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Everything posted by java

  1. just change ur pc validate state like i said before
  2. u need to create pass for ur mysql, dont use ur root pass
  3. so this mod is continue counting player attack at mapflag ? anyway ty this is nice and work
  4. cant stop following before logout from server suggest : -add lockedfollow off >.< -disable command at city, maybe put some mapflag for this command
  5. oh , u got rdata.grf?? so the data.ini mustbe like this 0=yourgrf.grf 1=rdata.grf 2=data.grf rdata and data.grf must be included at ur data.ini well the hexed its up to you since the 06-16-2010 stable miruku kro = data and rdata is packed into single grf data.grf CMIIW
  6. how about ip dynamic? because my internet changes my ip when i restart my modem anyway thanks for this stuff
  7. ur stuff.grf must be set as 0 and the rest is up to u but if u use newest emulator like rathena i suggest to use newest KRO , miruku for example
  8. try check ur eamod setting at PC validate state
  9. yea im using ramod emulator , just the jail event that not loaded correctly
  10. i think its enough already to add some source mod, now lets focus to the feature itself

  11. i dont get it and dunno how to use it, but im download it
  12. haduh apa susahnya sih tinggal ketik ini di putty dan semua permasalahan solved : chown -R 100:100 /home/maclouis/domains/unstoppable-ro.tk/public_html/data/logs ketik itu di putty lakukan hal yang sama ketika mendapatkan error semacam itu lagi!
  13. help i got error like this "[Error]: npc_event: event not found [JailCounter::OnStart]"
  14. extrac using grf builder. at the options menu choose ansi extraction
  15. sorry off topic, are u really community contributors?
  16. easy to fix , use this and place at your RO folder dinput.zip
  17. sugestion: can u added iteminfo.lua to replace idnum2itemresnametable
  18. java

    TK Patcher

    why too lazy for downloading net 4.0?
  19. flaid, what version of hexed are u using? GRF builder or GF? korean translated or ascii? my encryptor from harmony doesnt work edit: its work now
  20. checksum is to check ur md5 hash file >.< config embeder is for generate thor patcher using config.ini
  21. hi orlox, thank you for ur tutorial. ill start making a new map from scratch hehe
  22. are u using grf secure?, if yes i think u must repacked ur grf.
  23. blame the author of this thread, and if he buy this theme and release to public for free , why not? edited : i just saw ur banner and its radical? so maybe its personal problem with u and the author of this thread
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