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Everything posted by AnnieRuru

  1. ROFL !! I also thinking the same thingI was thinking after implement those 2 featured ask from other post will try to remake again with source code enabled script though I have to say my scripting skill has hit the wall but that's still much for me to learn on the source modification side oh ?if its script related, especially has something to do with party instancing map or battleground event related, it might put me interested if its not related to this script, we try discuss more on profile feedback
  2. Original Topic link in eathena forum http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=272293 I still remember how this topic started before, it was originally Olrox tried to flame a member in script request section in another topic( I moderated the post out ) and I convinced Olrox there were still some scripters able to make complicated script for free in script request section in the end ... I did everything myself lol ... including this script hence the project commence on some personal thought, I think its pretty awesome if some of the best scriptor here working together with the best spriter/mapper from graphic section my under-developed mapping skill but strong scripting skill, and his weak scripting but strong mapping skill when combine, might be able to make something awesome ... really ... personally... .... though Aerie tend to do everything =mapping+script by her own ... anyways it was 70% done because it was later pointed out by members in later that I missed out several features - post#37 - need to do *viewpoint - post#38 - respawn system need to tweak - and another one ... this is really oh sh*t I remember I purposely made the script bug to play out once if play on 2nd time without doing a @reloadscript, the event will get stuck --> namely, miss out 1 sentence of reseting one variable back to 0 but right now I'm out of clue what issit already... need to think back which variable name need to be reset so if I have some spare time, probably will be start now I'll try to complete this script a.s.a.p. and maybe need to rewrite this completely with addition of *setbgid http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=275949 I can kinda predicted if I am doing this without source modification, maybe later members will start asking how to start this event without using waitingroom on Olrox side at post#35 you stated the map is still under develop but right now I don't know your map has completed ? still on-hold ? or has gone missing - the file hidden somewhere in your computer ? Current Progress : updated on 5 November this project is just 2 person team the Scripting Part is handle by me, about 75% done currently Olrox has started his map designing, ETA in just a few weeks/months I think this project will be over quite fast
  3. [Warning]: script:op2num: overflow detected op=C_MUL i1=1355146399 i2=1000 means in that script you performed a MULTIPLY of 1355146399 and 1000, causing overflow try think of something that you can has a variable of 1355146399 times 1000 something like that EDIT: eh ... already solved, I always post slow
  4. this can be done rather easily by using battleground script commands<--no need to worry about party creation I wont call this script hard either just 1 thing curious how to you define the 'winning team' ? losing team lost all the members by dead ? all 5 party members are killed ? then isn't it becomes a simple simple 5 vs 5 team pvp ? cause I thought 'Capture the Flag' has something to do with bring the flag to home base ...
  5. play a hat game - has ticket ( will consume the ticket ) --- pick a quest for random headgear 31000~31050 ----- if yes generate 3 set of requirement out of 100 of these ( out of preset 100 requirements, only 3 of them is needed to complete the quest ) i. collect 100 jellopies ii. collect 20 apples iii. collect 25 sticky web iv. collect ..... - if completed the player will get the headgear so ... if the player consume 1 ticket, the script generate 1 random quest pick from item ID range 31000~31050 <-- need to save 1 player variable and pick 3 requirements out of preset 100 <-- need to save another 3 player variables, or use some kind of algoritm to compress into 1 <-- hardest part I guess the player can give up this quest and let the script generate another by consuming another ticket item let me tell you this script is heavily relies on algorithm especially comparing player saved variable storing the item requirement to the preset script item requirements <-- need comparison on 2 dimensions since you stuck on this stagemeans you don't even has a slightest clue how to create an array and doing comparison with while-loop .... you have a long long way to go if you want to make this even look possible ... PS: pls level up your technique before approaching this level of script .... you are current level 20 trying to beat a level 80 boss anyways step 1. try to script how to store a player variable with 1 random number step 2 show me a script that you can store multiple player variables with 3 out of 100 generated numbers step 3 .... next time ... AFTER you impressed me enough
