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About This File

It's a really simple script which warns some players when used.

I made use of it to be warned if something didn't go right in some big scripts where you can be lost.

It helped to correct some bugs more easily and to catch some people trying to cheat :P

It's used like this:

callfunc "WarnMe","this is a test","<your player name>","<other player name>"{,"<other player name>",{...}};//it will send a notification to all players mentionned, if they're not connected they'll receive it on relog

I'll give you an example:

while (getvariableofnpc(.battle,getarg(0))) {		if (getpetinfo(0) != getvariableofnpc(.pet_gid,getarg(0))) { callfunc "WarnMe",""+strcharinfo(0)+" a change de pokemon","kuro" ; dispbottom "C'est pas bien d'essayer de tricher...",0xffff00 ; end; }

It tells me if someone changes his pet during a pokemon fight and so I can punish him :lol:

Well it's not something you'd often use but it can be ueful sometimes.

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