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Everything posted by Haziel

  1. Haziel

    About maps

    On npc/mapflag/gvg.txt and it's counterparts on npc/re and npc/pre-re.
  2. Did you configure your inter_athena correctly? Look if there isn't a empty field.
  3. Can you post a Screenshot? Usually the error states what Table is missing.
  4. Can you post your code fragment so we can figure it out?
  5. Usually, It's a modification you need to do on your Control Panel/Website, since there's where the Accounts get their initial Group IDs.
  6. On doc/script_commands.txt: *getareausers("<map name>",<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>) This function will return the count of connected characters which are located within the specified area - an x1/y1-x2/y2 square on the specified map. This is useful for maps that are split into many buildings, such as all the "*_in" maps, due to all the shops and houses. You can use that function to check if there's players, then, configure various points of spawn for your NPC, so, the players can be out of the OnTouch area, then, the NPC can walk and knock the players.
  7. On doc/script_commands.txt: *pushpc <direction>,<cells>; This command will push the currently attached player to given direction by given amount of square cells. Direction is the same as used when declaring NPCs, and can be specified by using one of the DIR_* constants (db/const.txt). The knock-back is not restricted by items or map flags, only obstacles are taken into account. If there is not enough space to perform the push (e.g. due to a wall), the character is pushed only up to the obstacle. // pushes the character 5 cells in 3 o'clock direction from its // current position. pushpc DIR_EAST, 5;
  8. Thank you for your sweet feedback. By the way, added a whole lot of stuff.
  9. The problem (at least what is giving you the error) is on the: autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM",100; }",5,5000,BF_WEAPON; You just put quotes inside quotes, canceling them, must be: autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,\"WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM\",100; }",5,5000,BF_WEAPON; But, I guess there's more wrong things on your code. Test it.
  10. I suppose you already know how to get a monster GID, so, you can try to use this method for specific monsters after it's summoned.
  11. Don't mention it. Glad you made it.
  12. How to identify your custom items? There is a ID Range or a ID List?
  13. Monsters have no set MATK, if it is ever used (by skills, for example) it uses the MATK Formula, which depends if you're on Renewal or Pre-Renewal. So, basically, for MATK, only INT is necessary. Monsters also, have no set HIT, which is calculated by it's own formula, which also depends on if you're on Pre or Renewal, but, usually, DEX and BaseLevel are the catalysts. By the way, monsters DO have preset ATK, min and max, but it's directly affected by it's own Strength. On doc/mob_db.txt lays a brief explanation of each stats purpose. STR: Strength of the monster. Affects ATK. AGI: Agility of the monster. Affects FLEE. VIT: Vitality of the monster. Adds additional DEF. INT: Intelligence of the monster. Adds additional MATK. DEX: Dexterity of the monster. Affects HIT rate. LUK: Luck of the monster. Affects Perfect dodge/Lucky flee/Perfect flee/Lucky dodge rate.
  14. You mean a extractor? Well, as far as I know, .zip can be read by Mac users.] But, WinRar also generates auto-extractor .exes. If you still want to create an Installer, you can try using Install Creator, from ClickTeam.
  15. Couldn't understand because of the edits, but, your problem persists?
  16. It's just an erros of your syntax. Look: logmes ""se premiado a " + strcharinfo(0) + " por " +.@razon$+" con " +.@cantidad+" "+getitemname(.@id),"; You opened the quotes twice. Try: logmes "Se premiado a " + strcharinfo(0) + " por " +.@razon$+" con " +.@cantidad+" "+getitemname(.@id);
  17. It also depends on the level of customization you have on your current source, but, my advice is to do it step by step so you know what is being modified and why.
  18. You can basically make functions to do these calculations, since you have the proper values and proper formulas to do so. Basic values can be gathered by the monster data, and, If you're manipulating a unit, you probably have the value added. I'm not telling the suggestion isn't valid, but, well, it can be handle with the current tools.
  19. Take a look here. Google is your friend.
  20. Save? You mean, like a log? If yes: See your doc/script_commands: *logmes "<message>"; This command will write the message given to the map server NPC log file, as specified in 'conf/log_athena.conf'. In the TXT version of the server, the log file is 'log/npclog.log' by default. In the SQL version, if SQL logging is enabled, the message will go to the 'npclog' table, otherwise, it will go to the same log file. If logs are not enabled, nothing will happen.
  21. No, depending on client date, the Client Files to edit changes. With the client you mentioned, you must, instead of: idnum2desctable.txt idnum2resnametable.txt idnum2displaynametable.txt itemslotcounttable.txt Edit the System/iteminfo.lub, which handle all information previously set on the files above, but, no more.
  22. Use GRF Editor, it'll show you the correct names and will convert it automatically. Also, you can download Unbollox, wich converts from Korean to Ascii and viceversa.
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