  6. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_from-unixtime
  7. on one of the post on eathena replace if ( getitemslot( EQI_HEAD_TOP ) == 1 ) { < statement > } into getinventorylist; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i +1 ) { if ( @inventorylist_equip[.@i] == 256 ) { < statement > } } EdIted ======================== EDITED 2: OK screwed it up getinventorylist doesn't check the amount of slots that item has it can only check AFTER the player has inserted the card though so ... nope, still need a serious *getitemslot2 .... work around adding @inventorylist_slots in *getinventorylist script command sound possible but isn't practical at all as the command was needed in item database script
  8. your do { < all > if ( getgmlevel() > x ) .... < higher gm level > } while ( getgmlevel() > x ) my usual method while (1) { < all > if ( getgmlevel() < x ) close; < higher gm level > } it seems you got yourself a sifu on your side .... curious ... I'm still guessing who is it ... ================================================== nope, OnInit: OnSun0001: do{ setarray .Monster[0],rand(1001,2380),100; }while( getmonsterinfo( .Monster[0],0 ) == "null" ); set .eventID, rand(2000000000); // <-- add this set .GMLevel,60; end; and change this if( #MOBID != .Monster[0] ){ set #MOBID,.Monster[0]; set #AMOUNT,0; } into this if ( #MOTW_ID != .eventID ) set #AMOUNT, 0; get rid of the #MOBID entirely, its not needed because the topic starter said if it somehow random back into same mob ID <-- today .Monster[0] is Isis and tomorow .Monster[0] is Isis again using if( #MOBID != .Monster[0] ) comparison will not work in this case if you think there's in 1/2000000000 chances that will get same event ID also can do it by increasing counter, set .eventID, .eventID +1; PS: I wonder is eventID++ works currently
  9. I don't know where the original topic is but a wild guess from me what this snippet does is add an item slot only to a single player <-- cause it need player attached but the getitemslot script command is search into itemdb database so the snippet provide there has no problem with it but you probably need another custom made script command like *getitemslot2 to purposely fulfill this condition <-- EDITED I had a hunch thinking that *getinventorylist might do the trick
  10. LOL ????*laugh out secretly in the corner* if (getpartymembercount(getcharid(1)) == 3 && getpartycount(getcharid(1)) == 3){ rathena doesn't have getpartymembercount or getpartycount script command probably need to ask for any source modification the author has ... I guess or I guess its some purposely made prank to make you not able to fix it .... hmmm ...... if that's the author intention I don feel like fixing this script <-- is anybody able to find this in script release ? if yes I'll try fix, if no I'll not
  11. under battle_calc_damage function in battle.c before the ending line return damage; add if ( battle_getcurrentskill(src) == LK_SPIRALPIERCE && damage > 50000 ) damage = 50000; didn't test though
  12. @darristan, if I understand his request correctly, just changing in the skill_require_db still can't bypass FCP strip http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=264098&view=findpost&p=1496777 I think answer is something like this
  13. I know a little bit about src modification and compare a little ... latest 16815 and mine -> 14801 <-- works great the source code for BUILDIN_FUNC(showevent) and clif_quest_show_event doesn't show any different my instinct tells me this is client side fault ... something like recent hexed client changed the packet handling however I guess its safe for you to post this in rathena bug report section to get some insight from developers if this is truly a packet change, developers should fix this with #if PACKETVER >= 20120410 ... .something I'm still downloading latest client so I can't get much info for now ====================================== there is a gurantee workaround this problem by doing @refresh prontera,157,175,5 script guild redeem 100,{ showevent 1, 0; sleep2 2000; getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0; warp .@map$, .@x, .@y; }
  14. heya I'm really miss yaaa ~~

