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Everything posted by CyberDevil

  1. Hallo @Stolao, I found another bug that maybe is related to the latest updates of rAthena... if 5 minutes before the start of an event users write "@joinevent" to participate, everything works fine, but if users write the command in chat "@joinevent" when there is no active event or after the programmed event is over, the normal window appears warning you that there is no event (see screenshot) but the character freezes and no longer responds to commands, the only thing you can do and logout and then login to be able to reuse it normally. This error appears in the console: "[Warning]: npc_scriptcont: failed npc_checknear test." Taking a cue from this topic it seems that the problem gives the dialogue that opens with distance of the NPC running it and @Euphy suggests replacing "mes" with "dispbottom", which seems to work but I have a bunch of other console errors. Can it be fixed in a simple way in any way?
  2. I solved the problem that is due to the fact that I use custom styles and colors hair. Client side I simply renamed the image and color files of the hair styles of the interface to create new characters and now at least for the human race styles and colors fit all... the problem is that now I had hair colors of the Doram/Summoner that were not aligned with the selection, so I renamed the Doram race palette files (file 1 became 8, the 2 became 1, the 3 became 2 etc etc.) and now all work! I leave this post for posterity ?
  3. If you mean that the client crashes when you open the skills window, it happened to me too and I solved it with this file:
  4. Does anyone else have the problem that I have with hair colors and types of styles when creating a new character? I specified everything in this request topic:
  5. You need to diff the ragexe with the option "Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended)" activated and make the corrct path like "System/itemInfo.lua" at the option request.
  6. I have a strange problem that I think we have all those who are using the new kRO client... I use the ragexe "2018-06-20eRagexeRE" diffed and in the creation screen of a new character, half of the hair styles are mixed (ie by selecting one style from the list on the right, another style appears on the novice) and the other half hair styles are correctly to the right selected style. Same problem with hair colors, only here are staggered a place, for example if you select the first color yellow/blond on the novice will appear the next purple hair color and so on, but at the Doram/Summoner colors are perfect. Do you have any suggestions?
  7. Hi @hendra814 I have this error when I try to select the option "Increase creation Hair Style & Color Limits" ... what am I missing?
  8. ok thanks for the answer @jchcc... what is the most compatible client with this version of NEMO?
  9. Another little problem with "Show Exp Numbers": ... @jchcc can you suggest me how I can fix it? thx bro ? edit: same for the option "Increase creation Hair Styles & Color Limits" (erroe is: HairColor comparision missing)! what did I forget to do?
  10. EDIT: solved... thank you @jchcc I have read now your answer for "short by votes" issue! ? +1 for you
  11. Sorry if I reopen this discussion a few months ago, but I have the same strange problem... my server currently has the system of "packets obfuscation" and everything works well with the 2015-11-04aRagexeRE diffed in which they are included of course also the same 3 keys of obscuration of my server. The problem is that today I would like to update the client to take advantage of all the new features that are coming out for rAthena and that require a recent ragexe (I think a version not older than 2018-03-21a) and finding in my hands the 2018-06-20eRagexeRE, I tried with the Nemo version in this repository https://gitlab.com/4144/Nemo but unfortunately I have the same problem with this screenshot: It seems that Nemo is not able to identify the portion of hex code to be modified with the 3 keys, or in this new ragexe no longer exists this function. Can you give me suggestions or do I have to disable the packets obfuscation on the server in order to use a recent kRO client?
  12. in the script file change changequest 4011,4012; with if (isbegin_quest(4011) == 1) changequest 4011,4012; else setquest 4012; but I'm not a good coder and I'm not sure it works... let's see if someone more expert can correct me... I too have a similar error on another script but I have not yet had the time to try this solution.
  13. Does anyone have this script converted and compatible with the latest versions of rAthena?
  14. Hi, as described in the title, I would like to leave the event active forever without having to interact every 7 days with the "Pintdos NPC Manager" which activates the festival/event manually... it would be very convenient for those like me who have a server not very populated. The official script is this: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/re/quests/quests_malaya.txt I hope you can show me a solution, unfortunately I'm not a good coder and I do not know where to start editing on this script. +1 reputation for help Tnx ?
  15. same problem for me... my config: Client RO: kRO 29-06-2017 (patched) Ragexe: 2015-11-04a (diffed) ROenglishRE: 18-06-2018 18:12 [30330c7]
  16. Great job, congratulations ... certainly as soon as I have free time I will implement it on my server
  17. Hi all, I'm looking for the new Star Emperor and Soul Reaper maps (.gat / .gnd / .rsw)... I believe they are just these: 1@soul star_frst star_in Thanks for the support ?
  18. Thank you very much for your help and I leave for posterity this other thing: in order to use the VM#2 server for characters and maps management, separated from the main VM#1 server, the "VM#2. inter_athena.conf" file must be configured as follows: In this way each server has its characters and its maps managed separately as needed for me.
  19. EDIT: I was answering while you wrote the solution, you're great! ? I managed to find the solution to this problem... as written on this guide that you have linked, I created a second user of communication s2/p2 and configured in the files "char_athena.conf" and "map_athena.conf" VM#2 and everything seems to work, I just have to figure out how to set the best server because both servers are using the char server of VM#1... I think it's a stupid of the settings that I will solve soon. I keep you informed but I'm very happy that everything works.
  20. Ok @Ninja, I understood what this problem is and I solved it... practically I have the VM#2 (test server) at home under a normal ADSL connection but I have full access to the router, in fact this "home server" if configured individually, it also works perfectly for access from the outside without problems and errors. So I realized that the "bind_ip" option should be configured with the IP of the LAN and not the WAN. Now that I have set the static LAN IP (configured for interface enp2s0 [old eth0]) I no longer have this error but the VM#2 continuing to load rAthena now gives me another new error that I think is easy to fix but I do not know how. When loading rAthena VM#2 gives me this error: At the same time the VM#1 (which is in a web farm) gives me this other error: The communication user (s1) and its password (p1) are obviously set equal in the servers (also in the "login" table of VM#1) and are not the default ones of rAthena, but customized for security reasons and both 2 server firewalls have active rules to accept traffic and packets from both IPs and their respective ports are open and working. Do I have to put the IP of the VM#2 in some "white list" to get it accepted?
  21. Yes, I was aware... some data that I wrote in the "quote" I have deliberately masked them for privacy and security, I have used the correct data. However I re-edited it and put the purple color for the masked data. I have also used the public IP in place of the sub-domain for the VM#2 and configured the subnet_athena.conf file in this way: But even if I did all the tests and configurations, I always have the same error: edit: I checked the "/root/rAthena/log" files and found these errors divided as follows: char-msg_log.log -> (08/23/2018 14:56:31) [ Error ] : make_listen_bind: bind failed (socket #4, error 99: Cannot assign requested address)! map-msg_log.log -> (08/23/2018 14:56:26) [ Error ] : make_listen_bind: bind failed (socket #6, error 99: Cannot assign requested address)! So I tried to make all the possible combinations and exclusions with every type of IP in my possession (public, lan, localhost, sub.domain, etc) both on the "bind_ip" parameter and on the rest of the parameters concerning the ips, but the error persists!
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