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Posts posted by hendra814

  1. 3 hours ago, eduardoxmenezes said:

    Thank you, Yes, it's solved now. I also managed by combining files from grf & Translation Project. I found that for example Feint Bomb is maxed to 10 levels, although still listed as max 3 level on Translation. Have fun!

    @hendra814, check my post: 


    what did you do in step 4 and 6 ?

    could you detail it?

    i'm still using zack translation files, because i'm not found any translation files for 2020 client and newer.

    is client suppose to use read grf instead of read data folder first?

  2. Why using 20200401 all npc, warp point and monster not appear.



    here my diff option


    2 Chat Flood Allow
    6 Force Send Client Hash Packet
    8 Custom Window Title
    9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended)
    268 Restore chat focus
    270 Change AchievementList*.lub path
    271 Change MonsterSizeEffect*.lub path
    272 Change Towninfo*.lub path
    16 Disable Swear Filter
    273 Change PetEvolutionCln*.lub path
    274 Change Tipbox*.lub path
    275 Change CheckAttendance*.lub path
    19 Enable Title Bar Menu
    276 Change OngoingQuestInfoList*.lub path
    277 Change RecommendedQuestInfoList*.lub path
    278 Change PrivateAirplane*.lub path
    23 Enable /who command (Recommended)
    24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended)
    28 Increase Headgear ViewID
    290 Hide build info in client (Recommended)
    34 Enable /showname (Recommended)
    291 Hide packets from peek (Recommended)
    35 Read Data Folder First
    36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended)
    38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended)
    39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended)
    41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended)
    43 Always Use Email for Char Deletion
    44 Translate Client (Recommended)
    46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended)
    47 Use Ragnarok Icon
    48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended)
    49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended)
    51 Always Show License Screen
    53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended)
    317 Ignore Quest Errors
    64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended)
    65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended)
    71 Ignore Resource Errors
    72 Ignore Missing Palette Error
    73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)
    76 Enforce Official Login Background
    84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended)
    86 Only First Login Background
    88 Allow space in guild name
    90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended)
    91 Disconnect to Login Window
    101 Skip Friend list Cheat Check
    102 Skip Guild Member Cheat Check
    115 Enable Effect for all Maps [Experimental]
    212 Restore Roulette
    213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended)
    214 Restore Model Culling
    215 Increase Map Quality
    230 Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file
    231 Remove hardcoded address/port (Recommended)
    232 Restore old login packet (Recommended)
    234 Ignore Lua Errors
    244 Disable Cheat Defender Game Guard (Recommended)
    246 Increase hair style limit in game
    248 Remove wrong chars from cash shop
    249 Change minimal screen resolution limit
    256 Use Default Web Browser In Cashshop


    Is this problem related to translation client files?

    because i'm still using zack translation files. But my KRO using lastest update.

    Is there any new translation project support for 2020 client?

  3. 19 minutes ago, andana said:

    saya online dan saya gak pake client ROFL ini client saya sendiri yang saya pake itu client kro saya ambil data.grf nya setelah kro nya saya update baru saya ambil dan saya masukan ke client Rolove saya tapi sering muncul box error

    Saran saya ambl semua file dari KROnya, jadi cemplungin client Rolove kamu di folder KRO saat menjalankan gamenya

  4. 2 hours ago, michaelsoftman said:

    So I'm attempting to patch the 2018-06-20eRagexeRE client with the latest version of Nemo.  After patching, the client won't open on startup.  I've read other topics around the forums, and it seems like it's required to have the patch SelectKoreaClientInfo().  However, this patch doesn't work in Nemo at all. Selecting it will always return a Failed in step 2c - found wrong offset for iteration no.0 error.

    Is there a way to get this working?  I see other forum topics where members have applied this patch somehow.  Or is it not actually needed, and my issue is actually something else?

    try using this option

    2018 diff.log

  5. 6 hours ago, rolandiex said:

    check if that table exists in your SQL DB, or if it is updated to your emulator.


    in your inter_server.yml change  Table: "storage_char_9?" <<<<<<<<  to Table: "storage_char_9"

        - ID: 19
          Name: "Storage"
          Table: "storage_char_9?" <<<<<<<<  to Table: "storage_char_9"
          Max: 300

    charstore.txt 25.57 kB · 0 downloads import - inter_server.yml 2.16 kB · 0 downloads


    Thanks, the problem already solve

  6. Quote
    -	script	DoubleEXP	-1,{
    	announce "Double Experience Begin!",bc_blue|bc_all;
    	set .br,getbattleflag("base_exp_rate")*2;
    	set .jr,getbattleflag("job_exp_rate")*2;
    	atcommand "@reloadmobdb";
    	announce "Double Experience already finish!",bc_blue|bc_all;
    	atcommand "@reloadbattleconf";
    	atcommand "@reloadmobdb";  



  7. 10 hours ago, domez86 said:

    hello, what does the value "3" mean?
    in ---> if (strcharinfo (3)

    Here the explanation


    0 - Character's name.
     1 - The name of the party they're in if any.
     2 - The name of the guild they're in if any.
     3 - The name of the map the character is in.