    1. AnnieRuru


      ops, I accidently pressed [Enter] too soon


      do you still remember this topic ?

      I like to revive it if you interested in finish the map

    2. Olrox


      Hi!! <3 I remember it!... it has been a long time! of course I'm interested if you wish to revive it here. Will you open the thread?

    3. AnnieRuru


      done the topic creation


      it took me some time what to include in the topic lol

  15. do you know how to duplicate npc ? duplicate the Poring Punch Event npc .... sry but I'm well known for not tolerate/support newbie question
  16. it can only be countered by setting another variable, like #WeeklyKillID example, when a new week started and monster ID changed, set $@WeeklyKilllID, rand(2000000000); and do a check on player inside OnNPCKillEvent after initial if... check if ( $@WeeklyKillID != #WeeklyKillID ) { set #WeeklyKill, 0; set #WeeklyKillID, $@WeeklyKillID; } since this is Emistry's script, I believe he should be able to do something like this
  17. if ( getgmlevel() >= 60 ) menu "How does this work?",PPE_HowTo,"Host this Event",PPE_Host; else menu "Join Event Now",PPE_Join,"Claim my reward",PPE_claim; change that line menu "How does this work?",PPE_HowTo,"Host this Event",PPE_Host,"Join Event Now",PPE_Join.....,"Nevermind",PPE_nvm; into that pretty straight forward EDIT !!! who and why moderator move this simple question topic into script request o.O
  18. you know ... I'm still using this outdated server revision 14801 and what I get is showevent 1,0; = give yellow bubble with "!" mark and Quest. .... showevent 6,0; = give green bubble with "?" mark and Event. which is everything +1, and showevent 0,0; works fine to remove the bubble on my 14801 revision anyway have you guys tried showevent -1,0; ? in theory it should work .... if not please wait 1~2 more days till I download finish the latest kro+sak renewal client, still downloading atm
  19. actually I don't mind writing more scripts atm, but somehow I feel this is pointless you see, you can invoke a book tab in a misc item http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=242194&hl=book if you do it this way, this will be a purely client-side modification
  20. prontera,157,175,5 script guild redeem 100,{ for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .guild_size; set .@i, .@i +1 ) { if ( strcharinfo(2) == .guild_name$ ) { if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) == getcharid(0) ) { for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .item_size; set .@i, .@i +2 ) getitem .item[ .@i ], .item[ .@i +1 ]; mes "you received the items"; close; } mes "you are not guild master"; close; } } for ( set .@i, 1; .@i < .guild_size -1; set .@i, .@i +1 ) set .@str$, .@str$ +", ^0000FF"+ .guild_name$[.@i] +"^000000"; mes "sorry, only ^0000FF"+ .guild_name$[0] +"^000000"+ .@str$ +" and ^0000FF"+ .guild_name$[ .guild_size -1 ] +"^000000 can redeem prize from me"; close; OnInit: setarray .guild_name$, "LordOfDeath", "ArmyOfHeaven", "JackFrozen "; setarray .item, 18601, 5, 18603, 5, 18509, 5, 18508, 5, 18599, 5; set .guild_size, getarraysize( .guild_name$ ); // don't touch these 2 set .item_size, getarraysize( .item ); end; } pretty simple script if you know how to work your way in arrays EDIT: oh f*** up, I messed up about this is not a script request section and made a working script instead oh well, currently I'm in script frenzy mode anyways, to polish up my scripting techniques atm
  21. can you please at least post a database side item_db script, ( how the item provoke the script ) so I have a general idea how to start on the npc side even a psuedo-code item_db side is sufficient ======= let me guess, so there are 2 items ? in order to use apple juice(531), I need to collect apple juice scroll(32000 ... some random create item) then once I got the apple juice scroll and look for this npc, this npc will show the recipe to make apple juice ?
  22. your request kinda make me reminds of my mission board script, that were highly demanded to be convert to SQL version anyway /* create table item_recipe_custom ( id smallint not null primary key auto_increment, item_id smallint(6) unique, value1 smallint(6) not null default '0', amount1 smallint(6) not null default '0', value2 smallint(6) not null default '0', amount2 smallint(6) not null default '0', value3 smallint(6) not null default '0', amount3 smallint(6) not null default '0', value4 smallint(6) not null default '0', amount4 smallint(6) not null default '0', value5 smallint(6) not null default '0', amount5 smallint(6) not null default '0', value6 smallint(6) not null default '0', amount6 smallint(6) not null default '0', value7 smallint(6) not null default '0', amount7 smallint(6) not null default '0', value8 smallint(6) not null default '0', amount8 smallint(6) not null default '0', value9 smallint(6) not null default '0', amount9 smallint(6) not null default '0', value10 smallint(6) not null default '0', amount10 smallint(6) not null default '0' ) engine = innodb; */ prontera,157,175,5 script item_recipe_make 100,{ set item_recipe_custom0, 0; set .@nb, query_sql( "select * from item_recipe_custom", .@id, .@item_id, .@v1, .@a1, .@v2, .@a2, .@v3, .@a3, .@v4, .@a4, .@v5, .@a5, .@v6, .@a6, .@v7, .@a7, .@v8, .@a8, .@v9, .@a9, .@v0, .@a0 ); if ( .@nb == -1 ) { mes "the table is not set"; close; } if ( .@nb == 0 ) { mes "current list is empty"; close; } mes "select an item to make"; next; set .@menu$, getitemname( .@item_id ); for( set .@i, 1; .@i < .@nb; set .@i, .@i +1 ) set .@menu$, .@menu$ +":"+ getitemname( .@item_id[ .@i ] ); set .@s, select( .@menu$ ) -1 ; if ( getd( "item_recipe_custom"+ ( .@id[ .@s ] / 31 ) ) & pow( 2, .@id[ .@s ] % 31 ) ) { mes "you've learned how to make this item and used them"; close; } mes "to make ^ff0000"+ getitemname( .@item_id[ .@s ] ); mes "^000000you need the following items:^0000ff"; set .@i, 1; while ( getd( ".@v"+ .@i +"["+ .@s +"]" ) ) { mes getd( ".@a"+ .@i +"["+ .@s +"]" ) +"x "+ getitemname( getd( ".@v"+ .@i +"["+ .@s +"]" ) ); set .@i, .@i +1; } next; select "learn it"; set .@i, 1; while ( getd( ".@v"+ .@i +"["+ .@s +"]" ) ) { if ( countitem( getd( ".@v"+ .@i +"["+ .@s +"]" ) ) < getd( ".@a"+ .@i +"["+ .@s +"]" ) ) { mes "you don't have enough "+ getitemname( getd( ".@v"+ .@i +"["+ .@s +"]" ) ); close; } set .@i, .@i +1; } set .@i, 1; while ( getd( ".@v"+ .@i +"["+ .@s +"]" ) ) { delitem getd( ".@v"+ .@i +"["+ .@s +"]" ), getd( ".@a"+ .@i +"["+ .@s +"]" ); set .@i, .@i +1; } setd "item_recipe_custom"+( .@id[ .@s ] /31 ), getd( "item_recipe_custom"+( .@id[ .@s ] /31 ) ) | pow( 2, .@id[ .@s ] % 31 ); mes "you've learned how to make "+ getitemname( .@item_id[ .@s ] ); close; } pls let me spam abit WTF and WTF the hell with me used 2 hours and 30 mins to make this simple script I need to continue make more script at the moment to improve myself yet
  23. http://www.eathena.w...dpost&p=1001580 the l_ladder: function/label is missing an end;
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