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SQL Job Changer 1.1.3

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About This File


Tired of searching for a job changer that never satisfied your need ? Try this out !!

It allow any combination of classes-tree that you can imagine with your brain.

Example: Common Job Change Sequences

Novice >> First >> Second >> High First >> High Second >> ThirdNovice >> First >> Second >> High First >> High SecondNovice >> First >> Second >> High SecondNovice >> First >> Second >> ThirdNovice >> All

* Standard NPC that commonly found in the forum.

Example: Rare Job Change Sequences

Novice >> First >> Second >> Second >> Second >> ThirdNovice >> First >> Second >> Third >> Third >> Third

* Suitable for server who decide to plan for story-lines that allow players to switch to each jobs before they can reach the final class.

Setup Guide:

OnInterIfInitOnce:	query_sql( "TRUNCATE `e_jobchanger`" ); // dont remove this line if you're not sure what's it.		// Add any combination that you like.	AddJob( <current job>,<min. base lv>,<min. job lv>,<bonus statpoints>,<bonus skillpoints>,<resetlvl>,<required zeny>,<next job>,...,<next job> );	end;

Put any combination that you want, and let the NPC done the rest of the setup.

  • *current job - current char job class
  • *min. base level - minimum base level to qualify for the job advancement.
  • *min. job level - minimum job level to qualify for the job advancement.
  • *bonus status point - amount of extra status point given to char for the job advancement.
  • *bonus skill point - amount of extra skill point given to char for the job advancement.
  • *resetlvl - option to reset based on resetlvl.
  • *req_zeny - amount of zeny required for the job advancement.
  • the rest - all possible option for classes that you intend to allow current job to change to.

If you don't know how to setup it using the NPC script above, you can remove/disable all the lines within the OnInterIfInit lines.

You can modify and execute this sample of SQL Database - Job Changer to generate the data required once and for all eternity.


* Basic knowledge on using SQL Database are required.

* Don't remove the TRUNCATE line if you're not sure what you're doing.

* The script suppose to load the setup part once, clear table and re-insert everything. If you removed that, your SQL tables will be a goddamn mess when you loaded for second times and onward.

* It was suppose to be 2 separated individual script, but I merged it since I am sure there are always some member ask for how to setup the things. Too lazy to answer/spoon-feeding all these questions. So I merged it.

Future Development:

If you have any nice suggestion that are useful/interesting, I may consider to implement it in the future.

Thank in advance.

What's New in Version 1.1.1   See changelog


  • 1.0 - Initial Release
  • 1.1 - Added bonus stat/skill points, platinum skills and resetlvl option.
  • 1.1.1 - Added zeny requirement option.
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