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Everything posted by whitesn

  1. I haven't learned about flash yet, probably I will in the future, I'm not really into animation
  2. What's the error message on the map server?
  3. just put // in front of the trick dead on skill_db //143,0,6,4,0,0x1,0,1,1,no,0,0x1,0,none,0, NV_TRICKDEAD,Play Dead
  4. prontera,x,y,4<tab>script<tab>reward<tab>999,{ if(#reward == 1) end; // for account getitem 607,1; // change it to the item ID's and amount set #reward,1; end; } Lol I misread nvm
  5. Uhh I actually don't really focused on the plugins, I'm focusing on the design right now (I'm learning HTML,PHP,CSS) and probably jQuery soon Thanks for your feedback
  6. I don't know if there's any way to do that, but you might want to just disable novice job to go to the map. TIL, read post #3
  7. oh yeah thanks for the fix, I'm not used to rAthena language yet
  8. Oh I thought you want it to Auto Play? It will autoplay BGM's on @reloadscript or Server Start every 5 minute. For AutoPlay on GM Click Note: After a GM Account click the NPC, it will automatically start the BGM on prontera. Then it will loop forever (after 578 it will go back to 573). - script autodj -,{ if(getgmlevel() == 0) end; if (.bgmstart == 1) end; set .start$[0],"573","574","575","576","577","578"; //You can add more song here set .bgmstart,1; do { for (set .i,0; .i <= getarraysize(.start$); set .i,.i+1); playBGMall .start$[.i],"prontera"; sleep 300000; //5 Minute Delay } } while(true); }
  9. whitesn


    It's the same notepad is the same program ever in windows, but I never tried using korean encoding though
  10. - script MVPTrigger -,{ //Configuration set .bossid,1002; //Set it to the Monster ID of the boss | 1002 = Poring set .reward,607; //Set it to the Item ID's of the Reward | 607 = Yggdrasilberry set .amt,5; //Set it to the amount of the reward OnNPCKillEvent: if(killedrid == .bossid) getitem .reward,.amt; end; } Btw I'm not sure if it's the last hitter who get the item or it will still be the usual (max damage). You mighthave to do some src modifications
  11. Assuming those are correct files - script autodj -,{ OnInit: set .start$[0],"573","574","575","576","577","578"; //You can add more song here do { for (set .i,0; .i <= getarraysize(.start$); set .i,.i+1); playBGMall .start$[.i],"prontera"; sleep 300000; //5 Minute Delay } } while(true); }
  12. Not working.. If i put before my close, it will shows nothing.. Like no cutin.. Hmmm i tried to put before "end;" but still same problem.. add before close next; cutin "",255;
  13. Yes, it will I believe
  14. whitesn

    @storage error

    rAthena menggunakan Storage terbaru dari kRO, coba update kRO anda / download yang terbaru.
  15. whitesn

    server time

    prontera,x,y,z script AM/PM Time-based NPC 800,{ end; OnInit: do { set .hours,gettime(3); set .min,gettime(2); set .sec,gettime(1); if(.hours > 12) { set .ampm$,"PM"; set .hours,.hours-12; } else { set .ampm$,"AM"; } waitingroom "S.Time: "+.hours+" : "+.min+" : "+.sec+" "+.ampm$+".",0; sleep 1000; } while(true); } Not tested yet
  16. prontera,x,y,z script Safe Limit Refine 907,{ setarray .@slots[0],1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10; for( set .@a,0; .@a < getarraysize(.@slots); set .@a,.@a + 1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@slots[.@a]) ) { if( .@slots[.@a] == 3 || .@slots[.@a] == 4) { switch( getequipweaponlv(.@slots[.@a]) ) { case 0: set .@r, 4; break; default: set .@r, 8 - getequipweaponlv(.@slots[.@a]); break; } } else { set .@r, 4; } if(getequiprefinerycnt(.@slots[.@a]) < .@r && getequipisenableref(.@slots[.@a]) ) { for( set .@i,0; .@i < .@r; set .@i,.@i + 1) successrefitem .@slots[.@a]; } } sleep2 100; } }
  17. Is there any error messages on the map server?
  18. whitesn

    need script

    http://pastebin.com/mu2ZVyvG Not tested, use it at your own risk, I recommend you to try it offline first
  19. http://pastebin.com/c599HAdr Haven't tested it yet, try it first offline. Use at your own risk. nevermind just use Emistry's it's a lot more efficient
  20. oh yeah I forgot that was a variable lol thanks for the fix wiki miswrited it I guess I'm using script_commands doc as my reference
  21. - script gmrenamer -,{ OnPCLoginEvent: set .nickname$,strcharinfo(0); setarray .banned$[0],"GM","[GM]","Admin","G M","[Admin]","A dmin"; set .bannedamt,getarraysize(.banned$); if(getgmlevel() > 0) { if(compare(.nickname$,"[GM] ") == 0) { query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET name='[GM] "+.nickname$+"' WHERE name='"+.nickname$+"'"); mes "You have to relog to update your nickname to have ^FF0000[GM]^000000 tag"; } } else { for(set .a,0; .a <= .bannedamt; set .a,.a+1) { if(compare(.nickname$,".banned$[.a]") == 1) { atcommand "@block "+.nickname$+""; } } } end; } Haven't tested it yet, try it offline first
  22. I don't think there is any label when player get item yet, maybe you can do it with src modification. Except the drop is based on NPC Script instead of DB
  23. I don't know if it's available through configs but you can make it through NPC script http://pastebin.com/P84YxZLg
  24. make sure you set If you're about to use sleep function, make sure you separate the NPC so create a new NPC
  25. it's usually caused by failed continuous login attempt. And since it's a local IP it's probably you type a wrong password then keep repeating the same thing over and over.
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