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Aurora Age - Skin Packs 20200123

7 Screenshots

About This File


A skin packs that I found in TWRO forum, made by a user named crystalchan.

This skin package consists of ~10 recoloured skin, and 1 YoRha (Nier Automata) theme skin.

Unfortunately, the skin pack are all translated in chinese language, most likely are usable only to those who can read chinese.



Full Preview: https://imgur.com/a/I8w9FPO



How to use:

  • Extract the folder and put them in the /Skin/ folder
  • or add it into the GRF



 You're free to share with everyone but do not monetize the contents in any way! 

These materials are meant for study or research purpose.

Use these at your own risk, and always give credit to original author.


Thank you.



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