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Everything posted by iraciz

  1. Is this normal? Why the monster keep spawming? one after another? it is suppose to be ONLY 2! Please help! my useres are complainting
  2. Several years an this still broken? Why the 2 apostoles keep spawning? in an endless cycle? Only must be !!2!!
  3. 2018 clients obsoletes now, lot of issues, not homunc AI, not linked dancer skills, and a lot more.
  4. could you share your script? I want to block that command too In bg and woe maps.
  5. Hi dear AnnieRuru, I'm happy to see you back here, could you guide me please, how to disable that comamand in those maps? remember that this command is binded via script and not by flag.
  6. This is Damm messed Up.... the first stage mobs are spawning continuously even after defeating the first two CONFIRMED!!!!! MY USERS SEND ME THIS SCREENSHOT WITH THE ISSUE! FIRST: - The first two announcements are not displayed when entering the map! I suspect those are trigered just after generating the instance and not when the party leader put a foot in that map! instance_id(), "[Temple of Demon God] Eliminate the Demon God's Apostles, Ahat and Shnaim.",bc_map,0x00ff99; sleep 1500; instance_announce instance_id(), "[Temple of Demon God] Then collect their Souls. Those are the key to open the Temple.",bc_map,0x00ff99; From this part!: OnInstanceInit: set .@map$, strnpcinfo(4); //disable unused npcs for now disablenpc instance_npcname( "tdgWarp#1" ); disablenpc instance_npcname( "tdgWarp#2" ); disablenpc instance_npcname( "tdgWarp#3" ); disablenpc instance_npcname( "tdgWarp#4" ); disablenpc instance_npcname( "tdgWarp#5" ); set 'instance_tdg_level, 0; set .max_tdg_level, 6; set .moroccId, -1; instance_announce instance_id(), "[Temple of Demon God] Eliminate the Demon God's Apostles, Ahat and Shnaim.",bc_map,0x00ff99; sleep 1500; instance_announce instance_id(), "[Temple of Demon God] Then collect their Souls. Those are the key to open the Temple.",bc_map,0x00ff99; Any Idea how to send those broadcast once Inside the map? and Not once the instance init? Because those are sent before the party arrives the instance map, causing players to lose instructions on what to do Maybe is In wrong Order, because I made a @reloadscript while in instance and then it shows the messages, and that is because I was in the map, But when I enter from a diferent map those messages are not even displayed in my regular chat display box. SECOND: Where is AHAT? He/She/It Should appear,to challenge the party to desist from continuing the incursion to the temple, then Hide himself, and then goes the Apostoles spawns... but because of the first point.. everything happens before the people arrive into the map. Also give this quest to the leader, and this quest should be removed if the instance is destroyed: [7596] = { Title = "Qualifications of the Guests", Description = { "To enter the Temple of the Demon God, you need a key. Defeat Gatekeeper Ahat and Shnayim, and use their souls to open the temple entrance." }, Summary = "1 Ahat's Soul, 1 Shnayim's Soul" }, THIRD: Where are the Effects? The Soul Globe should spawn this effect continously when the two apostoles are defeated, EF_SPHERE; and turn the effect off once the temple door is opened, Also once the door Is opened for the instance duration, This menu should be skipped and not showed again and again and again every time it triggers the ontouch label. Also the leader can be able to open it's dialog by clicking on it, and not only Triggering it on touch. Where is the Warp Portal effect to the center of this map? It says the Door was opened... But Bro! AT LEAST Display a warp portal effect, so the players will know that they should step there, and not guessing or loosing time wandering around whitout knowing. FOURTH: THE QUEST'S Abidal sprite is 4_M_SAGE_C or ID 755 Since there's no quest cooldown, a new one can be taken imediately after being completed.! Making this dialog in script useless: else { mes "Now that we've taken care of the main body, we can take things slow."; mes "Why don't you go rest for now? Leave the rest to us."; } cutin "", 255; close; The correct way is to give a new quest for the cooldown, to make use of that dialoge. Once passed the time, the player can take again the hunting quest. Also the original quest id's are those and already exist in client luafiles and emulator yml files: - Id: 7594 Title: Frost Spider and Fire Wolf Targets: - Mob: MM_BRINARANEA Count: 1 - Mob: MM_MUSPELLSKOLL Count: 1 - Id: 7597 Title: Fall of the False God Ongoinquestinfolist.lub: [7597] = { Title = "Fall of the False God", Description = { "You defeated Demon God Morocc, who wanted to create a new world and play God. Report to Commander Hiva Agip." }, Summary = "Report to the Commander", NpcSpr = "4_M_REDSWORD", NpcNavi = "moro_vol", NpcPosX = 108, NpcPosY = 88, RewardEXP = "1000000", RewardJEXP = "500000", RewardItemList = { { ItemID = 22567, ItemNum = 1 } } }, [7598] = { Title = "Caged God", Description = { "Confined in his own world, the Demon God is cursed to suffer for eternity. Come back tomorrow and put him out of his misery once more." }, Summary = "Come back tomorrow" }, PLEASE PROVIDE AND SHARE CONTENT TO THE USERS WITH THE CORRECT STUFF!
