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Everything posted by rayn

  1. Hoping for an answer..
  2. Bump? Does anyone know?
  3. Sounds like a bug to me. I'll report it and see what the devs say...
  4. Using revisions 17528. Client not diffed with any 'Extended Chat Box' options. When entering a long text with a long player name: [Warning]: clif_GlobalMessage: Truncating too long message 'playerX : helllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' (len=95). Short player names do not throw this warning.
  5. Do these options currently do anything: //=================================== // Addon system //=================================== // Character moving // NOTE: Requires client 2011-09-28aragexeRE or newer. // Allows users to move their characters between slots. // Default: yes char_move_enabled: yes // Allow users to move a character to a used slot? // If enabled the characters are exchanged. // Default: yes char_movetoused: yes // Allow users to move characters as often as they like? char_moves_unlimited: no If so - I cannot for the life of me figure out how to move a character across slots.
  6. The encryption within GRF Editor will work perfectly fine, but you're probably having compatibility issues from the client (caused by the protection used on the DLL; only a few version of clients will be able to use this encryption system). There's also a bug that will make it impossible to patch with the current patchers (such as Thor Patcher). So for now, I simply wouldn't use the encryption feature. I'm going to fix this so that it works for any client, but that's going to be in a couple months when I'm not as busy as I am right now. Basically : do not encrypt your files with GRF Editor. I also have tested GRF Encryption. It does not work with mid-2013 clients. Looking forward for a fix!
  7. Not sure if this is a server-side or client-side issue. / help is being displayed every time on successful log in. How can I remove/suppress this?
  8. Newer clients (client June 12 2013 and later) does not log in properly when using a loader and <hideaccountlist /> in clientinfo.xml. Does anyone know why, or a workaround? I would like to hide the account list and have players select just the server. Thank you.
  9. Using newer 2013 client versions, I see two clickable options in the new Item window. The first is 'Drop Lock On/Off' (I renamed to 'Prevent Drop'). The second shows up as 'Item Cmpar'. Does anyone know what this is? I also could not find this string anywhere to change it.
  10. I started testing revisions 17528+ (now on 17539). Map server errors: [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 170 of "db/re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 2959, skipping. [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 177 of "db/re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 2986, skipping. [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 178 of "db/re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 2986, skipping. [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 179 of "db/re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 2987, skipping. [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 229 of "db/re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 15088, skipping. [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 230 of "db/re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 15088, skipping. [Warning]: itemdb_read_noequip: Invalid item id 12600. [Error]: sv_readdb: Could not process contents of line 61 of "db/re/item_noequip.txt". [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 2471 [Error]: npc_parse_mob: Unknown mob ID 2409 (file 'npc/re/mobs/towns.txt', line '31'). [Error]: npc_parse_mob: Unknown mob ID 2409 (file 'npc/re/mobs/towns.txt', line '32'). [Error]: npc_parse_mob: Unknown mob ID 2410 (file 'npc/re/mobs/towns.txt', line '33'). [Error]: npc_parse_mob: Unknown mob ID 2410 (file 'npc/re/mobs/towns.txt', line '34'). [Error]: npc_parse_mob: Unknown mob ID 2411 (file 'npc/re/mobs/towns.txt', line '35'). [Error]: npc_parse_mob: Unknown mob ID 2411 (file 'npc/re/mobs/towns.txt', line '36'). Posting just in case devs aren't aware of these database issues. (Likely to be work-in-progress db entries).
  11. When you say "You can also embed the file as BITMAP resource with the name BGSKIN" do you mean using Resource Hacker, or using /embed parameter? Can you give an example of how to embed a bgskin and buttons? Update: Figured out it is updating via Resource Hacker, and it is working. Is there any way to embed the buttons too? PS: the 'focus' state of buttons do not work. You have to click to get it to focus - mouse over does not focus it.
  12. Perhaps I've been away for too long... I thought rAthena is automatically Renewal... no? If not, how do I go about enabling it? Thank you. Update: Yep... Renewal is on. renewal.h: #define RENEWAL Okay. I am an idiot. I am using database for items, not text files. Adding the items to item_cash_db is the solution.
  13. No, I am not. Using regular ragnarok.exe, hexed, client dated 6-22-2013
  14. Yes, restarted many times. No change.
  15. Testing official cash shop: Trunk 17528, ragexe (not renewal) client June 22 2013, packet version 39 I added test item in db/re/item_cash_db.txt (for example: 7,13696,5) Reloaded map server, but item does not appear in the cash shop button 'Other' area. Also tried adding it to: db/re/item_cash_db2.txt db/item_cash_db.txt db/item_cash_db2.txt but still no go: [status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'item_cash_db'. [status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'item_cash_db2'. Am I missing something?
  16. Disable Quake Skill effect causes crash on 5/29 client.
  17. http://rathena.org/board/topic/83325-new-ragexe-clients-not-saving-optioninfo-correctly/ I reported the same issue. I've tested all clients from 2013-03-29 to the most recent. Clean rA compile and install. Everything else seems to be okay. Using latest translation files, renamed to .lub.
  18. Even when deleting from System folder, error persists. Savedata folder is read last. The problem is the format of the OptionInfo file in SaveData. Not sure why the client client is writing this file in the wrong format. Could it be a diff option?
