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Everything posted by Aleos

  1. You'll want to also check for value 513 for middle and lower headgear combinations.
  2. You could have a check in pc_setpos() to see if the character is talking to a NPC, but would this affect the warp script function. if (sd->npc_id) return 1; Return 1 actually returns an invalid map_index, so it's not a good return value but you'd have to create your own value (return 3) and have each function (warp, jump, recall, etc) check for return 3 as a player talking to a NPC. -- Banter. Can read if you wish. So in short, you'd have to go through each command that changes a player's position (uses the pc_setpos() function) and have the check I used above, but instead of return 1 you would return -1. So you'd end up with: if (sd->npc_id && get_group_level(sd) < X) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You're talking to a NPC, failed to warp."); return -1; } You can add a battle_config flag if you want but that just seems like a little more work if you're only going to allow the admin group to bypass the check.
  3. It is official, unless they (kRO) are using a completely different EXP and stat formulas (Which wouldn't make sense). All of the data is made up with two separate formulas and all you have to do is keep counting up, that is all the devs did when creating the tables.
  4. Third comment in /db/re/exp.txt: The /db/re/statpoint.txt also supports up to level 255. So you are good to go.
  5. As always, make sure you backup first! Read this topic first. I'd also like to add that you'll probably want to drop some status changes in your sc_data table as well (Which I didn't state in the previous topic). 3CeAM and rAthena use different enum values for 3rd class and higher status changes. Simply run this command which will just remove any active 3rd class status changes that might have been active: DELETE FROM `sc_data` WHERE `type` > '349' Technically it's not going to break anything if you don't run the above command but some player may get a status change from a different class which their class shouldn't have. You might also get console warnings as well, either way, just deleting them would be less of a hassle.
  6. Figured I'd do my part. Here are a couple more images that aren't translated that need to be translated. My Photoshop skills are not exactly "up to par". Figured I'd post here since the other images are being posted here. Also, this translation didn't work: It still presents to the client in Korean. images.zip
  7. Ha! That is actually exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
  8. Do you happen to know what the quests 12318 and 12319 are used for? From the script it looks like it's using the HUNTING value but what mob is tracked? Thanks for the initial translation! On a side note, would you be up to translating the Bio Lab 4 quest from Ziu as well? http://rathena.org/board/topic/54230-somatology-laboratory-b4-quest-quest-para-acceder-al-memorial/ Thanks for your hard work!
  9. Sorry, glad you got it going. I've been messing with PHP all day and switched over to eA NPC script and forgot some stuff.
  10. // Blacksmith ranking list query_sql "SELECT `fame`,`name` FROM `char` WHERE `fame`>0 AND (`class`='10' OR `class`='4011' OR `class`='4033' OR `class`='4058' OR `class`='4064' OR `class`='4100') ORDER BY `fame` DESC LIMIT 0,3", .@fame, .@name); for( set .@i,0; .@i < 3; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) { mes "Top 3 Blacksmiths"; mes .@i + 1 + ". " + .@name + " with fame of: " + .@fame + "."; } // Alchemist ranking list query_sql "SELECT `fame`,`name` FROM `%s` WHERE `fame`>0 AND (`class`='18' OR `class`='4019' OR `class`='4041' OR `class`='4071' OR `class`='4078' OR `class`='4107') ORDER BY `fame` DESC LIMIT 0,3", .@fame, .@name); for( set .@i,0; .@i < 3; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) { mes "Top 3 Blacksmiths"; mes .@i + 1 + ". " + .@name + " with fame of: " + .@fame + "."; } That prints out the top 3 Blacksmith and Alchemist classes from the fame list. You can do whatever you want with it from there. The two important parts are the queries.
  11. @Emistry No, he's talking about the level penalty system malufett added the other day. Maulfett added it to the db/ directory rather than the db/re/ directory. He is suggesting that it be moved to the latter. Bugreport: http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-6585-exp-tables/
  12. Set the value to 'no' then. That config that Emistry quoted pretty much means apply a guild skill delay of 5 minutes on login from anyone in the guild (but only once). If you set that value to 'no' then when you log off and back on, the extra time of 5 minutes will not be applied. So now quoting mkbu95: If you use Emergency Call at 22:05, and at 22:06 you logged out, you are be able to reuse the skill at 22:10 (since you first casted it at 22:05 -> 22:10-22:05 = 5 min delay).
  13. Look in the 'binary builds' link you just quoted above for the file called 'WDGTranslateClient.txt'. Download it and throw it in the same location as the plugins.
  14. Aleos

    Trade log

    Unfortunately that's all we have. Having the items log stored in one table is not my opinion of being the best solution, but it has been like this for years. You can go about it and modify the source to separate the pick logging into separate tables if you wish though. As for specific searching, you will need to know what exactly you are looking for (ie: player ID, item ID, log type). So if you are looking for an Apple by player 1 who traded it, then make sure you run something like: SELECT * FROM tradelog WHERE `char_id` = '1' AND `type` = 'T' AND `nameid` = '512' AND `amount` = '-1' Giving a negative amount means it was removed from the player, storage, etc. Of course the amount can be anything. So if they had 34 Apples and traded them all it would have been -34.
  15. Aleos

    Trade log

    Go to conf/log_athena.conf and look for enable_logs. You will see the list of different values you can set it to. Below that you will find other config changes so that you don't log every possible item, unless you're wanting to. Everything is stored in your logs schema in the picklog table.
  16. @AnnieRuru It's just a define, nothing more. #define ACMD_FUNC(x) int atcommand_ ## x (const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message) @WillSuranol Make sure you recompile your source. There's nothing wrong with using eAthena. :| I use eAthena with bits of merged things from rAthena. I'm just not satisfied with the stability of rAthena yet so I have all my stuff in eAthena since I have renewal working just fine.
  17. /src/map/status.h /** * Max Refine available to your server * Changing this limit requires edits to refine_db.txt **/ #ifdef RENEWAL # define MAX_REFINE 20 #else # define MAX_REFINE 10 #endif Change it to: /** * Max Refine available to your server * Changing this limit requires edits to refine_db.txt **/ //#ifdef RENEWAL //# define MAX_REFINE 20 //#else # define MAX_REFINE 10 //#endif You'll then need to copy /db/pre-re/refine_db.txt to /db/re and overwrite the refine_db.txt in there.
  18. @pqrk Just create a directory and svn checkout this url: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/weetools/trunk/ShinsDiffPatcher/
  19. @Sage Crowley Look at the replay box on the bottom right. It's called 1@ge_st.
  20. I had the very same question earlier. I haven't actually tested it since I haven't had any reason to update my client from 2010.
  21. Use an older client, they work just fine. I've been using 2010-07-30 for years and never had any issues.
  22. @Rage The @cart command does not open up the cart inventory. It is simply a command to allow moderators to pick a cart type without having to use @option. peopleperson49 is looking for a command that will open up a cart's inventory as does @storage.
  23. RMS seems to have the best detailed blog about the auction system (with pictures).
  24. Yes, an auction system already exists in game. I was about to ask the question of whether it would be integrated to work with this or be a separate entity. It would be nice if they were integrated with one another.
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