  7. How to check this status via script? PCBLOCK_SKILL I'm using this line in autopot script to disable it in WoE, and it is working. OnStart: if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) {dispbottom "[Autopot Disabled During WoE Time.]"; end; } But, In a custom Battleground, when a player carries a Flag or a Stone, they can still consume the autopot item, when that happen, this status is triggered: setpcblock(PCBLOCK_SKILL|PCBLOCK_COMMANDS|PCBLOCK_USEITEM,true); Is possible to check the status? and end the script of the autopot? something like this?: if PCBLOCK_SKILL {dispbottom "[Autopot disabled at your current condition.]"; end; } Thanks in advance.
  8. The skill is casting, but the musical note is not spamming on floor, no damage, no nothing, any Idea?
  9. Done.. I've spent several minutes looking for and found the flags in doc/skill.db
  10. Solved, CastDelayFlags: IgnoreStatus: true IgnoreItemBonus: true NOTE: The default structure of Sonic Blow Skill comes without cooldown, so the castdelay flags are useless!, unless you add a cooldown to force a delay and avoid the skill being casted twice or triple in an instant. Cooldown: 1000 example: - Id: 136 Name: AS_SONICBLOW Description: Sonic Blow MaxLevel: 10 Type: Weapon TargetType: Attack Range: 1 Hit: Multi_Hit HitCount: -8 Element: Weapon CopyFlags: Skill: Plagiarism: true Reproduce: true RemoveRequirement: true AfterCastActDelay: 2000 AfterCastWalkDelay: 2000 Cooldown: 1000 Duration2: 5000 CastDelayFlags: IgnoreStatus: true IgnoreItemBonus: true Requires: SpCost: - Level: 1 Amount: 16 - Level: 2 Amount: 18 - Level: 3 Amount: 20 - Level: 4 Amount: 22 - Level: 5 Amount: 24 - Level: 6 Amount: 26 - Level: 7 Amount: 28 - Level: 8 Amount: 30 - Level: 9 Amount: 32 - Level: 10 Amount: 34 Weapon: Katar: true
  11. Good day, My users are complainting the sonic blow behaviour in poem of bragi, assassi cross can cast 2 or even 3 sonics at once, because the skill is being affected by poem, and cast delay reduce gear, please how can I make sonic blow delay not be affected by songs or gears? here's the skill structure: - Id: 136 Name: AS_SONICBLOW Description: Sonic Blow MaxLevel: 10 Type: Weapon TargetType: Attack Range: 1 Hit: Multi_Hit HitCount: -8 Element: Weapon CopyFlags: Skill: Plagiarism: true Reproduce: true AfterCastActDelay: 2000 AfterCastWalkDelay: 2000 Duration2: 5000 CastDelayFlags: IgnoreStatus: true Requires: SpCost: - Level: 1 Amount: 16 - Level: 2 Amount: 18 - Level: 3 Amount: 20 - Level: 4 Amount: 22 - Level: 5 Amount: 24 - Level: 6 Amount: 26 - Level: 7 Amount: 28 - Level: 8 Amount: 30 - Level: 9 Amount: 32 - Level: 10 Amount: 34 Weapon: Katar: true
  12. does anything, imposible to use because is passive.
