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[SQL] Mission Board 1.4

9 Screenshots

About This File

original topic : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=242306

this is actually a quite old topic , anyway i will just borrow the information written by Annieruru ..

it's one of my favourite script back in eAthena,

i know that there are serveral server out there who "manage" to make it to save "permanent" quest by using permanent global variable , well ... all i can say is that the method they are currently using are not really a good way ...

ok ... this script allow admins to setup quests on the server

1 npc allow 40 missions, and allow up to 127 npc's, means total of 5080 quests can be created

best use on low rate and medium rate servers

server that likes to create lots of quests to keep players busy

Credit to AnnieRuru and any other contributors from the pass....

Installation :

Just a basic simple instruction ...

  • download the NPC script and install into your server
  • download the [ SQL Table ] and load into youe mysql or phpmyadmin server.

Basic Configuration :

	// gm level to access panel	.gm_level = 90;	// max no. of required monster	.max_required_monster = 10;	// max no. of required item	.max_required_item = 10;	// max no. of required mission ( un-implement yet )	.max_required_mission = 10;	// max no. of available mission	.max_mission_available = 50;	// max value of integer input	.max_integer_value = 30000;	// max amount of mission per page	.max_page_size = 30;	// max mission per npc take by character	.max_mission_per_char = 4;

NPC Duplication :

// the number behind the NPC name must be NUMBER with range of ( 1 ~ 500 )// the number should stay the same for eternity, if you change it frequently, it might affect your missions for each NPC.// ( to conclude, once you assigned the number, dont change it for the sake of your mission board ... )prontera,151,171,4	duplicate(mission_board)	Mission A#1	837prontera,154,174,4	duplicate(mission_board)	Mission B#2	837prontera,156,176,4	duplicate(mission_board)	Mission C#3	837prontera,159,179,4	duplicate(mission_board)	Mission D#4	837

take note the number behind the NPC is the index of each NPC ....

once you assigned an index to a NPC, try not to change it in the future, since missions are assigned based on these index number.

What's New in this Version :

each npc probably can have more than 40 missions.

each NPC can have their own quests....or a quest that can share among any other NPCs.

  • 1 NPC can have many individual quests.
  • All / Certain NPCs share the same quests.
  • Only certains classes ( include inherited classes ) may do the quests. However, base classes are alway able to pick the quests.

All the Quests will not be removed upon server restart / @reloadscript, which mean you dont have to re-setup all the quests everytime server restarted / reloaded.

** You may edit the required monsters for each mission, but will end up remove all the killing progress of each players who have taken the missions.

Future TODO List :

  • support party-assist , guild-assist to completing the quests .
  • pre-requisite mission or so-called chain missions.
  • custom variable as rewards.
  • etc

( you may tell me if you have any ideas to improve this script )

Screenshots :



just a scratching script and havent spent really much time to debug every single lines ...overall it still work fine ...( still on holiday mood + school started again )

the structure of the scripts might look messy and hard to read .. >.< ... didnt really plan well on the structure of the scripts. ( Emistry suck on planning )

There are some bugs i guess ... but i not really so sure is it come from this script or will it really bring big effect to the servers..

when playing with this script .... i think my char will failed to connect to server everytime I relog , does any of you facing this problem when using this script ??

AnnieRuru and other member who good at scripts, time for lecturers ... /gg

SQL Mission file sharing ....

if anyone of you willing to share the SQL Mission Table with some quests inside , let me know =)

What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


  • [1.1] - Fixed script/sql bugs.
  • [1.2] - Fixed mob/item adding bugs, change NPC naming, enable all class when setup mission, shorten some menu length. Auto remove NPC if it's named wrongly.

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