About This File
- PHP version 5.4 and up is required to run this script.
- JSON File of your item (examples at the end)
- Open up a terminal
- Type in "php item_script.php" (without the quotes)
Creating JSON File:
The format should be like this (The ordering: https://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items#Structure_.28Database.29)
[26007,"Pink_Fluffy_Valkyrie_Helm","Pink Fluffy Valkyrie Helm",4,1,null,0,null,0,null,1,"0xFFFFFFFF",3,2,256,null,0,1,907,null,null,null]
- If the value is NULL, type it in small letters.
- Use quotes on string values.
- Do not add commas on each line.
Questions? Ask here: https://rathena.org/board/topic/106186-tool-add-items-to-database-easily/
What's New in Version 2 See changelog
- - Added function to generate client-side resource files from the same JSON file (idnum2itemdisplaynametable, idnum2itemresnametable, etc.)
- - It will either create a new file or append your current file if present.
- Note: accname.lub and accessoryid.lub is not yet added.