  8. 3 hours ago, Xenduria said:

    Looking for a shadow equipment refiner. 

    A few specifications if possible: 

    Have 2-3 different refining services - normal refine // Enhanced % chance // downgrade when failed attempt. 

    each of the services uses different item similar to: Oridecon > Enriched Oridecon > HD Oridecon. 

    Should have a zeny cost.

    If there is something already created out there that is similar i may be able to settle with that! Post them up ?

    Thanks in advanced guys and gals ❤️

    rathena already have that feature try look at npc\re\merchants\shadow refiner.txt

    • Upvote 1
  9. On 9/27/2019 at 4:55 PM, mathlister said:

    please Help me!

    script is ok!

    but when i click on ( BUY ITEM )

    its Show error... 




    Please check your database, are the item already have in your database

    universal catalog gold item ID 12571

    Unlimited fly wing item ID 17229

    HP Pill item ID 12274

    SP PIll item ID 12275

    Authoritative Badge item ID 622

    Unlimited concentration item ID 17226

    Unlimited Awakening Item ID 17227

    Unlimited Berserk item ID 17228

    Unlimited Giant Fly Wing item ID 17314

  10. 3 hours ago, Gladius said:

    use < "+strcharinfo(0)+" > in command ?

    		atcommand "@repairall "+strcharinfo(0)+"'";
    		atcommand "@identifyall "+strcharinfo(0)+"'";


    if you do not use, you can from the error in some situations.

    nope, my script not use < "+strcharinfo(0)+" >

    and it's working 


    But this only for identification, to get free identification must doing quest.

    • Upvote 2
  11. 45 minutes ago, caspa said:

    it doesnt rotate


    the waitingroom dont rotate.. you need to click the npc first before the waitingroom change... 

    quiz_02,287,265,4	script	Ultimate PvP Warper	417,{
    	if (.pvp_square$=="") donpcevent "Ultimate PVP warper::OnClock0000";
    	mes "[PvP Warper]";
    	mes "Which arena do you want to join?";
    	switch(select("All Job                 ["+getmapusers(.pvp_square$)+"/128]:Max lvl 99            ["+getmapusers("pvp_y_2-2")+"/128]:3rd Baby Class ["+getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2")+"/128]")) {
    	case 1:	// PVP Square
    		if (getmapusers(.pvp_square$) > 127) callsub S_full;
    		warp .pvp_square$,0,0;
    		announce "Player "+strcharinfo(0)+" join arena PVP All Job !!",bc_all;
    	case 2:	// PVP Low Level
    		if (getmapusers("pvp_y_2-2") > 127) callsub S_full;
    		if (BaseLevel > 99) { // Edit 150 to any maximum Lvl of a player can enter this room
    			mes "Only for level 1 - 99";
    		warp "pvp_y_2-2",0,0;
    		announce "Player "+strcharinfo(0)+" join arena PVP Max lvl 99 !!",bc_all;
    	Case 3: // Baby Class
    		if (getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2") > 127) callsub S_full;
    		if (class < 4096 || class > 4112) goto L_NotBaby;
    		warp "pvp_y_1-2",0,0;
    		announce "Player "+strcharinfo(0)+" join arena PVP 3rd Baby Class !!",bc_all;
    		mes "This room only for 3rd baby class";
    		mes "Sorry, The arena already full. Please wait...";
    	switch(rand(1,3)) {
    Case 1:
    	waitingroom getmapusers(.pvp_square$)+" player"+( getmapusers(.pvp_square$) > 1 ? "s":"") +" in arena All Job", 0;
    	goto Timer;
    Case 2:
    	waitingroom getmapusers("pvp_y_2-2")+" player"+( getmapusers("pvp_y_2-2") > 1 ? "s":"") +" in arena Max lvl 99", 0;	
    	goto Timer;
    Case 3:
    	waitingroom getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2")+" player"+( getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2") > 1 ? "s":"") +" in arena 3rd Baby Class", 0;	
    	goto Timer;
    	// set the "PVP Square" map, based on day of the weeek
    	switch(gettime(4)) {
    	case 0:	// Sunday
    	case 1:	// Monday
    		set .pvp_square$, "pvp_y_7-2";
    	case 2:	// Tuesday
    	case 3:	// Wednesday
    		set .pvp_square$, "guild_vs3";
    	case 4:	// Thursday
    	case 5:	// Friday
    		set .pvp_square$, "pvp_y_7-2";
    	case 6:	// Saturday
    		set .pvp_square$, "guild_vs3";


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