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About This File

This basically is a script wich allows an admin to use 2 commands:

-'@var <variable> {<player/npc>}' :

gives you the value of the variable

-'@setvar <variable> <value> {<player/npc>}':

Sets the variable to value

The script will check wether you want to set an integer or string variable and acts accrodingly so no need to bother for this.

If you don't enter enough parameters you will be informed on how the commands works so basically you can just type '@var' and '@setvar' in game to see how it works.

I made this to help me finding out where my errors were in some scripts and also to directly go at a certain point of a quest.

I found that pretty useful so I guess you may think it's useful too ^^

Wanted to say "Have fun!" but this script won't give you much fun so just hope that'll help /no1

What's New in Version 1.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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