,0 IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Splendide_Coin,300,1,4,0,0,0 IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,Egrade_Coin,200,1,4,0,0,0 If you use getrandgroupitem IG_Low_Coin_Pocket,x; the item that will appears only: Malang_Sp_Can, Sapa_Feat_Cert, or Cgrade_Coin. And if any item with group 0, it will be put into random group 1 (beside it has 'must' item) if you put the 'Rate' is more than 0. Like at this invalid bug report bugreport:8385, the player always get 2 items instead 1, why? He modified the original to IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box1,Pet_Egg_Scroll1,100,1,0,0,0,1 Which makes the must item Pet_Egg_Scroll1 also as random item (random item with 100 probabilities without other rival, always be obtained). The players always get 2 items. Well, I think this is enough, I hope you all confuse! Thank you all
    1 point
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