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Everything posted by MathReaper

  1. Mismatching '}' in the code xD. Here: int unit_attack(struct block_list *src, int target_id, int continuous) { struct block_list *target; struct unit_data *ud; struct mob_data* md; nullpo_ret(ud = unit_bl2ud(src)); target = map_id2bl(target_id); md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, target); if (target == NULL || status_isdead(target)) { unit_unattackable(src); return 1; } if (src->type == BL_PC) { TBL_PC* sd = (TBL_PC*)src; if (target->type == BL_NPC) { // monster npcs [Valaris] npc_click(sd, (TBL_NPC*)target); // submitted by leinsirk10 [Celest] return 0; } if (pc_is90overweight(sd)) { // overweight - stop attacking unit_stop_attack(src); return 0; } if (pc_isequipped(sd, 23310) && md->mob_id != 1002) { clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "You can only attack a crystal while on mining form."); unit_stop_attack(src); return 0; } } }
  2. Okay, nothing that I can't do. Try this, if doesn't work, post here the errors. int unit_attack(struct block_list *src,int target_id,int continuous) { struct block_list *target; struct unit_data *ud; struct mob_data* md; nullpo_ret(ud = unit_bl2ud(src)); target = map_id2bl(target_id); md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, target); if( target==NULL || status_isdead(target) ) { unit_unattackable(src); return 1; } if( src->type == BL_PC ) { TBL_PC* sd = (TBL_PC*)src; if( target->type == BL_NPC ) { // monster npcs [Valaris] npc_click(sd,(TBL_NPC*)target); // submitted by leinsirk10 [Celest] return 0; } if( pc_is90overweight(sd) ) { // overweight - stop attacking unit_stop_attack(src); return 0; } if (pc_isequipped(sd, 23310) && md->mob_id != 1002) { clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "You can only attack a crystal while on mining form."); unit_stop_attack(src); return 0; } } }
  3. In what function are you trying to apply that modification? If it's unit_attack, try to modify it to that: struct mob_data* md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, target); if (pc_isequipped(sd, 1202) && md->mob_id != 1002) { clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Can't attack while on Mount."); unit_stop_attack(src); return 0; }
  4. Fenrir doesn't actually use the skill, she just cast and nothing happens, because the Tetra Vortex have a if statement checking if the caster is a player. o_O
  5. Change your code to this: if (pc_isequipped(sd, 1202) && md->mob_id != 1002) { clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Can't attack while on Mount."); unit_stop_attack(src); return 0; }
  6. Everything ok with your sclientinfo. Make sure that you have only that sclientinfo in all your files (GRF/DATA FOLDER) and don't enable any other NEMO's patch if isn't recommended and make a test.
  7. @musica2 Can you send me your NEMO's patch log? If you don't mind, send here your sclientinfo (or clientinfo) without your custom IP (change it to local host for security reasons) and your current path inside your RO files.
  8. My sclientinfo.xml: I can't. My internet is too slow to upload a file with 2,7gbs.
  9. Ok, in the 'status_base_amotion_pc' function on status.cpp file, search for: amotion -= amotion * (4 * status->agi + status->dex) / 1000; Change to: amotion -= amotion * 2 * status->agi / 1000;
  10. And you say just now? it's not a really important info, isn't it? Whatever.
  11. The path is inside one GRF (you don't need a specific name for it) or your data folder if you enabled Read Data Folder First patch. Just rename your clientinfo to sclientinfo and will work just as fine. If you're already using sclientinfo.xml you don't need to enable Load Custom Clientinfo patch. Just drop your clientinfo inside your data folder or one of your GRFs, whatever. Just make sure to rename it to sclientinfo. That's all.
  12. If you are on RENEWAL go to file status.cpp and search for the function 'status_base_amotion_pc' (line 2366 actual git commit) and find the two lines: temp_aspd = status->dex * status->dex / 7.0f + status->agi * status->agi * 0.5f; and temp_aspd = status->dex * status->dex / 5.0f + status->agi * status->agi * 0.5f; change to: temp_aspd = status->agi * 0.1f; Now search for: temp_aspd = (float)(sqrt(temp_aspd) * 0.25f) + 0xc4; change to: temp_aspd += 0xc4;
  13. Nope. I don't recommend you to use that patched client. Use the unpatched one and patch by yourself using 4144 NEMO's fork.
  14. After a few client releases from Gravity, the clients starts using sclientinfo.xml instead of clientinfo.xml. The structre of the xml is the same, just rename your clientinfo.xml to sclientinfo.xml.
  15. I've patched one for you using 4144 Nemo's fork. All recommended patches are enabled and I've enabled the "Disable Packet Encryption" by myself, so make sure your server have packet obfuscation disabled on Config/packets.hpp. 2018-06-20eRagexeRE Patched
  16. Make sure you're using all correct DLL and SYS files from kRO and have the latest updates in your rdata.grf. If this happens only in the Character Selection, probably your GRF is outdated or you are using a different LangType than 0 and aren't updating the "service_(langtype)" in your luafiles. Try enabling the patch "Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file" in your client.
  17. The rAthena have changed the default PACKETVER to 20180620 because we support all required features or have them on some pull requests in the Git repository and because of that I'm releasing this client. That's all. Important Note: This client uses sclientinfo.xml instead of clientinfo.xml. Download link: 2018-06-20eRagexeRE.exe (MediaFire).
  18. Wrong area. This is client/database. You're trying to use a garment as a hat? If you so, you'll need to make the garment as an item (GRF), because the client separates garment from another items. Btw, what's the View ID of your garment/hat? Go to your item_db.txt, locate that item and change the View field to that item.
  19. You can find here: /src/map/clif_packetdb.hpp and client-restrict packets you can find here: /src/map/clif_shuffle.hpp
  20. Hi @Tanlor, this happens because rAthena don't have pc interface anymore. Modify this: if ( vclass == JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT && pc->readparam(sd,SP_CLASS) == JOB_KNIGHT && sd->sc.option & OPTION_RIDING ) sd->sc.option |= OPTION_DRAGON; To this: if ( vclass == JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT && pc_readparam(sd,SP_CLASS) == JOB_KNIGHT && sd->sc.option & OPTION_RIDING ) sd->sc.option |= OPTION_DRAGON;
  21. This is an error in your file inside the GRF (data.grf, rdata.grf, etc). If you want to correct this, you'll need to send the file here, so I can check this for you. To do this, you'll need a GRF extracting tool, I recommend you to use GRF Editor from @Tokei . The file is in data/luafiles514/lua files/stateicon inside one of your GRFs.
  22. I've unpacked by myself, you can download here.
  23. Post a screenshot here or just post the Window Title Name of the error, that have the file that must have errors. This way is presumably impossible to check for errors.
  24. I can't access. The repository give me error 403 Forbidden. Probably have another folder inside? I will check this out. I've tried a Korean proxy but even this fails... I'm actually using the mirror repo from ai4rei btw. But I want the original source ? I got it. I can't see the files in the repo anymore, instead I need to use the direct link for the file that I want. I've debugged the Ai4rei kRO Patcher, lol.
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