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  1. Today
  2. hello i'm using 2018 client and 2021 trunk i notice this method is not working anymore, if you search status.c there's no such thing to be remove for frost switching, is there any method to revert this if (bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC*)bl)->delayed_damage != 0) { if (opt&SCO_FORCE) ((TBL_PC*)bl)->state.hold_recalc = 0; /* Clear and move on */ else { ((TBL_PC*)bl)->state.hold_recalc = 1; /* Flag and stop */ return; } }
  3. I fixed this issue by removing static on this part from this static TIMER_FUNC(autoattack_timer) { to this TIMER_FUNC(autoattack_timer) {
  4. Hi All, Can you teach me how to merge 2 sprite into 1 just like you did? I tried to look everywhere on act editor V1.2.8. but couldn't find any merging tool. thanks for your help, Cheers
  5. I tried this but still the same error
  6. I am trying to reduce the defense power by items armor and trying change this: /** * RE DEF Reduction * Damage = Attack * (4000+eDEF)/(4000+eDEF*10) - sDEF * Pierce defence gains 1 atk per def/2 */ if( def1 == -400 ) /* -400 creates a division by 0 and subsequently crashes */ def1 = -399; ATK_ADD2(wd->damage, wd->damage2, is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_R) ? (def1*battle_calc_attack_skill_ratio(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv))/200 : 0, is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_L) ? (def1*battle_calc_attack_skill_ratio(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv))/200 : 0 ); if( !attack_ignores_def(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_R) && !is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_R) ) wd->damage = wd->damage * (4000+def1) / (4000+10*def1) - vit_def; <-------- ///Here/// if( is_attack_left_handed(src, skill_id) && !attack_ignores_def(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_L) && !is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_L) ) wd->damage2 = wd->damage2 * (4000+def1) / (4000+10*def1) - vit_def; The 4000 constants to 5000. But i want to add a plus damage reduction by users VIT stat (no vit_def) How can i do that, wich sintaxis? Or it's not even here in the code? Thx!
  7. i'am trying lowering the defense rate.... /** * RE DEF Reduction * Damage = Attack * (4000+eDEF)/(4000+eDEF*10) - sDEF * Pierce defence gains 1 atk per def/2 */ if( def1 == -400 ) /* -400 creates a division by 0 and subsequently crashes */ def1 = -399; ATK_ADD2(wd->damage, wd->damage2, is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_R) ? (def1*battle_calc_attack_skill_ratio(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv))/200 : 0, is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_L) ? (def1*battle_calc_attack_skill_ratio(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv))/200 : 0 ); if( !attack_ignores_def(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_R) && !is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_R) ) wd->damage = wd->damage * (4000+def1) / (4000+10*def1) - vit_def; <---- /Here/----- if( is_attack_left_handed(src, skill_id) && !attack_ignores_def(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_L) && !is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_L) ) wd->damage2 = wd->damage2 * (4000+def1) / (4000+10*def1) - vit_def; if the formula of damage increase the constants, it should increase your damage received. Where said 4000+def1, if you put 5000 (both numerator and denominator). But i am not sure already. I will test and told u. If u do, tell me
  8. Hello everyone, I would like to know where I could get the 3.0 battlegrounds that work with the latest version of rAthena, can anyone share or sell them to me? ... Thanks in advance
  9. Hi, anyone knows why my garment wings is not making its animation? It's supposed to be changing colors and moving its wings like up and down a little bit. What I have done so far: Put it in spriterobename.lub / spriterobeid.lub / iteminfo.lub / item_db_costume - Id: 50226 AegisName: Rainbow_Archangel_Wings Name: Rainbow Archangel Wings Type: Armor Locations: Costume_Garment: true ArmorLevel: 1 View: 179 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true
  10. Hi, anyone knows why my garment wings is not making its animation? It's supposed to be changing colors and moving its wings like up and down a little bit. What I have done so far: Put it in spriterobename.lub / spriterobeid.lub / iteminfo.lub / item_db_costume - Id: 50226 AegisName: Rainbow_Archangel_Wings Name: Rainbow Archangel Wings Type: Armor Locations: Costume_Garment: true ArmorLevel: 1 View: 179 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true
