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    Programming, Experimental, Research.

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Community Answers

  1. apply to on a donation goal, just like REFINE UI, that much better.
  2. try to remove CELL_PVP and CELL_CHKPVP at const.txt. i did not saw that const.txt have a cell_pvp and cell_chkpvp cause i already input at the script_constants. may that cause the problem.
  3. i didn't test this code. i try my best to help you. WARNING Backup first and use a test server if stable, Note : Update for newer GIT NO (bug fix and add on). Extended_Cell_PvP_1.7.1.patch
  4. no one can answer for your question unless you share your mod, cause you error.
  5. Update to 09-15-2017. WARNING Backup first and use a test server if stable, Note : Update for newer GIT NO (bug fix and add on). version 1.9.5 (09-15-2017).diff
  6. i made some update code from rathena maybe this should be help. i didn't test it cause i don't have time =P WARNING Backup first and use a test server if stable, Note : Update for newer GIT NO (bug fix and add on). version 1.9.5.diff
  7. try to reinstall it. the only bug at the Fluxcp are the map location with monster and npc.
  8. Need to fix SQL CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vending_items` ( `vending_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `index` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, `cartinventory_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `amount` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, `price` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; need add `type` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL for item you vend.Vending.c if( Sql_Query( mmysql_handle, "INSERT INTO `%s`(`vending_id`,`index`,`cartinventory_id`,`amount`,`price`) VALUES( %d, %d, %d, %d, %d );", vending_items_db, sd->vender_id, i, sd->status.cart[sd->vending[i].index].id, sd->vending[i].amount, sd->vending[i].value ) != SQL_SUCCESS ){ need to get item type that you vend to insert to the database. void vending_reopen( struct map_session_data* sd ){ need add variable item type that you vend.if you want to fix this faster, help each other.
  9. Update rev.12027 Beta. Note Backup your server before you merge this mod. I did not test it, My computer was Hard disk failure i can't even recover some of my files. Patience is more use-full . ExtendedVendingSystem_12027.patch
  10. because cause of variable conflict. if I have time to fix it.
  11. Ops unsupported to latest version. Due lack of code for new auto trade system.
  12. oh i see. i did use search some one posted. We are the lazy one finding the fast way. at least you argument with this . much better to stay on old one.
  13. http://hercules.ws/board/topic/2954-item-db-file-structure-overhaul/ this idea is usefull to avoid comma mistaken.
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