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Everything posted by orange

  1. thanks a lot!! i ll try it out
  2. hello guys well all of us know we have agit flags in the respective cities can we make them clickable so that the player who clicks on them gets a message saying " do u want toteleport to this castle" and if we select yes then we get tped outside that castle
  3. well, as we know woe has an emperium which has tobe broke nto capture the castle. the emp has a hp of 68430 and its angel property . can we implement the bg type emp where in crystal / food storage hp is 1000 or so and all job classes with any stats hit only 1 dmg on it?
  4. hello annie, the script request that was made here is amazing. i just wanted to know if u have completed the script so that we cud also use it.
  5. Really amazing work!!! Is it available for download??? ohhh plss tell me it is !!!! /e2
  6. i am looking for the following prontera and the following market place. if any 1 can help me with these.. i ll be obliged
  7. orange

    PIN Code

    i apologize i dont have much knowledge but is that the code for the pin code system? does it work in both ea and ra?
  8. hello rA just see the screenshot. it show guild position and below that the char name i want it to b displayed as char name and guildname below that. how can i do that?
  9. orange

    Shared Storage

    could u share the link for it?
  10. use toasty's woe controller or euphy's woe controller
  11. i guess if u want to change 3 maps the add those 3 names 1 below the other
  12. well try using the search option. there are loads of scripts for this
  13. but AFAIK... new clients have issues like logging off when wrong password is typed or logging off when we do charselect
  14. is this compatible with eathena?
  15. in this script, instead of paying in zeny for the contract.. can we make it donation credits?
  16. same here... they promised me 24-48hr setup and gave me vps only after a week. their website showed they are official resellers of eamod so i purchased from them only to know later that they have been black listed. i filed a dispute case in paypal but unfortunately my dispute was rejected.
  17. have a look at this in ea mod forums. http://dev.terra-gaming.com/index.php?/topic/984-bluesky-vpshosting-blacklisted/
  18. Hello fellow rathena members, i am here only to warn all of you not to purchase any kind of services from blue sky vps hosting. they are nothing but cheaters. they do not provide anything that they promise. they promised me a 12-24hr setup but i got the access to the vps only after a week. they promised me support n al but never got anything. they are unofficially selling eamod and harmony too. so please be careful.
  19. AFAIK, i should be an error cuz no skill can be used for breaking the emperium. still.. let the experts comment on it.
  20. hello guys i found this script on rathena forums. i tried using it but its not working. can some please let me know what is the mistake in this script? /*========================================== * @guildmsg * Send a message to your guild being the guild master [Rokimoki] *------------------------------------------*/ int atcommand_guildmsg(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message) { struct guild *g; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); g = guild_search(sd->status.guild_id); if (sd->status.guild_id == 0 || g == NULL) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You have to belong a guild to use @guildmsg."); } else if (strcmp(g->master,sd->status.name)) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You must be a Guild Master to use @guildmsg."); } else if (!message || !*message) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You have to send a message. @guildmsg <Message>"); } else { sprintf(atcmd_output, "[Guild Master] %s : %s", sd->status.name, message); //clif_broadcast(&sd->bl, atcmd_output, strlen(atcmd_output) + 1, 0, GUILD); clif_broadcast2(&sd->bl, atcmd_output, strlen(atcmd_output) + 1, 0xFF66FF, 0x190, 12, 0, 0, GUILD); //clif_displaymessage(fd, "Message Sent to Guild Members."); return 0; } // End if return -1; } // End atcommand
  21. hey i am getting an error in the channel system. please see the screenshot that i am attaching. http://i50.tinypic.com/2i0q64i.jpg please help me out solve this error.
  22. A similar topic is going on fro ma quite some time. http://rathena.org/board/topic/73549-grf-decryption-software-available/page__p__152556#entry152556
  23. could u share the link of the post here?
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