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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Well at least you're having another error message now. Looks like SQL grants for the user are not sufficient. Remember that you have to add grants to 'user'@'x.x.x.x' not 'user'@'localhost'.
  2. MySQL users are 'name'@'host' where host is hostname or IP that is allowed to connect with username name. You've create a user @localhost, ie. @, but to MySQL server rAthena appears to be connecting from your external IP instead. You should add another user 'username'@'<external IP here>' just like you've added the first one. If you set the same password as for the @localhost user, you even won't have to change rAthena configuration.
  3. rAthena is forked from eAthena, so after you switch your working copy to rAthena repository, you update it the usual way (I assume you would know what to do, if it was still eAthena).
  4. Gepard


    What does ! stand for in the !ranking#pvp command?
  5. https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/db/item_noequip.txt
  6. Leaving source discussion aside, I'd like to ask if you're going to mimic Gravity's client behavior strictly? From what you explained so far, I understood that graphics flaws and imperfections will be fixed. How about other unfeatures, like hardcoded sprite ranges?
  7. Gepard

    Moving npc

    This is because player sprites consist of two parts: head with hairstyle and everything below head. I don't know how to change it, you should ask in a separate question how to turn a player sprite into NPC sprite. /// setnpcdisplay("<npc name>", "<new display name>", <new class id>, <new size>, <new headgear id>, <new hair id>) -> <int> That's exactly what I meant. It's rather complex change that would require changes in script.c, status.c, and clif.c at least.
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