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Fluffle Puff

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Fluffle Puff last won the day on December 18 2014

Fluffle Puff had the most liked content!

About Fluffle Puff

  • Birthday April 15

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    Photoshop CS6

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Poring (1/15)




Community Answers

  1. El problema que tienes, es que estas utilizando una versión de prontera nueva (estás utilizando una versión del juego igual o superior a la fecha 2014 que ya incluye el nuevo prontera) y tu versión de exe es viejo (2012 04 10 no soporta el nuevo prontera por la texturas y sombras). La única solución que se me ocurre es en crear una carpeta "data", en esa carpeta data coloca el viejo prontera, crea un grf a partir de esa data y dale prioridad de lectura desde el DATA.INI (0=pronteraviejo.grf). En donde descargas el prontera original? De aquí https://rathena.org/board/files/file/2665-original-prontera-model-texture-files/
  2. I am so sorry for double post after 3 days. Just wondering if anyone can help me out. Thank you.
  3. Ohh thank you! So what would be the proper code/parameter for this NPC? Thank you again!
  4. Hey guys, We are getting those errors: http://i.imgur.com/w4eIVPO.png I cant find the error in our npc. http://pastebin.com/raw/45zvztj0 Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.!
  5. get your own vps from ovh.com and you will save a lot of money.
  6. Procura que tu logo no tenga sombra en las fuentes o imagenes. Debe de ser bmp el formato y el color FF00FF.
  7. Hello there. I'm trying to duplicate the map called "ra_temsky" by using my "resnametable.txt". Im using 2013 08 07. s_mall.gnd#ra_temsky.gnd# s_mall.gat#ra_temsky.gat# s_mall.rsw#ra_temsky.rsw# 유저인터페이스\map\s_mall.bmp#유저인터페이스\map\ra_temsky.bmp# But it looks like this: (It doesnt have clouds and mini map) And It SHOULD look like this: Any help would be appreciated
  8. Edit your clientinfo.xml <version>38</version> to <version>45</version>
  9. Hello there. For some reason I have to edit my iptables If I want to connect from my PC to my server which is located in a VPS. The thing is that I am not sure if I did it in a safely way. My iptables http://upaste.me/8535214193eca2cde Can someone tell me if it's okay the way that I did? Thank you.
  10. Fluffle Puff

    @main command

    does it work for hercules?
  11. 70% de las "donaciones" van para la empresa y el 30% te quedara a ti como donacion. Cuando llegues a su meta de 100 dolares puedes retirar el dinero, pero si no llegas el dinero fue regalo. Por eso que ya nadie ocupa este sistema de donaciones.
  12. Hello there, We are having this issue of Segmentation fault in our Centos 6 x64. Server can not start after ./athena-start start any help? Thank you !
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