  19. Sorry for the typo. My OptionInfo.lua is in SaveData folder. I do not have another OptionInfo.lua anywhere else, but I do have an OptionInfo.lub in the system folder (which is in the CmdOnOffList = { } OptionInfoList = { } format)
  20. Hi Shakto. Thanks for the reply. Even with your OptionInfo.lua, I get SaveDate\OptionInfo - [string "buf"]:1: attempt to index global 'CmdOnOffList' (a nil value) Seems like the client is expecting arrays this format: CmdOnOffList = { } OptionInfoList = { } not enumerations of CmdOnOffList[] and OptionInfoList[] (why does that even matter?) I'm lost. Any other ideas?
  21. I am testing new clients from March to June 2013. It seems like OpenSetup and the original Setup program does not affect the new clients. Changed made with these setup programs affect older clients. Also, newer clients require OptionInfo to be in this format: CmdOnOffList = { ["/battlemode"] = 0, ["/notrade"] = 0, ["/noshift"] = 0, ["/noctrl"] = 1, ["/skillfail"] = 1, ["/notalkmsg"] = 0, ["/notalkmsg2"] = 0, ["/showname"] = 1, ["/fog"] = 1, ["/aura"] = 1, ["/window"] = 0, ["/miss"] = 1, ["/q1"] = 0, ["/q2"] = 0, ["/effect"] = 1, ["/bgm"] = 1, ["/sound"] = 1, ["/loginout"] = 1, ["/shopping"] = 1, ["/stateinfo"] = 1, ["/snap"] = 0, ["/itemsnap"] = 0, ["/skillsnap"] = 1, ["/hoai"] = 0, ["/merai"] = 0, ["/camera"] = 0, ["/btg"] = 1, ["/lightmap"] = 1 } OptionInfoList = { Window_XPos = -1, Window_YPos = -1, Trilinear = 0, Bgm_Volume = 100, Effect_Volume = 100, AutoOpen1to1Window = 1, AutoOpen1to1Window_Friend = 1, PlaySound_Open1to1Window = 1, Simplicity_SkillList = 0, Show_SkillDescript = 0, ChangeChatMode = 1, LockMouse = 0, ChannelCopID = 0, Outdoor_ViewLatitude = -45, Outdoor_ViewDistance = 400, Indoor_ViewLatitude = -45, Indoor_ViewDistance = 300, SkinName = "<Basic Skin>", MouseExclusive = 1 } However, the game client saves in the following incorrect format: CmdOnOffList["/notrade"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/noshift"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/noctrl"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/skillfail"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg2"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/showname"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/fog"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/aura"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/window"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/miss"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/q1"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/q2"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/effect"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/bgm"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/sound"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/loginout"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/shopping"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/stateinfo"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/snap"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/itemsnap"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/skillsnap"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/hoai"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/merai"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/camera"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/lightmap"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/monsterhp"] = 1 OptionInfoList["Trilinear"] = 0 OptionInfoList["Bgm_Volume"] = 100 OptionInfoList["Effect_Volume"] = 100 OptionInfoList["AutoOpen1to1Window"] = 1 OptionInfoList["AutoOpen1to1Window_Friend"] = 1 OptionInfoList["PlaySound_Open1to1Window"] = 1 OptionInfoList["Outdoor_ViewLatitude"] = -45.000000 OptionInfoList["Outdoor_ViewDistance"] = 300.000000 OptionInfoList["Indoor_ViewLatitude"] = -45.000000 OptionInfoList["Indoor_ViewDistance"] = 300.000000 OptionInfoList["SkinName"] = "<Basic Skin>" OptionInfoList["ChannelCopID"] = 0 OptionInfoList["Window_XPos"] = 640 OptionInfoList["Window_YPos"] = 360 OptionInfoList["Simplicity_SkillList"] = 0 OptionInfoList["Show_SkillDescript"] = 0 OptionInfoList["ChangeChatMode"] = 1 OptionInfoList["LockMouse"] = 0 OptionInfoList["ShowBattleFieldIcon"] = 1 OptionInfoList["MouseExclusive"] = 1 OptionInfoList["ISFULLSCREENMODE"] = 0 OptionInfoList["WIDTH"] = 640 OptionInfoList["HEIGHT"] = 480 OptionInfoList["BITPERPIXEL"] = 16 OptionInfoList["DEVICECNT"] = 0 OptionInfoList["MODECNT"] = 0 OptionInfoList["SPRITEMODE"] = 2 OptionInfoList["TEXTUREMODE"] = 2 OptionInfoList["bLockItemDropFromItemWnd"] = 0 This leads to the following error on every startup: SaveDate\OptionInfo - [string "buf"]:1: attempt to index global 'CmdOnOffList' (a nil value) Of course, I can save the correct format as a lub file (and the incorrect settings would be saved as a lua file on client exit), but then no settings would be saved. Any ideas how to fix?
  22. I agree with the persons who suggested we get 3rd Class and Renewal mechanics working as soon as possible. They've only been released 3 years ago. Without this, interest in RO will continue to drop; there simply isn't enough new content to keep players interested.
  23. What is the status of 3rd jobs classes, skills, and Rewewal mechanics in rA? Sorry if it is in another subsection - I couldn't find detail information.
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