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Everything posted by rayn

  1. Make sure your item_info file references the correct resource file for those items.
  2. Nearly everything you need is here: https://rathena.org/board/topic/82726-2013-ragexe-and-diff-up-to-date-2013-08-07/ And here: https://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/ From these two, along with official updated kRO installation, you can create a very stable client.
  3. I'm using december 17 4d5fc9604cea533f7d927dd41526bbbad3c800b2 revision. For the most part, it's been very stable. I would recommend updating to client 2013-08-7a. There's no reason to use such an old client any more.
  4. rayn


    xdiff files are simple XML files. However, you save the file directly and not open it. If you open it then save it, you might be messing up the newline characters of the file which might affect your ability to use the xdiff file.
  5. rayn


    Make sure you're using the latest version of xdiffpatcher, and make sure you are applying the diff to an undiffed executable.
  6. As a test, what happens if you have a NPC: changelook 4096, 1535;
  7. It shouldn't be a problem, but you can set AUTO_INCREMENT=150000 for the table in MySQL.
  8. If you're not using item_avail to 'clone' items, then make sure your costume item ID has the proper view set, and the sprite resource is listed in item_info.
  9. rAthena cannot connect to your log database. Either you didn't create it, or the login credentials are incorrect.
  10. It's UNIX/Windows linebreak differences (\r vs \n\r). Open in Wordpad instead and save it as text format.
  11. Look in /conf/channels.conf
  12. Anyone know how to remove the Bank button from the user interface in recent Renewal clients? I know you can remove other buttons through hex editing, but the string for Bank doesnt appear to be identified yet.
  13. Diff the client to restore login window, or use an RO loader.
  14. Hmm.. anyone? This would be a great feature. Perhaps "message" script command can be modified to accept input from a NPC instead of just players.
  15. That doesnt has a built-in patcher.
  16. Just checking in to see the current state of patchers. Do any patchers support the new login system so that a separate launcher isnt necessary? (support for replay and transparent background would be nice too, if such a patcher exist)
  17. Yes, I completely agree with the above. I started of on eA (but didnt want to mention names). What I have noticed with rA is that sometimes, commits are incomplete. A commit might contain a portion of an update, for example, and then it might take a few more commits to complete that feature. It would be great if some commits are tagged as 'This is a safe revision to use on live servers! It consists only of bug fixes, and there are no additional changes that shoudn't be used on a live server. And as far as we know, all previous crash bugs are resolved.' Yes - I dislike GIT too. SVN was great and did a sufficient job, in my opinion.
  18. So, as a long time user of RO emulators, and having been on rAthena for about a year - it seems that every time I update to the latest revisions, I get really, really anxious. The reason for that is because my last few updates, unfortunately, have always been to revisions that had crash bugs. I find that I spend a lot more time on update reversion when planning my updates, as it was necessary for me to do so. Not a criticism or anything. Just wanted to see if anyone else feels the same way. I feel like I should take a valium every time I update. On a previous emulator, they had a forum thread for 'safe revisions' to implement on live servers. Perhaps we should have something similar here?
  19. Anyone know if it is possible to have a script talk to a #channel? Something similar to 'message' script command but instead of targeting a char name, it goes to #main, for example. This way, players can filter out these messages if they leave the channel.
  20. Also, don't trust the rare item announce. It isn't accurate (see my bug report on that).
  21. Not sure if this is official behavior: Attacking Noxious (Ghost 3 property) with Holy element (100% to Ghost 3) - Priest class player with 130 stats as a test. Does 1 damage. It's not a FLEE/HIT issue (same thing even with 2000 HIT). Is this official behavior, or an error?
  22. I wonder if anyone can do what was done here (with Hercules) but for rA: http://hercules.ws/board/topic/3187-homunculus-ai-improvement/ What is the range for homunculus ids? (not type ids, but mob ids - seems like that's the only information needed to make things work)
  23. rayn

    Rank System

    Does anyone know if the ranking system (/taekwon, /blacksmith, /alchemist) still exist? It's not returning anything for me. Using latest GIT and 2013-07-03 client.
  24. Can anyone upload a msgstringtable from 2013-07-03? The newer formats are different. I think client version 2013-07-03 will crash on vending using anything but a msgstringtable from that time. Thanks.
  25. Is it possible to reload the cash shop items/prices without restarting the server?
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