  11. Yesterday
  12. Hey man, did you find this? i search for something like this to my project.. and i found you question here.
  13. Also looking forward for this getting updated to latest rathena would be amazing !
  14. Hello and Good day, I need help regarding about adding a restriction to the Gold Room NPC we are currently working on. I would like that when the player is killed by another he loses all points gained and that the other player steals all the points of the player he killed Our server is currently running on rAthena. Thank you so much for the help! Here is the script: askald,104,205,5 script PvP Gold Room 4_F_KAFRA1,{ doevent "gold_room_main::OnTalk"; } // warp portal back prontera ordeal_3-2,123,123,0 warp gold_room_back_prt 1,1,prontera,155,181 // peco peco summon ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0 monster Gold 1954,100,60000,0,"gold_room_main::OnKill" - script gold_room_main -1,{ OnInit: // gold room map .map$ = "ordeal_3-2"; // entrance fee .zeny_cost = 500000; // rate to get gold .rate = 100; // gold random amount setarray .gold_amount,1,5; setmapflag .map$,mf_noteleport; setmapflag .map$,mf_nobranch; setmapflag .map$,mf_nosave; setmapflag .map$,mf_nomemo; setmapflag .map$,mf_noreturn; setmapflag .map$,mf_nowarp; setmapflag .map$,mf_nowarpto; setmapflag .map$,mf_pvp; end; OnTalk: mes "Enter Gold Room ?"; if ( .zeny_cost ) mes F_InsertComma( .zeny_cost ) + " Zeny"; switch ( select( "Enter Gold Room","Exchange Gold Point","Information" )) { case 1: if ( Zeny < .zeny_cost ) { mes "Not enough Zeny."; } else { Zeny -= .zeny_cost; warp .map$,0,0; } next; break; case 2: mes "You got "+F_InsertComma( #GOLDPOINTS )+" Points"; input .@value,0,#GOLDPOINTS; if (.@value == 0) { mes "Exchange canceled."; close; } if ( checkweight( 969, .@value ) ) { #GOLDPOINTS -= .@value; getitem 969,.@value; mes "Gained "+.@value+" Gold."; } else { mes "You are overweight."; } break; case 3: mes "In this room you will have the chance to get 2 points for each monster killed, but if another player kills you you lose all your points! 1 point gets you 1 gold"; next; break; } close; OnKill: if ( .rate > rand( .100 ) ) { .@point = 2; #GOLDPOINTS += .@point; dispbottom "Gained "+.@point+" Point. You got "+F_InsertComma( #GOLDPOINTS )+" Points now."; } end; OnPCDieEvent: .@killerrid = killerrid; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .map$ && .@killerrid != getcharid(3) && getmonsterinfo( .@killerrid,MOB_NAME ) != "null" ) { #GOLDPOINTS = 0; dispbottom "You died, you lost all the point."; } end; }
  15. Hello, As the title, how can I force pet turn into egg? And then delete egg ? Like example : 1. Player talk to this npc.. then this NPC will turn his pet into egg. 2. After turn the pet into egg, npc will delete his egg and giving the item as reward or give other egg as reward.
  16. enum e_additem_result pc_additem(map_session_data *sd,struct item *item,int amount,e_log_pick_type log_type) { struct item_data* data; struct homun_data* hd; int i; unsigned int w; int amt2 = 0; if (item->nameid > 8030 && item->nameid < 9001) { for (i = 8031; i < 9001; i++) { amt2 += pc_countitem(sd, i); } amt2 += 1; if ((hd = sd->hd) == NULL) { amt2 -= 1; } if ((sd->status.lock) == 0) amt2 = 0; if (amt2 >= 6) { storage_storageadd(sd, item->nameid, 1, LOG_TYPE_NONE); return 7; } } int pc_countitem(struct map_session_data* sd, int itemid) //[Hold -brA] { struct item_data* it_tmp; int i, id, amt = 0; if (!(it_tmp = item_db.exists(itemid))) return 0; id = it_tmp->nameid; for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) if (sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].nameid == id) amt += sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].amount; return amt; } Anyone can help me adapt this code for Reathena pls Code 01 ERROR - storage_storageadd(sd, item->nameid, 1, LOG_TYPE_NONE); Code 02 ERROR - if(! (it_tmp = item_db.exists(itemid))) return 0 ;
  17. its working in win 11 just follow the steps thank you
  18. Last week
  19. On the script page there is a "Support" button which brings you to the support thread for this script. Maybe try to ask there. Akkarin is still around (he's the admin of rAthena actually).
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