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Everything posted by whitesn

  1. http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=98Hxhjbh try it
  2. set .@npcname$, "[ ^FF0000Trader^000000 ]"; make sure it's the variable name .@ variables are integer not string
  3. http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=dnng4smb http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JwYBip1V Test it first before using (I already tested though) edit: error on card xD wait a sec... edit2: it's working, but try it first maybe I missed something.. Oh yeah, don't forget to configure the NPC beforehand.. OnInit: setarray .item1[1],8048,8049,8050,8051,8025,8053,8054,8055,8056,8057,8058,8059,8060,8061,8062,8063,8064; setarray .item2[1],8128,8129,8130,8131,8132,8133,8134,8135,8136,8137,8138,8139,8140,8141,8142,8143,8144; // -- Just to test don't uncomment this line or you can just delete it anyway... -- //setarray .item1[1],2102,2221; //setarray .item2[1],2106,2227; you need to do @reloadscript or restart your server...
  4. Umm, I tried this and it works, but now NPC's cashshop isn't working. Are there any solution for this?
  5. http://pastebin.com/0mj475ws Haven't tested it yet
  6. uhh is there any solution for this problem? My client can't save the BM keys also after closing the client Settings will saved to [E:\Games\Ragnarok\CleanKRO[04-05-2013]\\SaveData\UserKeys.lub] when you normally exit. Somehow I don't have UserKeys.lub on my SaveData folder and i don't know if that double backslash is client's fault or it's just there...
  7. I've updated the file, but I think it's the latest file I've tried and it's working fine on me o.o
  8. Uhh, I tested it already and it's working fine, try restart the server or reloadscript
  9. Can you give me the error message on your map server?
  10. Hey, it works. But I need a client that has 'zoom out max' and 'doesn't read folder data' diff. I tried WeeDiff, but for some reason it doesn't give me the 'Enable multiple GRF' diff (I already have WDGEnableMultipleGRF.dll on my plugins folder). Can you help me diffing the client? I take the latest ShinDiffer from Judas and it's working good, but I got Gravity Error upon entering map. Do you use any uncommon hex on your client ? All working out nicely
  11. Uhh i'm using hamachi so the IP changed actually, but I already try to change it to and it's still the same message popping when I login
  12. I diffed read folder data, and both clientinfo.xml has localhost ( IP in their address.
  13. clientinfo.xml error (Sometimes I also get Rejected from Server(30)) emulator I don't know what's wrong but server doesn't even detect my login attemp o.o I'm using Rolex as my launcher..
  14. This script will help your player not to lose track from the changes you have made. Code is still messy though, I'm still learning the basics and I hope you guys can give me some feedbacks Features • Display Changelog in sequence 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, until 1.9 then 2.0, 2.1..... • Edit a specific log • Remove a specific log • Remove all the logs • Some simple configuration • to be added later.... How to use ? 1. Open your phpmyadmin and execute this SQL Query CREATE TABLE `changelog` ( `id` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `changelog` VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL, `date` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, `author` VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; 2. Download the attachment below, put it in your npc folder and add it to scripts_custom.conf 3. Configuration (optional) // ------------- Inline Configuration ----------------- set .npcname$,"[ ^3a68ffChangelog^000000 ]"; set .minGMLevel,99; // The minimum level of GM to make, edit, or remove a log. set .broadcast,1; // 0=Disabled || 1=Enabled, broadcast when a GM edit / add a Change Log. set .loglimit,5; // The Limit of Changelogs displayed end; // ---------------------------------------------------- 4. Restart your server or just type @reloadscript in game. changelog.txt changelog.txt
  15. Uhh what's the difference? How to use the bitmask value? Are you referring to this?
  16. This NPC will refine your item to the safe level in 1 click. instarefine.txt
  17. This is a Healer with in-game configuration, you can also set the minimum level of GM to configure the script. Hopefully this will help some server owner who has trouble on making buff script. set .npcname$,"[ ^3a68ffHealer^000000 ]"; //The NPC Name set .gmlevel,99; // Min GM Level to do in-game configuration (See conf/groups.conf for group_id's lists) set .buffduration,5; // Buff Duration in minute end; Features • Add / Remove buff in game • Set the configuration back to default (only giving Blessing and Agility buff) • Turn on all the buff • to be added more in the future... (feedbacks) v1.0 healer.txt
  18. I never get that kind of error. Are you by any chance using different or modified version?
  19. The reason i don't give any warnings with messages is because they might bypass the script using commands to unbind their character from the script (@go, @warp, @load, etc). Anyway compare check whether you've a specific string on another string On your script I might still bypass using Holl.ister Hollister. .Hollister -Hollister- or much more. for(set .a,0; .a < .bannedamt; set .a,.a+1) {should befor(set .a,0; .a <= .bannedamt; set .a,.a+1) {
  20. Addition: Even though you changed it to 1 or 0, you'll need to wait around 5-10 sec until the text becomes blue then click del again, and the client is going to ask your email
  21. Yeah it's just like that you can do a lot of modification though.
  22. fakename isn't permanent they sometime changes on certain circumstances if I recall it right. So the best way is just to update the name on SQL.
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