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Everything posted by Aleos

  1. @Ai4rei Would it be possible to allow spaces in guild names again? In older clients (pre-re 2012, I don't have a specific date but I know it worked in 2010-07-30) you could do /guild "Name Here" but now (2012+) it will not continue the creation process. It also fails in the new guild create button menu. Thanks.
  2. Aleos

    VIP System

    I'll discuss this further with the staff, but this could be potentially be expanded upon further to follow the actual mechanics that iRO/kRO uses for VIP services.
  3. Ok. Thanks. I haven't really had time to test it but I'm going to clean it up and remove it from checking at every map change to save CPU memory. I'll look into it further when I get some free time.
  4. Are you sure you ran a cleanup? I applied the diff to a clean svn and it compiled just fine.
  5. Sorry, it should be good now. I didn't have an IDE to test all the issues so I was just throwing it together from what I had in mind. Fixed the storage issue too.
  6. Sorry, forgot to declare the variable. Updated the original diff.
  7. It's a bit flag like I said, so 3 would be inventory and cart, 5 would be inventory and storage, 6 would be cart and storage, and 7 would be all.
  8. Here is what I had in mind. The battle config item_check is now a bit flag type so it can be set to check inventory, cart, or storage. I talked with Lighta and we both agreed guild storage isn't needed since it will end up in an inventory, cart, or storage and be removed from there. Item in storage are cleared out when chrif_save() is ran (on character logout). Rather than adding an itemdb_check() for mail and auction there we can just include another check to when mail and auctions are created to determine if the item is bad or not before inserting the item. If people agree with the change we can commit it. It's also open to more ideas!
  9. I agree. Cart and inventory aren't the only places items may be corrupted. The map-change part is fine since players stats are recalculated each time they change maps.
  10. Aleos

    Alliance Chat

    There's no need to add anything from this topic. Just update past r17228 and type @join #ally.
  11. Sorry, the pushint was a copy-pasta mistake. Applied in r17174.
  12. Yeah I was thinking of giving it a value in the const but as you can see there are a few that don't exist. I didn't want to label it bSitting either since it's not really a bonus which in my reasoning is why many things aren't defined there (Like killedrid, killerrid, etc). I lied, I just noticed they are labeled above the rest of the statuses.
  13. If people approve I'll apply it. If anyone has any other suggestions, shoot. sitting.patch
  14. I don't think it's just the first post. Look at the first link you gave (Download Rule Change topic) and at post 6, Flaid's post has 1 but 2 people upped, and Maki's post has 3 but 4 people upped. I noticed this too when I was looking at my reputation points a couple weeks ago before the big update (the codebox changes and stuff). At least 2 of my points weren't accounted for. Of course I only have 20~ some-odd reputation points but it made it easy to count. This is just me rambling and thinking, but is it possible that a sub-group does not have permission to actually give points but can still click up?
  15. Eh, sorry. That's for the closing of the connection when the command is used. Autotrading players are removed in unit_remove_map which vending_closevending() is called in. So you shouldn't have to make any changes to remove the items.
  16. Ah, ok sorry I didn't have any stuff on my laptop and was going from memory. So players who are in autotrade are disassociated from a connection in clif_parse() which is why the vending stuff is still being shown (because vending_closevending() is never called here). You'll need to add a query there to delete the player's stuff from your table. You can just call vending_closevending(sd) and you should be safe to run that in the autotrade check. Again, I highly suggest you make it a if-statement rather than just a straight query. For example: if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "DELETE FROM `xxxx` WHERE `char_id`='%d'", sd->status.char_id)) Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle);
  17. As long as you have your delete query in the if (sd->vending) check it will remove the items just fine. It's possible you have a typo or something. Use like what you have in your first post and include the SQL debug line to see if there is an issue.
  18. You don't need that line. Look right above and the call for vending_closevending() is made. That will remove them from the table there, so trying to delete them again would return 0 results every time thus making it a useless query.
  19. Autotrade uses the normal vending source. So when a player logs in on the account it will call the closevending() function. Even if the server shuts down that function is used.
  20. sd->vender_id is wrong to use. You're looking for the char_id which vender_id is just an index value. You'll need to use sd->status.char_id and that should work just fine in vending_closevending().
  21. You'll have to modify your attr_fix table in the db folder (add a new column and row to each level). The attr_fix table holds all of the values so you don't have to modify any formulas when adding a new element. Check out battle.h to increase the attr_fix array size and map.h to add the two new elements to the enum. You should be good to go from there to modify whatever else you want for status resistance and stuff.
  22. Aleos


    The NPC itself counts as 1, which is why it shows 1/4 even though no players are in it. This is official behavior.
  23. Aleos


    This was fixed in r17135.
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