  13. Well, Can somebody tell me where to find the available castdelay flags for the skill.db.yml? where's the documentation of available flags? # CastDelayFlags: Effects of the skill's delay. (Optional)
  14. Bad script! Use: soundeffectall "bathory_die.wav",0; instead
  15. Why mimic? Use the default id view and it will take the available ones. Word!
  16. Good day Dear members... As the tittle say's What is this skill for? it's Passive and was inherit from a pair of shoes that i got in box of halloween. I can't find any information about this skill in any official Site! I need answers, how do this skills works, benefits, what triggers it, etc! please...
  17. Ninja spawn now in hinding status, and players can't see them.
  18. View File Doll Machine - Halloween Edit October is coming and I'm preparing - I made this sprite in 5 minutes just to go according to the Halloween theme. Use it at your will regards. Submitter iraciz Submitted 08/28/2020 Category NPC Sprites Video Content Author iraciz  
  19. Version 1.0.0


    October is coming and I'm preparing - I made this sprite in 5 minutes just to go according to the Halloween theme. Use it at your will regards.
  20. What about this? Do you think this would make the trick? 40500,Partners Potion,Partners Potion,2,3000,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,1,,,{ set #brothers,1; },{},{} + bool brothers; if (sd->state.brothers) { // bypass the duplicate i = bg_queue_member_add(qd, sd); sprintf(output, "You have joined %s queue at position %d.", qd->queue_name, i); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, output); return 1;
  21. I came here, and this site is my last hope! I want to create a variable, example: #trusted in order to allow accounts with the #variable bypass the double login check filter for battlegrounds. (intented for couples or brothers that share same connection) This is the Whole code of the bg Join structure, it is source coded, and there is no way possible via script, to ignore or bypass the ip check. I don't want disable the check in battle.conf int bg_queue_join(struct map_session_data *sd, int q_id) { char output[128]; struct queue_data *qd; int i; if (battle_config.bg_queue_onlytowns && !map_getmapflag(sd->bl.m, MF_TOWN)) { clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "You only can join BG queues from Towns or BG Waiting Room."); return 0; } if (sd->bg_id) { clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "You cannot join queues when already playing Battlegrounds."); return 0; } if (sd->sc.data[SC_JAILED]) { clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "You cannot join queues when jailed."); return 0; } if ((qd = sd->qd) != NULL) { // You cannot join a Queue if you are already on one. i = bg_queue_member_search(qd, sd->bl.id); sprintf(output, "You are already on %s queue at position %d.", qd->queue_name, i); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, output); return 0; } if ((qd = bg_queue_search(q_id)) == NULL) return 0; // Current Queue don't exists if (qd->min_level && sd->status.base_level < qd->min_level) { sprintf(output, "You cannot join %s queue. Required min level is %d.", qd->queue_name, qd->min_level); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, output); return 0; } if( bg_countlogin(sd,false) > 0 && battle_config.bg_double_login) { sprintf(output,"You cannot join %s queue. Double Login detected.", qd->queue_name); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,output); return 0; } i = bg_queue_member_add(qd, sd); sprintf(output, "You have joined %s queue at position %d.", qd->queue_name, i); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, output); if (qd->join_event[0]) npc_event_do(qd->join_event); return 1; } This is the part that give me the most headache if( bg_countlogin(sd,false) > 0 && battle_config.bg_double_login) { sprintf(output,"You cannot join %s queue. Double Login detected.", qd->queue_name); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,output); return 0; } This is the atcommand structure for @joinbg // Player Commands bindatcmd "joinbg","BG_Queue_Join::OnDoJoin",0,99; bindatcmd "leavebg","BG_Queue_Join::OnDoLeave",0,99; end; OnDoJoin: // @joinbg if (getbattleflag("bg_eAmod_mode") == 0) { message strcharinfo(0),"Battlegrounds are currently disabled."; end; } else if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { dispbottom "[Battleground is currently disabled for this moment due to War of Emperium.]"; end; } else if (checkquest(8600,PLAYTIME) == 2) { erasequest 8600; } else if (checkquest(8600,PLAYTIME) == 0) { dispbottom "[You are a Deserter. You can't participate until the indicator goes off]"; end; } bg_queue_join .BG_Queue; end; Please I beg you! What do I have to edit! In order to make acocunts with a #var ignore the ip check and join the bg?
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